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    Use "pensioner" in a sentence

    pensioner example sentences


    1. "Yeah," I agreed, "but I'm not an old age pensioner, am I? I mean look at you

    2. When the radio station went on air to broadcast the news that an old aged pensioner, dressed as Spiderman, had climbed to the top of their radio mast, the electrical current it generated had the desired effect

    3. Later at the hospital, the doctors told me it was just as well Uncle Hobart was an old aged pensioner, as cooked testicles are definitely a no-no as far as conception is concerned!

    4. Gareth thought she was probably a pensioner herself and it was in her interest that the shop did well to make money for ‘the olds’

    5. The two policemen had already had an altercation with a belligerent pensioner

    6. He and Ellen had only seen it of a Christmas time when they had bought him some bits and pieces for the season, knowing that he was a pensioner

    7. "Man! You should have seen that son-of-a-bitch blow," cried a white haired pensioner waving an old briar pipe

    8. "Ah, the cop didn't see it," insisted the pensioner

    9. He just cowered, and let the pensioner stroke his matted fur

    10. But she was fucked if she was going to take this shit from an ugly pensioner with eyes like a fucking raccoon, especially when he reminded her of this creepy caretaker at school who was always trying to convince her to accompany her to the school bike-sheds to “check her tyre pressures”

    11. Gerald, wasting his days as a pensioner

    12. “Ralph feels our father’ s humiliation – a knight reduced to the status of a pensioner of the priory

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    Synonyms for "pensioner"

    pensionary pensioner old person senior citizen person receiving a pension retiree

    "pensioner" definitions

    the beneficiary of a pension fund