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    Use "possibly" in a sentence

    possibly example sentences


    1. "I can't think of when I could have possibly been in a place where aluminum could have been rolling around loose

    2. He wondered how long he could possibly spin this one out

    3. He couldn’t possibly have that many comic books

    4. "I'm sorry but a businessman with his connections might possibly be able to handle four tons of aluminum

    5. What more can you possibly want to buy, the remaining land in Gengee?"

    6. I don't think he saw it more than once or possibly twice

    7. it had been unbelievably wonderful after so many years of not daring to believe we could possibly have a future together

    8. "Why? It can't possibly matter any more," Ava said

    9. It must have taken several days at the very least to prepare everything, possibly longer

    10. Possibly with the company website and logo underneath

    11. ‘Stephen, don’t be absurd! I couldn’t possibly move into your house

    12. Now, I’m not going to force you to take up the offer, but at least come and have a look at what’s being proposed … and possibly make it up with Stephen?’

    13. Most of the teacher, except for John and Russ, gaze up with vacuous eyes and gaping expressions, giving one the impression that they could possibly be drugged mental patients who have wandered off from an institution

    14. How could she have possibly been left alone unattended all this time? All the crystal would have decayed ages ago

    15. “A nightmare possibly, but

    16. This individual was possibly off radar as a result of internecine strife within the C-Block or for falling foul of any one of the various killer whales that this particular little fish may have been sharing the pond with

    17. Could I possibly be of interest to those who were working under my

    18. But how could a high meth-head possibly have done this to her? Suddenly they were surrounded

    19. The smoothness of his transition depended on her getting as much right as she possibly could

    20. I forgave everyone I possibly could, gave back everything that did not

    21. She couldn't possibly, rationally blame this on him, he thought, but she was

    22. This new life was going to be far more complicated than I could possibly imagine

    23. given to women in both the church and the home could not possibly be filled by men

    24. As for the other two, I could not recall the specifics of their abduction, but guessed that Aban Ganji was probably Persian and quite possibly one of the two television men taken over the summer

    25. It was, especially for a seasoned reporter, quite possibly one of the dumbest questions that could be asked

    26. possibly created these circumstances, unaware that we never

    27. The food and, possibly, the company had perked him up; he looked a lot better now, Kara decided

    28. The disciples are once again not able to conceive how Jesus could possibly do such a thing

    29. Are you willing for the potential word that will shake and challenge your beliefs? Are you willing to possibly have to change?

    30. This is possibly the most crucial doctrine of the faith because upon it rests every word and the definition of those words

    31. The sweep found over two hundred humans, the software got hits on seven females as possibly being one of the women Alan was with

    32. It was whilst sitting on the possibly Roman stone that the first of the messenger birds found her

    33. If he had taken a few minutes to think like a mature adult at any point along this descent into fantasy he would have realized that this could never possibly work out for him

    34. He got to his knees and bellowed, "DESA!" as loud as he possibly could thru his cupped hands

    35. " He could see that she couldn't understand how someone could possibly know so little about leese

    36. for only two could possibly do the job

    37. They argue that He might have possibly sinned if He had sin nature

    38. If we are not willing to take risks that will possibly result in such moments as that – to learn our shortcomings and repent of them – then what possibility is there for us attaining to that glorious City?

    39. On the other hand, if I sit in studying every evening, this could be considered painful while I’m doing it, however in the long term I will have gained skills and knowledge and I could possibly go on and gain better employment

    40. could possibly be with colliding with each other

    41. modified diet presence of antioxidants in the diet, and, possibly, the

    42. could, possibly, shift the foundations of a country

    43. "But we are helpless against a possibly hostile invader

    44. Pull your legs as high off the floor as you possibly can by

    45. possibly can, pressing into the ground with your clenched fists

    46. Practice this exercise at any time of the day you possibly can and incidentally, if you have round shoulders it will greatly improve this condition

    47. What can I say to him? What can I possibly say?

    48. We have all the food we could possibly want

    49. Why not try one of the dark honeys, brown as a nut, with the strong and heady sweetness of sunshine? Why not try one of the mild, creamy white honeys, thick and subtle flavoured? There is such a bewildering variety of honeys from all over the world that I could not possibly name them all, but perhaps the most delectable of all, though it is a matter of personal preference, are the clover honeys, smooth and mellow as butterscotch, and with an unforgettable bouquet, and the dark-toned, exotic honeys of the Caribbean

    50. Cyberia was quite possibly the most haughty, proud and conceited young lady to have ever shopped and lunched in the fabulously gold plated arcades and streets of London Town

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    Synonyms for "possibly"

    maybe mayhap peradventure perchance perhaps possibly probably doubtless likely

    "possibly" definitions

    by chance

    to a degree possible of achievement or by possible means