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    Use "restive" in a sentence

    restive example sentences


    1. " His eyes twinkled, "Nevertheless the crowd does seems to becoming more restive and doubtless they're not just bending down to pick up daises from the cobbles

    2. My audience seemed a little less restive now

    3. Sixty-five years later, in AD 135, they tried it again scaring the Roman Caesar badly with their temporary successes that had spread widely among other restive provinces

    4. 2 The apostles were somewhat restless under the restrictions imposed by Jesus, and John, the youngest of the twelve, was especially restive under this restraint

    5. He subsequently drove north on I-95 feeling in a restive mood, envisioning her gorgeous, body naked, and next to his

    6. The crowd was getting restive; the police increasingly worried

    7. Our senses are compared to restive horses, and they

    8. The thought that there are people at this moment sitting under palm-trees or in the shadow of pyramids fanning themselves with their handkerchiefs while I am in my clammy room--the house gets clammy, I find, in persistent wet weather--not liking to light a lamp because it is only three o'clock, and yet hardly able to see because of the streaming panes and driving mist, the thought of these happy people makes me restive

    9. She will eat potatoes and cabbages and anything else that the garden produces with serenity, but grows restive over meat; and a leg of mutton made her miserable yesterday, for nothing would make her believe that if I had been here alone it wouldn't have been a cutlet

    10. "And I'd rather have weeds than gravel," she wrote at the beginning of this process when she was still restive under the roller, "for they at least are green

    11. He was very restive

    12. Elder 2: The youth are restive

    13. Now that she was well she was getting restive

    14. The world should be subdued as the restive stallion should be subdued, with respect and admiration for its free spirit

    15. And, take note, that all my life she held a document over me, the IOU for thirty thousand roubles, so if I were to elect to be restive about anything I should be trapped at once! And she would have done it! Women find nothing incompatible in that

    16. The attentive, quiet children, the loud, proud, restive base of the streets, The low hoarse purr of the whirling stone, the light-press'd blade,

    17. "In truth," replied he on the mare, "I would not pass you so hastily but for fear that horse might turn restive in the company of my mare

    18. While their doing so was all to the good in itself, some of them were growing restive and hard to manage

    19. Driving was out of the question, because one of the horses was restive, and bolted in the shafts

    20. To the carriage, instead of the restive Raven, they had harnessed, thanks to the representations of Marya Philimonovna, the bailiff’s horse, Brownie, and Darya

    21. Yet the impromptu infernos Gian’ Battista mounted on holidays gave the restive Italians and Irish and Germans and Jews something in common--at least while they lasted

    22. Butterwell and Frey were missing too, though Butterwell’s wife was still in her seat, looking bored and restive

    23. In the fourth year he came to an inn where the landlord would not take him in, and refused even to give him a place in his stables, lest the horses should be frightened and become restive

    24. As often happens, the horses of a convoy wagon became restive at the end of the bridge, and the whole crowd had to wait

    25. Rostov’s horse was also getting restive: it pawed the frozen ground, pricking its ears at the noise and looking at the lights

    26. He gave an angry thrust to his horse, which had grown restive under him, and plunged into the water, heading for the deepest part where the current was swift

    27. The heaven was a restive blue; not the pale scorched atmosphere of full day, nor the bloated, bruised black-purple of night, a-riot with sickly shining stars

    28. The crowd is restive in the presence of the impulses of paladins

    29. The heaven was a restive blue; not the pale scorched atmosphere of full day, nor the bloated, bruised black-purple of night, ariot with sickly shining stars

    30. For in the new dark, the restive herd of old men shambled forward, hearts hammering

    31. A half-million people moving over the country; a million more restive, ready to move; ten million more feeling the first nervousness

    32. In the distance, the Jesus-lovers watched their restive children

    33. She became restive, insisted upon her rights, and finally announced her positive intention of going to a certain ball

    34. Such remarks made Anne restive

    35. To the carriage, instead of the restive Raven, they had harnessed, thanks to the representations of Marya Philimonovna, the bailiff's horse, Brownie, and Darya Alexandrovna, delayed by anxiety over her own attire, came out and got in, dressed in a white muslin gown

    36. On the other hand, he began at times to be restive about "the most trifling matters," to the surprise of Yulia Mihailovna

    37. It is similar to that employed now in the menageries for taming restive horses and wild beasts

    38. Rostóv’s horse was also getting restive: it pawed the frozen ground, pricking its ears at the noise and looking at the lights

    39. By-and-by they noticed that something was making Maharaj restive; twice he swung his trunk as if trying to drive away that something, after which he quickened his pace, then he turned round once in his tracks and faced his unseen tormentor

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    Synonyms for "restive"

    restive edgy high-strung highly strung jittery jumpy nervy overstrung uptight obstinate unyielding refractory pigheaded unruly disobedient uneasy impatient nervous recalcitrant unquiet

    "restive" definitions

    being in a tense state

    impatient especially under restriction or delay