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    Use "riata" in a sentence

    riata example sentences


    1. In time both factions would serve in the “comitia centuriata,” the ancestral senate

    2. Of the assemblies that existed, the most important was the Comitia Centuriata, which

    3. The very poor, who could afford no arms, were not permitted to be part of the army, and had much less voting power in the Comitia Centuriata

    4. executive power was vested in two consuls, who were elected by the Comitia Centuriata every year

    5. may alter synaptic plasticity on striatal projection neurons (in concert with gluta-

    6. in the dorsal striatum and their synaptic relationships with motor corticostriatal afferents

    7. men, nucleus accumbens, and related striatal-like areas of the rat brain

    8. nigrostriatal, hypothalamic and extra-hypothalamic sites in the non-inbred CD-1 mouse strain

    9. sample of cocaine abusers (n ¼ 20) demonstrated lower striatal D2/3 receptor

    10. together, these studies suggest that the striatal dopamine system compensates for

    11. (2008) reported that lower striatal D2/3 availability was associated with more

    12. Ethanol acts to release striatal dopamine

    13. sure DA release not only in the striatum but also in a limited number of extrastriatal

    14. dependence was associated with a decrease in all three striatal subdivisions (15% in

    15. in striatal DA transmission, and suggest that sensitization may not be present in

    16. function, were associated with decreases in striatal DAT BP

    17. percent drug-free urine screens correlated with striatal activation; and treatment

    18. met(158) alleles of the COMT gene and ventral striatal activity to loss incentives

    19. striata having in common the remarkable character of fenestrated paries

    20. truncata, if not in the latter only, it may be proper to separate the genus and to withdraw from Porites the forementioned species, retaining to striata as specifically essential, the second member of the differential description

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