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    accords oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Is anyone paying attention to the Kyoto accords? How does one NOT

    2. This and the presence of the MIG23's certainly worried the South Africans but the invasion never happened as the peace accords was signed before a pre-emptive strike (the predictable South African response) could be launched

    3. Israel signed the Camp Davids peace accords, ending a long state of war with Egypt

    4. For Palestinians, the Camp David accords did little beyond promise to keep talking

    5. The Camp Davis Accords may have saved as many as 100,000 lives from future Mideast wars

    6. And shall shine more brightly than accords with the order of light

    7. This is very doubtful and accords too much with the Catholic superstition that Mary never had any other children except our Savior

    8. This observation accords well with metaphysical evidence The super

    9. one year7– which accords with observations from other cultures as long as

    10. that the printed page accords with expectations

    11. Oh, how that affords such the emotional fulfillment associated with original writing and the ego gratification that applause accords! And in spite of the media hype to the hilt, I'm not sure if all the writer-celebrities derive the emotional fulfillment associated with creative writing

    12. The payment of four sheep for the one stolen accords with

    13. This finding accords

    14. absence of such a mythical figure, we’re left to our own accords, and pursuit of Health and Happiness For All is the highest ideal

    15. Kubrick is expressing an idea here that accords with Sowell's[16]

    16. The Oslo Accords and the Camp David Summit were both trumpeted as great opportunities, and both ultimately failed

    17. For example Kissinger in Vietnam, Milosevic in the Bosnia Herzegovina talks at Dayton, Alastair Darling in the general financial meltdown of 2008; and of course all the US, Palestinian and Israeli negotiators in the disintegration of the Oslo Accords and the Camp David Summit

    18. To this sense of Arab self-righteousness to plunder, the Quran accords it the religious sanction through the verses of ‘Spoils of War’

    19. Thus, the body of the Quran in its instructional mode accords Islam a code of conduct sans philosophy of discourse

    20. Thus, while Islam gives its poor males a sense of invincibility within their homes, in spite of their vulnerability in the society around, it accords its privileged men the ‘license of levity’ for an unabated indulgence in the ways of the flesh

    21. where Menachem Begin stayed during the negotiations leading to the Camp David Accords

    22. “It accords with the square-cube

    23. elimination of error, is accomplished when each and every facet of one's life accords with this

    24. interpreted as a sign that it accords with oneness

    25. Finally, I will propose the basis of a philosophy that accords

    26. † After asserting that God created the substance as well as the form of the world by His living Word, he continues:—* This accords with a striking passage in the Ebionite Clementine Homilies, iii

    27. Nevertheless the Scripture accords with Nature most completely in its assertion of the law of Heredity

    28. He had not gone far, when out of a thicket on his right there seemed to come feeble cries as of some one in distress, and the instant he heard them he exclaimed, "Thanks be to heaven for the favour it accords me, that it so soon offers me an opportunity of fulfilling the obligation I have undertaken, and gathering the fruit of my ambition

    29. "Albogues," said Don Quixote, "are brass plates like candlesticks that struck against one another on the hollow side make a noise which, if not very pleasing or harmonious, is not disagreeable and accords very well with the rude notes of the bagpipe and tabor

    30. More, however, is made of appearances by this class of persons than by the others; for they throw in the good opinion of the gods, and will tell you of a shower of benefits which the heavens, as they say, rain upon the pious; and this accords with the testimony of the noble Hesiod and Homer, the first of whom says, that the gods make the oaks of the just--

    31. "Nay," said she, "do not smile; it ill accords with the expression of your countenance, and I am sure it does not spring from your heart

    32. It may be that the game has been partly suggested to him by Holroyd; but it accords with his character, too; and that is why it has been so successful

    33. However, it did have a definite end for the United States with the Paris Peace Accords, which were signed on January 27, 1973

    34. They’d have signed them too, only US President Bill Clinton didn’t want to miss a photo opportunity, so he invited them to sign the Oslo Accords in Washington

    35. The Oslo Accords were followed by a second agreement called ‘Oslo B’ and the Gaza–Jericho agreement

    36. 1993: Yitzhak Rabin signs the Oslo Accords with Yasser Arafat agreeing to pull out of the West Bank but in 1995 Rabin is assassinated by an Israeli opposed to any sort of deal with the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)

    37. It accords with the widely extended principle of specialisation, that the glands over a certain space of the sack should have become more highly developed than the remainder; and they would then have formed a breast, but at first without a nipple, as we see in the Ornithorhyncus, at the base of the mammalian series

    38. Forbes, Pictet, and Woodward (though all strongly opposed to such views as I maintain) admit its truth; and the rule strictly accords with the theory

    39. Thus, as it seems to me, the manner in which single species and whole groups of species become extinct accords well with the theory of natural selection

    40. This view accords admirably well with our theory

    41. But with organic beings the case is different, and the view above given accords with their natural arrangement in group under group; and no other explanation has ever been attempted

    42. To my mind it accords better with what we know of the laws impressed on matter by the Creator, that the production and extinction of the past and present inhabitants of the world should have been due to secondary causes, like those determining the birth and death of the individual

    43. In order to gain possession of power, and to retain it, one must have a love for it, and the love of power is incompatible with goodness; it accords with the opposite qualities of pride, duplicity, and cruelty

    44. Under these circumstances what ought I to do? I must either vote against every expedient which falls short of what I deem the most proper course, or assent to that which accords most with what I think right

    45. That interpretation is correct which best accords with the common sense and understanding of mankind

    46. No evidence of the existence of the bell is found in the records of the Abbey; and on the subject of its wanton removal, the sagacious engineer of the Northern Lights say, “It in no measure accords with the respect and veneration entertained by seamen of all classes for landmarks; more especially as there seems to be no difficulty in accounting for the disappearance of such an apparatus, unprotected, as it must have been, from the raging element of the sea

    47. As the British have always denied that they detained on board their ships of war American citizens, knowing them to be such, I send you the enclosed, as a public document of their own, to prove how illy such an assertion accords with their practice

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