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    Usar "allowing" en una oración

    allowing oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Worry, hate and fear are the main causes for not allowing us to have good health

    2. Water slowly, allowing the earth to get soaked

    3. If we apply ourselves to allowing these creatures to live in harmony with us, we can provide for both us and them a better life and one in which we do not immediately think of how bad they are etc

    4. Rain water harvesting, cleaning of small tanks before rainy season, closing of running taps, not allowing drawing of water directly from mains through electric motor, recycling water for WCs etc are some of the areas where we can generate awareness and guide others to act

    5. They had brought harm to the village for allowing Haques to carry on as he did

    6. “Now, I should have applied just enough that the liquid will bypass the lock’s structural integrity for a matter of moments, allowing me to bend it like rubber and open the door before the lock returns to a solid state,” Ackers thought out loud

    7. You can also bury the kitchen wastes into your garden allowing the worms a meal

    8. The same power that divided the waters of the Sea of Reeds allowing the

    9. She was allowing herself a pleasant evening

    10. Allowing for the unknowable and the agnostic, tolerating the conflict between

    11. We create the state of allowing when we release resistance

    12. I have primed Wiesse that we are expecting an extra incomer and assume, again from what you wrote, that it is someone with Errdian heritage – unless they are totally unsuitable, and I sincerely doubt you would be sending them across if that were the case, there will be no problem allowing him or her to stay

    13. you begin practicing the art of allowing and co-‐creating with

    14. Allowing the other pedestrians to pass, she paused, one hand on the post of the crossing for balance, and bent over fiddling with her shoe, her senses firing off warnings … she could smell danger

    15. ’ The gg snuffled at her face, allowing Kara to wipe away the tears surreptitiously

    16. It is now a training ground for agents going across, giving them somewhere to stay while they experience migraine effects and also allowing them to negotiate their way across country by train and bus

    17. To oppose the kingdom of darkness in a way that you are not protecting your life, but allowing a sense of fragility, you are a candidate for that first resurrection

    18. It is intended to be solely determined by our allowing ourselves to be gripped by the ethical God, who reveals Himself in us, and by our yielding our will to His

    19. It gives him a cautious look but seems to accept my assurance that all is well, allowing the man to stroke its head

    20. allowing the moment to pass with a slight

    21. The blonde snapped her fingers again and the cage disappeared in a puff of magician's smoke, allowing the two lovers to embrace for the very first time

    22. ”, allowing me time to take in my surroundings and have a tickle of the kitten, he began weaving and scratching his jingle-belled wand across the strings of this innocent looking triolin

    23. should be allowing them in on

    24. These are very popular, as they provide the means to see one another, allowing your first meeting to be a lot less awkward

    25. I saw an empty kafeneion; modest, allowing perfect sunlight squares to shine on its bare wooden floor

    26. Making a space on one of the top shelves, I fit the pot into it, allowing the leaves to cascade down over the books … I step back to consider the effect … yes, that looks nice

    27. Nevertheless, I said nothing of my scepticism to Alexis who seemed well pleased with my scrutiny so I thanked him for allowing me to see the home of this terrible legend

    28. They neighed loudly and lowered their heads and nudged her gently, allowing her to pet their heads

    29. I rolled onto my stomach, allowing the water to wash and revive me, pulling myself forward over the pebbles like a lizard, sliding down into the water past the boulders, keeping as near to the bottom as I could and then turning, and looking skyward through sparkling shafts of sunlight beaming through my open fingers

    30. through the process of allowing

    31. 2) Allowing and accepting the feeling rather than resisting it

    32. Tarak’s men came into the Entry Hall and formed two lines allowing their Lord and First to enter safely

    33. force it, but be gentle with the body, allowing it the

    34. the subject of the testing, allowing their body to be

    35. Even so, they were delayed by traffic on a big bridge that reached from an inner ring island, to the main island near the edge of the caldera wall, allowing motor vehicle access to a road system that reached all over the island

    36. Making a conscious choice instead of allowing old

    37. of choosing your own emotions instead of allowing

    38. You are allowing your old imprinted perceptions and beliefs to create

    39. weeks, allowing the movements of his body and the consequent aches

    40. There were times it seemed like she was just allowing him to use her body, or to ‘use Tdeshi’s body’ as she put it when she was angry

    41. allowing my scars to heal

    42. After a few moments the door was opened allowing

    43. Chrissie posed, allowing her gaze to wash across the upturned faces in front of her – Sheila, face closed yet unpleasantly appreciative – Mickey and Kev getting into a right going state of excitement – Chas, his eyes stripping off the tiny scraps of fabric clothing her, his hands in his lap, invisible in the shadows – Ozzie, drunk and clapping not quite in time to the music

    44. Connor, I have lost an assistant chef to a restaurant in Sacramento and am now short-handed; would you consider allowing Jameson to help out on weeknights and the odd weekend in my kitchens?” She inquired tactfully of the Livery proprietor

    45. quite – entirely allowing the engine to run for a couple of minutes to

    46. Harry was as yet impassive at the information, so he continued, “That figure was determined by allowing for three dollars a day, for every day that you worked on the account books, or at the counter, or in the stock room over the last nine years or so

    47. Andy swallowed nervously and then kicked himself for allowing his fears to get the better of him

    48. ’ The Inspector went on, allowing his devil full rein

    49. On this occasion, however, he yielded to one particular suggestion which she offered, that was to consider allowing Kaitlyn, Chloe, and Henry to travel along for part of the journey, and return when he had completed his own duties of business

    50. Somewhere in the process, he’d lost his hat, allowing his thinning hair to encircle his ears

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