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    Usar "bravely" en una oración

    bravely oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Ahmed nods bravely

    2. with the heel of your hand and step forward bravely

    3. spotted the ship in trouble, and bravely, or perhaps foolishly, rowed

    4. ’ He said, going on to comment on how bravely Abi has taken the news

    5. Side by side, they bravely awaited its arrival; elves, dwarves, humans and giants standing as one

    6. The animal grunted balefully and Lemoss leapt, but he bravely gathered another leg onto his lap and continued binding

    7. Nerissa willed her heart to bear this bravely

    8. She tried to smile bravely and said in a somewhat more serious tone, “Tonight I need you just to hold me in your arms

    9. Fletcher bravely carried Lucy for the best part of a kilometre and then had to admit defeat

    10. And, although she is faced with knowing how difficult her future will be, bravely, she keeps her spirits high and fights back with humor and self-banter

    11. The Prince knew the risks and bravely accepted them, to sink exhausted in the service of his Sovereign and adopted country

    12. In a few moments the fire of the regulars drove back the Spanish left, and after Captain Alcaniz with the “Talaveros” bravely sought to cover the retreat of the guns and the wounded, the entire force fell back in confusion and withdrew to Santiago

    13. "What is the matter?" she called out bravely

    14. Bandages became loosened, haemorrhages re-started, and men who had gone forth to bravely fight for their country a few hours previously, begged piteously to be killed to end the agony entailed by official negligence

    15. the portion of Cuba east of a line drawn through Aserradero, Dos Palmas, Cauto, Tanamo, and Aguilera; the United States to transport all troops in the command to Spain; officers to retain their side arms; the forces to march from the city with honours of war, laying down their arms at a given point, it being understood that the commissioners would recommend that the Spanish soldier return to Spain with the arms he so bravely defended

    16. Several of the Spaniards were weeping bitter tears of mortification, and though for months I had joyously anticipated the end of their brutal sway in Cuba, now one could but feel pity for Toral and his staff, who at least had fought bravely for their country and had won respect

    17. but he held bravely on

    18. He'd come here to kill the Preceptor, so why did he hesitate? Many badgers had fought bravely and many had died so that he could accomplish this one task

    19. Teeming generations of immigrants from all walks of life, with their bellies full of hunger and a pocketful of dreams, bravely migrated to distant shores hoping to discover a better life for themselves and their families

    20. It was those phone calls when she asked questions about those intimate details of fear and survival that Therese so bravely articulated in her story that gave her hope in those darker days of despair

    21. I was just learning Swedish then and I’d bravely prohibited anyone from speaking English with me

    22. She was strong and proud, she wanted to show the cubs that their Father had fought bravely

    23. We're bravely hanging on

    24. climbing bravely through it and off the top; and then

    25. If we bravely

    26. She had bravely moved to put her body between him and the others, but now as this one approached, her stance changed

    27. “What’s wrong with these guys?” raved Raoul, even as two men in thick rubber suits leapt out of an emergency vehicle before it even stopped properly and crawled bravely under the vehicle to try to assist the driver

    28. He had spoken so bravely

    29. She stood with her father’s hand on her shoulder, insecure, but still bravely smiling on the outside, and greeted them all back respectfully

    30. The blood streamed in her veins, her heart beat strongly and bravely

    31. She found her voice and spoke out clearly and bravely

    32. "Yes," said Carl, flushing, but meeting his father's eyes bravely

    33. The salvo was devastating, but the survivors bravely stood their ground and hurled their stones at us while trying to find some sort of cover

    34. The enemy bravely sortied out, but in such small numbers that they were easily wiped out

    35. Led by Seagull, the ravens fought bravely and finally drove the dogs off, but they were all wounded and the fever found them and took four of them including the great warrior Seagull

    36. “As long as he is certain he did the right thing, he should have no regrets and accept his fate bravely

    37. “Your son acted very bravely,” he said

    38. “You know he acted very bravely

    39. And then he bravely acted as a shield to protect his cousin, the brother of the then Khan of Anahuac for the rest of the campaign

    40. He could only tell us that the Meritong were naked, heavily tattooed, and fought bravely up to a point with long, ineffective bows

    41. The Borum were naked except for a sheath with which they covered their manhood, wore large cylindrical wooden plugs in their ears and lower lips, painted their faces red and their bodies black for battle, and also fought bravely using a long bow

    42. They resisted bravely for a while and about half of them fell before the rest surrendered

    43. Arye: You fought bravely and you would have won the battle if you weren’t interrupted

    44. Some of the Re Che did stand and fight bravely, if futilely

    45. There were many legends of the half-titans which had fought bravely to keep their kingdoms safe and of the humans who have entered the graces of titans

    46. 23 Calling out to arms, and to die bravely in defence of the law of their fathers, they created a great uproar in the place,

    47. violence of the tyrant, and render void his wicked intentions, and exhibit the nobleness of faith! 3 For you, as a house bravely built

    48. bracelets, and her chains, and her rings, and her earrings, and all her ornaments, and decked herself bravely, to allure the eyes of all

    49. A student answered bravely, "Yes, he did"

    50. The door chime sounded, and Nemia stepped back and bravely wiped her tears away

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    Sinónimos para "bravely"

    bravely courageously