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    1. Leading war criminals from Argentina, Chad, Chile, Congo, Guatemala, Iraq, Liberia, Peru, Rwanda, Serbia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, and Uganda have all been prosecuted

    2. Our fifth was the skipper, Chad, whose lady I was

    3. Chad had made it clear that he was looking for a First Mate kind of woman

    4. Little did I know that Chad was going through a crisis of self-contempt beside which my own paled

    5. Trapped beneath threshing water for two full minutes, hands frozen to the wheel just like mine had been, Chad had "lost his bottle", as they say

    6. Dave shouted Chad and Bob below

    7. Chad again tumbled frantically down the companionway, this time followed by Dave

    8. Chad rose from the bench beside me, his face a mask of despair

    9. However, the lifelines, encircling the entire boat, were indestructible; Chad had seen to that

    10. After I left, Chad found another lady mate, one with extensive blue water experience, and sailed on to the Isles of Dreams – the Tuomotos, our original destination

    11. So, the 2000 Florida chad debacle notwithstanding, the benefits of voting would in almost all cases be smaller than the costs…I think people only vote to legitimize their complaining later on!” Charles chuckled, “But, yes, since the voter can be more potent, have a real say in what will happen after the winner takes office, I think voter turnout would be likely to jump pretty dramatically

    12. Chad have been stopped and the Bank"s Department of Institutional Integrity has been expanded to help

    13. speaker called Chad Chadnik with a pearly white smile and greedy

    14. Remembering that his son Chad had been in Sydney hardly three weeks earlier, he entered a book and

    15. of Chad Fernández doing his athletic things with the skateboard

    16. They all smiled confirming that they did indeed hear of Chad and marveled at the fact that they were seeing his father

    17. At the end of the soccer season in November, the Fernández family was blessed with the arrival of their bicentennial child whom they named Chad Daniel

    18. One hour later Roger took her to the hospital, and moments after midnight, November 17, Chad was born

    19. Within three days, Chad was taking residence at his home in Brea, California

    20. After securing Josie’s promise never to expose Chad and Manrique, ages 6 and 8 respectively, to Agatha’s influence which had ravaged their home, Roger allowed Josie to take them with her

    21. She has lost all sense of responsibility and reality, and thinks only of herself and her personal satisfaction, to the point that she has put her paramour, Agatha, ahead of the children, even when they are sick… Should Roger continue to trust Chad and Manrique to her care on the basis of her past, a past she has rejected? Before, Josie respected, heralded and defended the Christian concept of family life, thought Roger

    22. He chose to speak about her with nostalgic feelings in their presence, to condemn Agatha and the homosexual therapist for the invasion of their home and the cruel disruption of their secure and rewarding lives, and to shower Chad and Manuel with extra attention to reassure them of his love

    23. While Roger was trying to solve new financial difficulties and close the two bookstores, she was asking him for an exorbitant amount of child support for Chad and Manrique

    24. The older children started pressuring Roger to take Chad and Manrique away from their mother

    25. In their estimation, their mother’s schedule and active life were such, that Chad and Manrique were being deprived of a mother as well as a father, and they let Roger know their feelings…

    26. Emotionally drained, Roger had to cope with urgent and pressing problems: a bankruptcy to be filed in the closing of the two bookstores, the house foreclosure, the numerous and costly court trips, the older children’s mounting pressure for him to take Chad and Manuel away from their mother and Agatha’s growing influ ence, the creditors’ continuous threatening calls, the collection of the bookstores’ back taxes by the Board of Equalization of the State of California, and many other almost insurmountable worries

    27. Roger did not dare to trust her, at least not yet, for her behavior the last three or four months was still bothering him intensely, though Chad and Manuel’s two weeks rewarding and memorable vacation with him had some pacifying effects

    28. The two weeks when Chad and Manuel lived with the rest of the family were particularly meaningful to Roger, for he had not seen them since January of that year 1985 when he led the first group of students to initiate the Los Angeles Community College District’s semester study program in Spain

    29. Roger took full advantage of the opportunity to play baseball with Chad and Manuel, a memory that they still relish to this day

    30. During Roger’s tour of duty in Spain, however, Agatha and two of her children had moved in, to live with Josie, Chad and Manuel

    31. Upon his return in May, Roger was troubled by that disturbing arrangement, mainly because of the effects on Chad and Manuel as a result of Agatha’s interference in their lives and constant fights with their mother

    32. Fortunately for Chad and Manuel, and perhaps for Josie herself, Agatha and her two sons moved out of their house after two tumultuous months which was for them like an eternity

    33. With Agatha and her sons out of their house, Josie vacationing in China, and their mind at ease, Chad and Manuel could relax and play baseball and soccer with their father

    34. They had often objected to Roger’s willingness to take care of Chad and Manuel while Josie was going up and down the State of California with her paramour Agatha

    35. They were bitter about the influence Agatha had on Josie with regard to Chad and Manuel, and they seemed unforgiving about their treatment during the two or three months that Josie and Agatha lived together while Roger was in Spain

    36. Shaken by the lot of his two little brothers, and still struggling to cope with his own emotions about his mother’s lesbianism, Robert called a family meeting in November 1985, excluding, naturally, Josie, Chad and Manuel, but including Josie’s sister and their mother who was visiting from New York

    37. The purpose of the gath ering was an open and candid discussion of the need to take Chad and Manuel away from Josie, and the effects of her lesbianism on the whole family, a topic that Roger wanted to avoid because it would reopen a bleeding wound, but which Robert longed for to satisfy and pacify his troubled and agitated mind

    38. With humiliating tears in his eyes, Roger explained the lack of funds required even for survival, let alone initiate the costly legal process of securing full custody of Chad and Manuel

    39. For over two months, June and July, and part of August, he was denied visitation rights, and even knowledge of Chad and Manuel’s whereabouts, for Agatha was back in the picture, living with Josie after having moved to Thousand Oaks, some fifty miles north of Los Angeles, with future plans to move further north to Ventura by the end of the summer

    40. In the meantime, Josie’s move to Ventura with Agatha and two of her children was having a detrimental effect on Chad and Manuel

    41. Manuel graduated from high school in June of 1993 and still lives with Chad and his mother

    42. In the summer of 1991, he and Chad accompanied Roger to Salamanca, Spain

    43. While Manuel studied in the International Program that Roger was leading, Chad had fun participating in skate board competitions, appearing in Spanish magazines and on Televisión Española

    44. her ex-boyfriend Jack who was also the father of her son Chad

    45. dropped Chad off that she planned to stay in for the night with

    46. because he would have dumped Chad off at his sister's and

    47. The United States, Chad and Togo honored Ellington with postage stamps

    48. Does the country Chad have a problem with their voting machines?

    49. Dana’s sister Landa, one of the triplets, and her boyfriend Chad hysterically come into the church! Landa approaches everybody and shouts, “Hey everybody! I just got my chains snatched!”

    50. “I tried to look for the guy Uncle Barry,” Chad says, “but I couldn't find him!”

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