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    chemical reaction oraciones de ejemplo

    chemical reaction

    1. involved in chemical reactions, they usually lose one electron of their

    2. biochemical reactions will be just the same

    3. Only a term used to explain the chemical reactions in your brain

    4. Corrosion of the second type is caused by chemical reactions between the products of hydration of cement and acids or salts which affect concrete

    5. As the result of chemical reaction from 1 g of aluminum at normal conditions 1

    6. The higher the temperature; the quicker the chemical reaction occurred

    7. From the study of the interactions of simple elements in solution, creating chemical reactions toward the forming of compounds, that is, the mixture of those elements together forming a larger chemical structure, to the combination of these compounds, somehow they became organized into molecular entities

    8. A chemical reaction where matter is mostly turned into energy

    9. that came about when an Enma used his gifts, like some sort of chemical reaction

    10. Ideological and cultural mentality what brings physiological effects?Good ideology culture and ideology, can produce a good chemical reaction in the body, is conducive to health

    11. mood produces chemical reaction, that is harmful to the body paralysis damage nerve and muscle

    12. beneficial to human body of chemical reactions, beneficial to human health, repair the damaged

    13. chemical reaction that produces hydrogen, which is somehow leaking into the reactor

    14. but unaffected by the chemical reactions that transform the substance of our being

    15. They will allude to the ‘right’ temperatures for particular chemical reactions and stable molecules, but always lurking in the background are the physiologist’s counterfactuals that give the right temperature meaning

    16. countless types of waves, chemical reactions

    17. This experiment provided scientists undeniable evidence that chemical reactions could oscillate and are not halted by equilibrium thermodynamic behavior

    18. When ignited it would release a great amount of energy through a series of chemical reactions

    19. They’ve believed that it is a chemical reaction within their bodies in response to the planet’s environment

    20. many billion or trillion years), the intense heat, fueled by the chemical reaction in the rocks at the earth’s core (plutonium and uranium), formed a magma known today as the “core

    21. Studies show that a good bel y laugh produces a chemical reaction that instantly

    22. Muddy Boots and Red Socks you know that the author spent time with chemical reactions as a youth, so he is speaking from personal experience

    23. chemical reactions within the body itself, although this most

    24. At the time it wasn’t understood that what they were witnessing was a chemical reaction;

    25. Surviving whatsits might have to consume a similar but less favorable food source, and unfortunate ynots may die out altogether because the altered whatsit waste product won’t support the chemical reactions necessary to ynot life

    26. It’s easy to forget that life itself is a complicated series of chemical reactions

    27. That’s how long it’s taken for simple molecular combinations and chemical reactions to

    28. Ammonia, a by-product of certain normal biochemical reactions in the body

    29. such as by leaching of container-related compounds into the water or by any chemical reaction or

    30. New energy sources include technologies such as fuel cells, which convert the energy of a chemical reaction, typically between hydrogen and oxygen (generally from air) directly into low voltage direct current electricity and heat

    31. Histamines are released in the body whenever there is physical trauma to the body, in the antigen-antibody reaction and in chemical reactions with snake venom and certain other enzymes

    32. these membranes has a direct effect on chemical reactions in the brain

    33. These chemical reactions are the

    34. And I bet you a hundred dollars that in a few years from now, the scientists will find it was, indeed, the strange sound that had some kind of strange virus or chemical reaction that took only specific, weak individuals – thus the young and old – and left us strong ones to change and improve the world

    35. Nothing was known then about CFCs or chemical reactions taking place

    36. Thermodynamics which says that when a chemical reaction occurs, the total

    37. chemical reaction, State Religion preaching chemists have not preformed

    38. such a chemical reaction

    39. lightning) that was needed to drive the chemical reactions

    40. Again Johnny seemed to hunch into his seat, retreating as if by chemical reaction to the questioning he'd not bargained for in taking advantage of Mary's value

    41. This time is necessary in order to implement electromagnetic interrelations and biochemical reactions between all visual, aural, and tactile receptors that transmit incoming Information to different neurons for processing, analysis, and evaluation by corresponding centers of the brain; these centers then transmit their reactions to peripheral systems of the organism in the form of particular decisions carried out later by “a personality”

    42. In addition, absolutely all chemical reactions throughout the organism (in cells and organs, in the nervous and endocrine systems) represent the initial status Information which is also “unfolded” from the temporal ethereal constituent, and are directly regulated by the Creative Activity of UU-VVU-copies that structure Stereo-Type Configurations that we choose

    43. The most active Genic Formo-Creators at any given moment in our Self-Consciousness are represented by corresponding UU-VVU-copies associated with the quality state of the nervous system and its biochemical reactions to this subjective variant of Information obtained through centers of hearing, vision and smell

    44. Although all systems of your biological organism function very quickly and perform the entire cycle of your psychic response with the help of biochemical reactions, you are simply unable to fully feel anything or think about anything for one instant

    45. Let us try to trace the chemical reactions that occur within “a human being” when he/she is suddenly “possessed” by the feeling of “love at first sight”

    46. Then I used my desire to remember it to activate the activity of my Formo-Creators of the brain so that they could again rezonationally stimulate the Formo-copies that had been involved by them in this research; and after that the Formo-Creators started to decode, from their VVU-Configurations, the vibrations that reflect their emotions (that is, to project again, into their VVU-Configuration, subjective projections of the original Information), and then, with the help of biochemical reactions of their own realizational Forms (hormones, amino acids, enzymes), they reprojected the decoded (by them) VVU-Information into the information space of the Self-Consciousness of the NUU-VVU-Configuration focused by Me

    47. So, through the dynamics of FCA, the Formo-Creators of the brain engage the rezonational interrelation with the dynamics of FDR of one of Formo-copies that are already activated in your ODS, and, by a vibrational overlay of the waves of their VVU-Configuration, “copy” from its VVU-Configuration all the VVU-Information necessary at a given moment (its specific emotions and SFUURMM-Forms), then they decode it with the help of biochemical reactions in different systems and regions of the brain (owing to which you become able to visually perceive from “the bioscreen” any changes in the outer reality), and, after your reaction is recorded in the general Configuration of the Formo-system of Worlds, they “dump” (“fold”) again, into the VVU-Configuration of the just involved Formo-copy, a slightly reformatted (by them, that is, by “you”!) VVU-Information (the life Experience which you have just gained)

    48. What is left of the dinosaur that represented, at the moment of its Life, an aggregate of various Forms of manifestation of a different-qualitative and different-level activity of various types of Fields-Consciousnesses, is just a part of the Information about the structure of its skeleton, while the visible (to us) Form itself became a means for realization of the Creative Activity of self-conscious Elements of “the Mineral Kingdom” that carry out all possible chemical reactions, and that of microorganisms

    49. It also happens, of course, in individual information “spaces” of Self-Consciousnesses of the NUU-VVU-Forms manifested in Formo-systems, the Formo-Creators of the brain of which (by their biochemical reactions that stimulate subjective psychological emotions and tendencies in thinking) are precisely tuned to identical types of creative realizations

    50. A Thought just came into my head that the process of a rezonational interaction between the Formo-Creators of the brain and conglomerates of Formo-copies somewhat resembles the principle of appearance of a colorful visualization effect used in many computer multimedia players: the processor (VVU-Configurations of the Formo-Creators of the brain) sequentially “unpacks” from a musical file (TEC-dynamics) existing (initially recorded) sound codes (VVU-Information), each of which is tuned in frequency to definite dynamics of color impulses (SFUURMM-Forms of definite conglomerates of Formo-copies) that create, on the monitor screen, a certain colored picture (biochemical reactions in the biological organism of “a personality”)

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