Usar "coinciding" en una oración
coinciding oraciones de ejemplo
1. 'I was thinking about it coinciding with harvest time for your namesake
2. If the coinciding movement of both vessels was, as Mike Henderson claimed, adjusted for the benefit of drug smugglers, it was splendidly timed indeed
3. Talent with a coinciding motivation is what
4. (coinciding somewhat with the lower abdomen of the physical-biomolecu-
5. After analysing all the relevant data, Tony predicted that if we ever had a king tide accompanied by unusually high rainfall in the coastal ranges, coinciding with cyclonic winds from the sea, or something like that, then the canals would burst and join the river systems, drained land would revert to swamp, and silt would create a sandbar parallel to the coast, causing the river to sweep south and scour out the beach in front of us here
6. During the second decade of feminist thought, roughly coinciding with the 1980s,
7. the book has shown the evolution of religion coinciding with the evolu-
8. I would expect all of those to be “bad science” and/or witnesses to the fly over coinciding with the missile hit
9. Their year started in March, which they called Martius for the war-god Mars, coinciding with the arrival of spring and warm weather
10. Without further warning an ice shelf broke off loudly at that company’s fore when the tundra below was rocked by multiple impacts coinciding with coruscations
11. But one of them can already be applied and it places an important high about November 10, 1972, thus coinciding with the 15-year interval and the election
12. You stayed two nights, coinciding with the Voskuhl murders
13. 17), which showed a series of four tight weekly closes right along the lows of the base coinciding with the tight sideways action shown in Figure 5
14. How topping patterns form is largely a function of the general market and usually peaks in the right shoulder of a head & shoulders topping formation, coinciding with peaks in general market rallies that occur after an initial break off the peak, just as CROX and GRMN built their patterns in a manner that is very much in synchrony with the NASDAQ Composite, e
15. When the VIX spiked in November 2008 to close at the highest level in decades, it was coinciding with the market finding a short-term bottom
16. A deed done is irrevocable, and its result coinciding in time with the actions of millions of other men assumes an historic significance
17. The people of the west moved eastwards to slay their fellow men, and by the law of coincidence thousands of minute causes fitted in and co-ordinated to produce that movement and war: reproaches for the nonobservance of the Continental System, the Duke of Oldenburg’s wrongs, the movement of troops into Prussia- undertaken (as it seemed to Napoleon) only for the purpose of securing an coinciding with his people’s inclinations, allurement by the grandeur of the preparations, and the expenditure on those preparations and the need of obtaining advantages to compensate for that expenditure, the intoxicating honors he received in Dresden, the diplomatic negotiations which, in the opinion of contemporaries, were carried on with a sincere desire to attain peace, but which only wounded the self-love of both sides, and millions and millions of other causes that adapted themselves to the event that was happening or coincided with it
18. Art prices have been procyclical, with negative returns (1929–1934, the late 1940s, 1974–1975, 1991–1992, and 2008) coinciding with, or mildly lagging, recessions and equity market declines
19. The stress regime probability was often high between 1973 and 1981 as well as in 1989–1990 and 2002–2003 (loosely coinciding with recessions and equity bear markets)
20. • Percentage of hitting the global maximum—The percentage of optimal solutions coinciding with the global maximum (when the optimization algorithm stops at the node with the highest objective function value)
21. The percentage of optimal solutions coinciding with the global maximum increases linearly as the number of selected nodes increases
22. Besides, it is preferable to have coinciding strike prices of put and call options
23. Fanny supposed she must have been mistaken, and meant to think differently in future; but with all that submission to Edmund could do, and all the help of the coinciding looks and hints which she occasionally noticed in some of the others, and which seemed to say that Julia was Mr
24. The people of the west moved eastwards to slay their fellow men, and by the law of coincidence thousands of minute causes fitted in and co-ordinated to produce that movement and war: reproaches for the nonobservance of the Continental System, the Duke of Oldenburg’s wrongs, the movement of troops into Prussia—undertaken (as it seemed to Napoleon) only for the purpose of securing an armed peace, the French Emperor’s love and habit of war coinciding with his people’s inclinations, allurement by the grandeur of the preparations, and the expenditure on those preparations and the need of obtaining advantages to compensate for that expenditure, the intoxicating honors he received in Dresden, the diplomatic negotiations which, in the opinion of contemporaries, were carried on with a sincere desire to attain peace, but which only wounded the self-love of both sides, and millions of other causes that adapted themselves to the event that was happening or coincided with it
25. He asked, what security had the United States, if they did all this, if they submitted to such abject humiliation, that Great Britain would treat? Was it to be expected that she would treat more liberally with us, when we solicited as slaves, than she would while we magnanimously contended for our rights? The gentleman from Massachusetts, when repeating his creed, had forgotten a part, viz: "Unfurl the banners of the Republic against the imperial standard!" This would complete a project he had lately seen proposed from the East; and, as to its application, coinciding with the wishes over the water, would be just such a project as Mr