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    Usar "coliseum" en una oración

    coliseum oraciones de ejemplo


    1. in the Cal Farley Coliseum or at the Tri-State

    2. The entire coliseum paused, as the rim of the top hat covered my face

    3. I could make out an open-air market filled with colorful tents, a stone amphitheater built on one side of the mountain, a hippodrome and a coliseum on the other

    4. The regents of the coliseum were quick to enter your names into the roster of entrapped citizens

    5. Confronting a lion with the open jaws as a gladiator in the Roman Coliseum, would have been easy

    6. The room was so large and vast it reminded me of a Roman Coliseum

    7. of the Coliseum in Rome but a lot smaller

    8. It remains one of the great construction feats of all time, and along with similar Egyptian work, was unparalleled at the time, predating the less impressive Coliseum in Rome by 2500 years

    9. bots dive into the coliseum and pull the RoboBoxes via a

    10. From the bare earth of the coliseum floor, a hurricane-

    11. screens: Live feed of the coliseum

    12. Bravo retreats back to the staging area of the coliseum

    13. TK plummets towards the coliseum floor

    14. everything that happened in the coliseum

    15. Earlier today, at the Saturn Coliseum, your

    16. Back at the coliseum was pretty easy, but

    17. the coliseum as fast as I could

    18. happened out there at the coliseum, it was

    19. The minds which designed the temples of Luxor and Carnac, or the Parthenon or Coliseum, were not the minds of fools

    20. How few laymen know anything about Church work in their own diocese! How few care one jot for Convocation! How few could tell you, if their lives depended on it, who are the proctors of their diocese! How few understand the meaning of the great doctrinal controversies by which their Church is almost rent asunder! How few exhibit as much personal interest or anxiety about them, as a Roman spectator would have exhibited about the fight of a couple of gladiators in the arena of the Coliseum! How few could tell you anything more than this, "that there is some squabble among the parsons; and they don't pretend to understand it!"�This is a melancholy picture; but I fear it is a sadly correct one

    21. Blueberry was home to New Star Coliseum, one of many high class stadiums scattered around New Star City

    22. knew the coliseum was close and soon they would meet their fate

    23. The coliseum was

    24. The clearing rose at least thirty feet so that the gods could look down upon the forest surrounding them below, like the reverse of a coliseum in that what was once the battlefield in the center had become the audience seating, and what was usually the audience seating was an outer circular battlefield

    25. But unlike the audience of a coliseum, this battlefield was ripe with life and natural structures

    26. The Hong Kong Polytechnic was partly obscured also by an elevated walkway that took students from the building to the rail terminus and the Coliseum next door

    27. It was not Emperor Nero that determined which gladiator lived and which died in the Great Coliseum, it was the crowd of spectators that made the choice with their abundant voices, and the head of state merely implemented it by an upward or downward motion of his thumb

    28. The wise ruler provided diversions for idle minds by means of tribal dances, public executions, or massacres in the Coliseum, known as the Circus Maximus

    29. “But as Emperor you have the power and the authority to raze the Coliseum to the ground and end the horrors that take place there,” argued Shamir

    30. Shamir observed, “But you have funds for the Coliseum

    31. Shamir noted, “You are sacrificing Christians in the Coliseum

    32. “I see a small balcony on a building just across from the coliseum

    33. I wish to have you for the Coliseum

    34. We remember that the common people of Rome adored Nero’s circus in the coliseum

    35. It wasn’t like Seattle, or even a busy evening in Manhattan; here it was the middle of the night and it looked like a coliseum had emptied on every glittering block

    36. Masses of Romans watching ritual death agonies by the hundreds of thousands in the coliseum

    37. "Standing on the Parthenon," he would say, or "The ruins of the Coliseum suggest some fairly sublime reflections," which he would write out at length in letters

    38. Instead you got what? Let these salt and pepper shakers stand for the Garden and the Coliseum

    39. The Barriere du Combat is not the Coliseum, but people are as ferocious there as though Caesar were looking on

    40. "I roller-skated by the Coliseum one Saturday 1934 before a football game

    41. On the night of July 15, 1960, Marilyn and many other celebrities joined a packed house at the Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles and watched in rapt attention as John Kennedy spoke of his New Frontier

    42. For instance, when JFK won the Democratic nomination, all of the Kennedys were to join him onstage at the convention in Los Angeles at the Coliseum

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