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    common cold oraciones de ejemplo

    common cold

    1. Ironically since getting therapeutic on Lithium I haven't had so much as a common cold in 6 years

    2. virus was nothing but a carrier of the common cold, no more, no

    3. who claimed to have a cure for the common cold

    4. This leads to increase in water content and reduction of heat in the body, resulting in problems like dullness, heaviness, increase in fats, common cold bronchitis and later on asthma, arthritis rheumatism etc

    5. Running nose, sore throat, head ache etc is normally not a common cold

    6. It felt like a common cold

    7. “Take this, itś Echinacea, good prevention for the common cold, as you call it

    8. “We think we have found the cure for the common cold

    9. "I wonder when we'll find a cure for the common cold," Ed wondered out loud

    10. He couldn't diagnose a common cold

    11. lead to al kinds of il nesses – from common colds to cancer, hyper-tensions or asthmas

    12. This means that if you get the common cold or flu often, you will

    13. Psychological stress and susceptibility to the common cold

    14. of years to treat the symptoms of the common cold

    15. For those struggling with the common cold, nothing is better than broth, whether it be chicken, beef, or fish

    16. Antihistamines relieve the common cold probably by reducing the secretions and perhaps controlling the accompanying allergic element

    17. Some examples of infection are common cold/sore throat, influenza, cough, recurrent

    18. Vitamin C has antiviral activity, and may help prevent viral infections or, in the case of the common cold, reduce the severity and duration of an infection

    19. Most studies on the common cold used 1 to 4 grams of vitamin C per day

    20. helpful in some studies for the common cold

    21. supplements can decrease the severity and duration of the common cold in otherwise

    22. The common cold is an acute (short-term) viral infection of the upper respiratory tract

    23. What are the symptoms of the common cold?

    24. common cold, such as strep throat, which may require medical diagnosis and treatment

    25. Since it is a viral infection, antibiotics are not effective against the common cold

    26. severity of the symptoms of the common cold by an average of 23%

    27. and shortening the duration of the common cold

    28. Four different categories of herbs are used to help combat the common cold

    29. that stimulate the immune system to fight the infection are used during the onset of the common cold—Echinacea and Asian ginseng are two examples

    30. the common cold, and another double-blind study found that Echinacea was not

    31. eleuthero, known as Kan jang, has also been shown in a double-blind trial to reduce symptoms of the common cold

    32. account for its role in fighting the common cold and flu

    33. reduced symptoms of the common cold in double-blind research

    34. infections, such as the common cold

    35. Usnea has a traditional reputation as an antiseptic and is sometimes used for people with common colds

    36. aches and pains during a common cold

    37. such as the common cold

    38. suffering from the common cold, steam inhalation did not improve sinus congestion any better than placebo

    39. Why do you think you’ve never had a common cold or a simple sore throat?”

    40. The youngsters will be better protected from the common cold as well as from more serious conditions, such as influenza

    41. The plant contains a number of powerful antioxidants that can protect you from the common cold and flu as well as from serious viral infections

    42. This can be very unhealthy in the sense that common colds and respiratory infections can then be the results of smoking

    43. Known as “the common cold,” a cold is a virus, passed through the air when someone who has the virus coughs or sneezes

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