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    Usar "contrasting" en una oración

    contrasting oraciones de ejemplo


    1. It is our purpose to observe the contrasting values, and to decide for ourselves what is wanted in our physical experience

    2. ‘What about property and stuff like that?’ I asked, contrasting this to the little I know of wedding vows on Earth

    3. And so we trudged, arm in arm, dazzled by the breathtaking beauty contrasting with the pointless tragedy that had invaded our lives

    4. Her face grew pale, contrasting with the dark and threatening sea

    5. ‖ There are many ways of stating the contrasting choice that each moment offers, but the basic idea is the same: you can live from a positive life-affirming place or in a mode of negativity and protection

    6. blurred region of green and grey, the haze over the isle contrasting

    7. green of the pines and firs contrasting against the gold of the crops in

    8. thick creamy-white fat contrasting with the pink meat on the plate

    9. To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself

    10. This environment has been presenting us with contrasting choices throughout our incarnation e

    11. You can substitute different vegetables, but be sure to use ones that have contrasting colors

    12. As he got within a few metres the grounds illuminated by a bioluminescent band running under the solar- panelled roof, revealing the neatly trimmed garden, the blue-white light spilled over to reveal the contrasting wild undergrowth

    13. They were large men with brown skin and big black bushy beards their teeth flashed white as they smiled or laughed contrasting with their dark skin

    14. This is important because by contrasting

    15. As I got closer I remembered Major Melstone and I was nearly sick again I got control of myself and it was then that I noticed the Lieutenants blonde hair contrasting with the dark earth of the hole

    16. contrasting with the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs, and

    17. Spotlights bathed them in bright light contrasting the prevailing gloom throughout the bar, broken only by the pale glow of candles under ruby-red glass

    18. Behind her was a flash of white, contrasting with the stark darkening forest

    19. [62] Jon Landaw uses the contrasting terms "waking dream" and "sleeping dream" in FPMT Education Department, Discovering Buddhism at Home Program, "Subject Area 13: Introduction to Tantra", teachings and meditations by Jon Landaw (Portland, OR: FPMT, Inc

    20. Shoes, pants and dress shirt, suit, all black, contrasting with a silver

    21. Then comes the contrasting status of the unbeliever

    22. In Psalm 4, The writer starts by praising God, and continues by contrasting the

    23. man and his plans to our attention by contrasting everything that is us and ours to

    24. uses the first part of the verse, without also quoting the last part of this verse, that the two contrasting

    25. alive in you, contrasting the life in the flesh, which is

    26. of abundant green growth contrasting sharply with the

    27. For instance, your earlier observation contrasting my lovely grandchildren with the depraved SS would be considered garbage according to Sci–Coll, because the State's scientific research suggests the opposite

    28. Contrasting beautiful Namibia, Namibia our country

    29. During the best known negotiations of all time, those between Moses and Pharaoh, we see two contrasting positions collide

    30. field to the forest, their red and black hoodies contrasting with

    31. They settled on a watered silk look, pale cream background with broad contrasting stripes widely set, a filigree of the same shade down the middle between each set of stripes

    32. Many shops featured fairly large men dressed in fine suits standing watch outside the entrances; their quality raiments contrasting sharply with their brutish faces

    33. He is dressed in a rich-blue linen jacket and contrasting tan slacks

    34. or contrasting certain other things

    35. Contrasting between sects within a religion (Sunnis

    36. instruments in a cacophony of sounds contrasting against each other

    37. Bêlit posed picturesquely among the ruins, the vibrant life in her lithe figure contrasting strangely with the desolation and decay about her

    38. A small fishing boat, two miles away, its white outline contrasting sharply with the darkness of the heavily forested islands, was coasting steadily north

    39. The corn was being harvested with over a hundred acres a checkerboard of battered cornstalks contrasting the proud stalks standing next, totally oblivious to their fate

    40. The two distinctly contrasting forms now rotated together in this odd embrace

    41. The guys dressed conservatively in light color pants with contrasting jackets and ties

    42. Having to adjust to the contrasting conditions

    43. contrasting with the rain outside

    44. er," says Stallman, contrasting songs with software programs

    45. realization that his essay contrasting the Stallman-Torvalds

    46. Since he has no reference point of his self to gauge her feelings, he does not know how important he should consider her feelings, especially when contrasting them with his feelings

    47. Perhaps in order to make the universe as beautiful as possible there has to be suffering – sort of as a contrasting agent

    48. By contrasting themselves with the lower class, they tried to demonstrate with their relative progress that the black race deserved full rights of American citizenship

    49. Contrasting their lives and ministries provides a case study about the reasons why many African Americans do not participate in evangelical missions

    50. By contrasting the doctrinal choices of Drew and Proctor, I expose the demobilizing consequences of choosing to believe white liberals’ attacks on the Bible

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    Sinónimos para "contrasting"

    contrasting contrastive opposing resisting facing clashing confronting disagreeing