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    fix on oraciones de ejemplo

    fix on

    1. Each new fix on it shows it more homed in on this planet

    2. It does not fix one's own problems, or the problems of those that are worse off

    3. ‘Jannson: I need a fix on Dr Heigener’s location

    4. “What a dirty, stinking, miserable, shitty little town,” he told the crucifix on the wall

    5. You’d better fix one for me too

    6. For example, they may fix on the pointing hand rather than on the object pointed at

    7. Her eyes fix on mine

    8. ” He clears his throat, and his green eyes fix on mine, serious

    9. I looked up some friends and got a better fix on where Aspenquid’s village was from some of his fellow Alnanbai in the Ordu

    10. "Meanwhile, do you have a fix on the VC attacking the column?"

    11. Are you not much better than they? Who by thinking can add one cubit to his height? and why think about clothes? Consider how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil neither do they spin and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these; therefore if God so clothes the grass of the field while it is today and tomorrow throws it into the furnace shall He not clothe you much more; O you of little faith? therefore do not fix onto anything thinking saying: What shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or how shall we be clothed? because the Gentiles seek after all these things because your heavenly Father knows that you all have need of all these things but seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you therefore do not fix onto thoughts about tomorrow because tomorrow shall think of these things by itself; The evil that is in the day is sufficient for the day

    12. Then I laid with the crucifix on the

    13. Trent Miller’s interview was very useful in terms of getting a fix on Bob Nakamura’s personality and possible prejudices

    14. Is this the end of everything then? Is that conceivable? Is it the beginning? There is nothing to get a fix on, no reference point, no anomalies, no size, no direction, no matter, and no space

    15. ―We think we finally have a fix on the home of the Beast

    16. The blessed crucifix on the wall, the religious texts and our faith will all be too much for you to bear

    17. Birchall initially used a spotter plane to gain a fix on the boat and since then he had followed at a distance

    18. “Do you have a fix on where we are?”

    19. “Got a fix on the approaching ships?”

    20. I cropped up my ears and squinted to get a better fix on the interior of the house

    21. hole in the system’s defenses, he found two geosynchronous tracking satellites busily getting a fix on them

    22. They know someone is here, and they have a general fix on our direction

    23. He quickly dressed back, but kept his gaze fix on all of Halirit's limbs as his teacher lunged forward

    24. I placed the crucifix on the boy’s chest in an inverted fashion, a black mark of burnt fleshed carved into his chest

    25. Her secret seemed to lie in the fact that she always found a way to keep busy, resolving domestic problems that she herself had created, and doing a poor job on a thousand things which she would fix on the following day with a pernicious diligence that made one think of Fernanda and the hereditary vice of making something just to unmake it

    26. Due to the * prefix on the args variable, all extra arguments passed to the function are stored in args as a tuple

    27. get a fix on who he was dealing with here in Benghazi, and why

    28. a moment later they had an exact fix on Garcia’s communicator badge

    29. please get an accurate fix on this rock and have it memorized by the computer,

    30. They had a computer fix on the orbit of their original rock field and could return

    31. Now this time, I want us to all pray strongly in tongues, and we just focus your thoughts on the Lord; and while we're worshipping Him, we're just honouring Him and thanking Him, I want you to see what happens in the atmosphere in the place; as with one mind, we set our minds on the Lord, just fix on Him, hold Him in your mind

    32. It means that the sender wishes you to make a fix on the

    33. I'll get a computer fix on his course and then

    34. In reply he heard laughter taunting him, but with no fix on

    35. Meditation and fixing, learning how to train your mind to fix on the presence of God so you become conscious of Him, so now I can just stop at a moments notice, even just driving the car, and just stop at the lights just for a moment, just go down into my spirit, become aware that God is with me, and His presence starts to come

    36. give us a fix on the situation now

    37. She wanted to fight; she felt the need to enact revenge! She scanned the room, but could not get a fix on it

    38. To the top of that post we will firmly fix one end of a chain that has enough length to reach all the way across the street

    39. utilized as a prefix on many occasions and instances, like a

    40. "So, when they fix one problem, they tend to create

    41. Deirdre said because of that, Morgen would fix on me the most, because I have the most power

    42. � When they seek to simply escape those dissonances through self-justification, they will transfix on their meaning perspectives all the more, each working with all her/his might to prove the other wrong

    43. Sancho regarded Don Quixote earnestly while he was giving him this rating, and was so touched by remorse that the tears came to his eyes, and in a piteous and broken voice he said to him, "Master mine, I confess that, to be a complete ass, all I want is a tail; if your worship will only fix one on to me, I'll look on it as rightly placed, and I'll serve you as an ass all the remaining days of my life

    44. --In that inform him where he may find you in London; fix on

    45. As John Dashwood had no more pleasure in music than his eldest sister, his mind was equally at liberty to fix on any thing else; and a thought struck him during the evening, which he communicated to his wife, for her approbation, when they got home

    46. Our agent in Poland, POL1, has a fix on them and will act as your contact point for this operation

    47. Elliott told us that POL1 already had a fix on them

    48. She wets her lips and angles her head so that her mouth is a breath away from his, and I’m a mess of quivering frigging nerves in the corner because she just stays like that and her eyes fix on his mouth, and his fixes on hers and I think, Shit, this room is going to blow, then I think, Shit, this is Dani and Ryodan

    49. Joseph placed a jewelled crucifix on his chest and wrapped Anthony’ s hands around it

    50. When they opened, they seemed to fix on something far away

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