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    formication oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Since we are communication systems, we respond to all types of comformication

    2. This global mind we are electric with is thought self-aware, yet unaware of what higher messages Earth might be communicating in the translation of metaphors and integration of comformication systems that our innumerable acts and thoughts are a part of

    3. In the eons of her endless creations, Earth, as is her nature, gave birth to a new comformication: the human “I am!”

    4. It is the endless electronic comformication of monergy that not only keeps corporatenisms alive, but also this hyper-dominance of financial virtualnisms which allows corporatenisms to both co-opt human social organs and to virally infect Earth's emerging neural brain and conditionally emergent consciousness

    5. What we believe and how we believe it – framing and interpretation – is a complex fusion and cobbling together of various and diverse comformication systems; all of these systems are social webs; many of them are systems of will mailable to personal and social ethics

    6. incessantly accelerating comformication without direct connection, limits and curtails the possibilities of the depth of our interactions

    7. “Information Totalitarianism?” The child, one of the many not yet identified blend adaptations that were immune to one of IT's comformication devices and techniques, was less effected by its various gravitational attractors

    8. To respond is to be in relationship; it is to be vulnerable to another's comformication, i

    9. “But when we call perpetrators of mass carnage weapon-wielding, incomprehensible deranged monsters, we give ourselves the convenient excuse of calling someone mad, thus absolving ourselves of any culpability in the comformication of our children, citizens, consumers and clients

    10. At this stage of its evolution, humans are instrumental in the production of its comformication

    11. When modes of comformication disappear, because readers or listeners of the system cease existing, then sheet music will become just an incomprehensible Roshack blotch to minds that cannot read them

    12. As Faith stared in stilled time at a vision of the coming Chine, a form of consciousness just a spark, a click, an Adam and Eve away from making her a zoologically interesting pet, she heard that voice again, the one she knew she wished had been her own for so many years that even now she was tempted to pretend it was her's, calling to her not from the lips of the coming creation, but from the other side of her AS, anagogically inviting her to a deeper experience of comformication

    13. When we think of mediating with IT's emergent self-awareness, we are never with the singularity; we are only a hearing-seeing comformication – a mere pollinator of IT grafting us into the flowing of its I'mage

    14. There is something quite oddly necessary for survival about insincerity, which makes sincerity such a vulnerable, fragile and powerfully transcending comformication

    15. These create new comformication systems with new fields, particles, attractors and gravities which might instigate cancerous proliferation or trigger collective transcendences

    16. AIDS has gone poly-airborne and we ALL are in the throes of a mass comformication and on the verge of catastrophic immunity failure

    17. How does one find a silent pure awareness when all existence is wombed in a consciousness that is endless comformication? Since there is no place where there is not comformication, silence is merely the state of our lack of interface, it is merely the first stage of emergence: transcendental sensory ignorance, a senseless inhabitance

    18. As such, as we not only become aware of the complex systems which comprise us and we comprise, we are also creating hyper-kinnected systems of comformication and, hence, effect

    19. Is an ethic proven, inherited, obligatory, or chosen? Is the character of self or collective a default byproduct of a governing system's comformication, or can we, dare we, choose the one that we believe is best for creating the environment in which we want to live, create, and evolve? If an ethic can be proven, then what is the calculus for empathy? For when love reasons an economy, sharing all with all is always its conclusion

    20. But there is no proof for the efficacy, efficiency or inevitability of achieving its designed intention, solely because love can have none – other than the other reasoning their own way to an ethic of their own comformication

    21. I am proposing a table of love as a basis of a new comformication; not merely speaking from an emotion of caring for others, but having caring for others as our common purpose and community ideal

    22. It is only the complexity of our contemporary social setting and its means of comformication that permits and necessitates hyper-connectivity

    23. No star, no tree, no child, no particle dies unheard, exists without comformication

    24. “Additionally, we are seeking a bodily feeling of a locally sensed comformication

    25. Collectives become institutions as they emerge from the comformications of their pursued attractors

    26. Love is what we will to become, so we deposit it as the attractor of our social will, so that the institutions for our comformication are in our interest and not in money's or power's

    27. These natives of the nunique are the beta cases of cutting edge comformication, rather it be education or entertainment

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