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    genetical oraciones de ejemplo


    1. "They were actually genetically modified from gnarl berries with genes from the cheeseapple

    2. This, too, has not been properly tested (actually the US Government decided that it was safe without testing it and, further, decided that genetically engineered produce does not have to be labeled as such)

    3. She passed her hands over his chin, natives either grew full length beards or had their facial hair genetically removed, so this roughness was something she seldom sensed and after the fifty Earth years since he'd left, it moved her in unexpected ways

    4. He had seen worse cases where traders had very specific orders to fulfill and would come back for more, either from a surviving victim, which was rare, or from their genetically comparable family, much more common, if they still needed more parts

    5. The Brazilians maintained that the horrors were real: genetically modified people; eternal mortal youth without hope of, or belief in, the afterlife; rampant drug abuse and promiscuity; all ruled by a secret cabal of ancient evil scientists called the Kassikan

    6. they were called, genetically mass-produced men and women born of test tubes to

    7. It is genetically possible, but the girls can't live a normal life so it isn't popular

    8. The connoisseurs insisted they could taste the difference in the meat so there was a steep price trade-off for genetically modified karga, but still left a huge advantage for the karga

    9. That was what they were called, genetically mass-produced men and women born of test tubes to augment man’s thinly veiled hold on the outer edges of the galaxy

    10. Mankind used these genetically engineered pioneers to carry out so many of the dangerous tasks of empire building and thanked them with prejudice and anger

    11. "There couldn't be better, it isn't genetically possible

    12. This was seen in a recent study in which animals were genetically bred to develop intestinal polyps, a condition that leads to tumor formation

    13. ‘Firstly,’ doctor Inovac said, ‘allow me to introduce you to my team, who can explain the treatment of genetically based regeneration

    14. For the last eleven years he had been in a relationship with a Darangi female, genetically altered in a way that most attracted his attentions

    15. One seemed to be – according to interpreted data that accompanied – a Mars colony where genetically engineered life-forms had mutated and roamed around killing human occupants

    16. However, from the moment the genetically derived program had been executed, it became autonomous

    17. “Jesus, she genetically engineered a slug that could eat plastic using a fungus?”

    18. As it too began to accelerate, it might be seen to be the tie that seemed to bind us and the chimps as genetically close as we are

    19. Most of the structuring of the “way the brain works” seems to have been genetically initiated, so unless a new hidden recombination or expression in the making can be encouraged to reveal itself, physical evolution seems to have already offered all that it has within its bag of tricks

    20. Science’s sixth “gift” that genetically began some kind of expression 5,800 years ago, “just before people established the first cities in the near east” could be the “physical foundation” that a theological platform might be constructed upon

    21. you‘re saying the baby would still be genetically mine, right?‖ Dr

    22. I was told that they can find with above 85% certainty who the baby is genetically, but when there is so much genetic sharing as in my case, it‘s just harder to tell

    23. The blonds probably were the first to be discriminated against if a genetically mixed tribe suddenly produced a blond blue eyed child the natural tendency would have been to boycott the child and mother

    24. “Genetically damaged people who have been conditioned by suffering and are not taught to live differently, as the factions would have taught them to, are very destructive

    25. “Jeanine told me that the highest proportion of Divergent—the genetically pure—in any faction was in Abnegation

    26. You just said the Bureau values the genetically pure enough to send someone in to save them; why would they help Jeanine kill them?”

    27. “No, we don’t believe in capital punishment for the genetically damaged

    28. Genetically, what the two daughters then did is very much a no no, but here the Lord

    29. They were genetically too close to one another

    30. In order for one of us to start reproducing parthenogenetically, without fertilisation, the Queen would need to die

    31. This 'chosen' Administrator would thus become the new Queen and start reproducing parthenogenetically

    32. "Well," she answers, "Administrators are genetically modified, so maybe that has hastened the infection's progress rate

    33. “You are genetically blessed, indeed, to take after Florence

    34. “I think, genetically perfect,” the Pastor said, starting to fan through pages of the Bible he held

    35. who chose not to end a pregnancy where the child was genetically

    36. “Were Egyptians and Mayans genetically related? The skulls of their ancient leaders are unusually long

    37. In the morning he said, “Many genetically engineered hybrids having super intelligence were trained to a high level of skill and placed in strategically important positions by the conspirators

    38. He had been genetically engineered to have two brain stems which gave him extraordinary mental capacities that were further enhanced by circuitry installed in his body

    39. and his wife genetically designed for her and Brent to have

    40. He was tempted many times to genetically clone her, but it

    41. They had been genetically restructured, but in his mind they

    42. Carmen and Brent had to be linked genetically to him

    43. These were able to be matched by computer analysis with the stock of genetically typed sperm in a comprehensive sperm bank

    44. Where he was infertile the mother’s ovum was impregnated with sperm from a genetically similar donor so that to all intents and purposes he would appear to be the father

    45. only genetically conditioned, but is also the result of the position of that

    46. Thank God for enhanced airborne genetically selective viruses

    47. Sperm and eggs are removed from suitable, healthy candidates, genetically modified, then used to breed slightly more specimens than projected replacement numbers, in case of accidents such as that stupid slave breaking the goblet

    48. I'm a doctor in the Genetically Modified In Vitro Fertilisation program at a private clinic

    49. Aggression, as well as other behavioral traits, is studied genetically based on its heritability through generations

    50. Under such circumstances, it may be have evolutionarily useful to take very high risks and use violent aggression in order to try to increase status and reproductive success rather than become genetically extinct

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