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    Usar "hand on" en una oración

    hand on oraciones de ejemplo

    hand on

    1. I lean to pick it up, but Dad puts a hand on my shoulder

    2. She burned her hand on the steamer rack and tossed his dog into the bun

    3. I stand, one hand on the doorpost … there it is again … ah, that’s the doorbell …

    4. Zitteraal stops in front of a door, puts his hand on the door handle

    5. She puts her hand on his cheek, gently turns his face back to her

    6. GEORGE BUSH puts his hand on John’s shoulder

    7. ‘Do you want a coffee, Mum?’ Emma asked, her hand on the kettle

    8. perfect mannequin, and placed a hand on David’s forehead and then at his neck

    9. John reaches over, puts his hand on Dave’s shoulder

    10. He puts his hand on John’s shoulder

    11. Russ puts his hand on John’s shoulder

    12. He puts his hand on his bare chest in imitation of a Napoleonic stance

    13. When the device was already on, i put my hand on the man’s leg

    14. a drink in his hand once the sun was over the yard arm, and the sun was always over

    15. She stands in her loose silk robe, hand on hip, coolly regarding him

    16. standing with his hand on his hips, his hair thick and full on the wind, while the

    17. studiously avoids eye contact, drums the fingers of one hand on his briefcase

    18. Teekra stands, puts her hand on her belly

    19. Danton took a step forward and placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder

    20. "We do not need to terrorize our own Haad," Vincef said, and put his hand on Moamar's shoulder

    21. She turned to look at the bridge with one hand on her hip

    22. With the tears there came a hand on my shoulder, a soft hand, and a tone of voice that I thought lost to me: compassion

    23. He had his hand on the control conduit and he wanted to pull it, but he couldn’t

    24. " I put my hand on his shoulder and this time I get no resistance, but no response either, "Whatever happens Apollo, and however you feel may about me, just don't take it out on her

    25. He put a hand on my shoulder and spoke softly

    26. ” Elden said as he placed his hand on Songs’ stomach, which was

    27. into its coils, Son could place the infant which he held in his other hand on

    28. When Son approached, the man put his hand on the

    29. Guard as he placed his hand on the blade

    30. Allowing the other pedestrians to pass, she paused, one hand on the post of the crossing for balance, and bent over fiddling with her shoe, her senses firing off warnings … she could smell danger

    31. “You don’t have to convince me, Steve,” she said, softly putting her hand on Steve’s shoulder

    32. “Thank you for the offer John,” she placed her hand on his arm, “but believe me, all we can do is wait

    33. She put her hand on his shoulder as she moved over to him

    34. He reached over and put his hand on her shoulder, “it’s over woman; they can’t hurt you anymore

    35. she stands by the door, her hand on the latch,

    36. I open my eyes … Gilla, in her nightwear, is standing by the bed, her expression concerned, her hand on my shoulder

    37. He reached out and laid his hand on her arm, “Not all men are bastards; some of us believe that there is no greater gift that a woman can give

    38. He quickly placed his hand on her mouth, “…hush woman! I have never been so sure of something in my entire life

    39. Daniel was standing behind him and he put his hand on his shoulder, “easy Jerry, he didn’t mean any harm

    40. " Is it not true that you placed your hand on her blouse and she backed away?

    41. He held out his arm to her and as she placed her hand on it he felt an electric shock throughout his body

    42. "This one can stay with me," Yarin spoke up and put his hand on her shoulder

    43. With one hand on the wheel he used the other to fiddle with the dial until he found some suitably sentimental melodies that suited his voice and so began to croon

    44. Jeffery stepped forward and placed his hand on Jake’s neck; your wisdom, my friend, your guidance, and your great capacity for patience with us all

    45. ” Daniel put his hand on the young mans shoulder and turned to them, “My young friends, I’d like to introduce you to Michael, rider of Lady Jennie,” Daniel indicated the large chocolate dragon on the mesa

    46. Archibald was just about to take a large bite out of his bun when she put her hand on top of his and said, "I was only gonna say

    47. The old girl put a comforting hand on his shoulder, slipped a grubby piece of paper under his nose and quietly made her way back out into the insomniac streets of the city

    48. Antonis smiled and put a warm hand on my shoulder, 'Don't worry, Mr

    49. ’ I said, laying a hand on his arm and squeezing it slightly

    50. With one hand on my shoulder, he waved an arm around him, 'My friend, look at all this

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