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    1. He and his mates – Joe and Ian – made a group with some of the girls from school – it was very much an all friends together type of group

    2. Ian Stevenson, who has since passed over

    3. Ian O‘Connor, champion of the oppressed and self-styled Stephen Vincent Benet of the Gannett sports pages, might have properly considered a career more in line with the principles of serious journalism rather than (seemingly) wasting his ―enormous‖ literary talents and high-minded idealism as a sports columnist

    4. I must take further exception to columnist Ian O‘Connor‘s revisionist account of Pontius Pilate‘s role in the crucifixion of Christ; that it was he (Pilate) who

    5. I am certain that the good sisters of Saint Cecilia‘s properly explained to young Ian that Pilate was never convinced, ―I find no guilt in him‖, of Christ‘s guilt and that the trumped-up charges of Treason and Sedition leveled against Him by the High Priests were unfounded and unsupported by so-called ―witnesses‖ brought to bear testimony against Him; but manufactured, however, by religious leaders who considered Him (Christ) a threat to their ecclesiastical authority

    6. Ian ―John Brown‖ O‘Connor‘s column, ―Stars need to answer Stewart‘s call to action‖, another in a long line of racial hyperboles consistent with his obsessive railings against the White Community; White Males in particular, resonates with the temper of nineteenth century Abolitionism

    7. [49] This is the outline of a seminar that I led in Aberdeen on 19 January 1976, deputising for Professor Ian Pitt-Watson who was temporarily indisposed

    8. That would be Ian Ruthers, a personal friend

    9. Finally, after almost half a minute Ian could be heard on the other side:

    10. Ian Murray, VP of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, reports on April 12, 2010 that the EPA has

    11. “I think he feels like he owes Nigel for getting him into the band, since Ian is the youngest and wasn’t nearly as established when the band formed

    12. ” As the bartender prepared his drink, Ian said to him, “So, Bert, I see you’ve been talking to the private dick

    13. After a long gulp of Bushmills Ian replied, “You think I don’t want to be seen at the bar with a dick

    14. While he spoke with Ian I said to the engineer, “It looks like you had a clear view of the explosion that killed Terry

    15. “Do you think Terry was on Ian to clean up?” I asked

    16. Ian was definitely high and out of synch with everybody else

    17. If looks could kill, Ian would have preceded Terry to the Pearly Gates

    18. “How would a guy like that respond to Ian messing with the sound?”

    19. “Do you think, if Terry hadn’t died, that Ian would soon be fired?” I asked

    20. “I was amazed he took Ian into the studio for the third CD

    21. But my guess is that it was more a question of when and not if Terry would give Ian the ax

    22. “There was a fair amount of open hostility between Terry and Ian

    23. Terry threatened to make Ian bugger-off at least once a week

    24. “How did Ian feel about that?”

    25. “I want you to follow Ian Davis, Doberman’s drummer, starting tonight

    26. That’s where Ian usually starts his carousing,” I said

    27. Ian was explaining to Jo-Jo how his changes were going to alter the sound of his drums as they reset the glass

    28. “Terry hit the ceiling when he saw what Ian and GI Jo-Jo were doing

    29. He told Jo-Jo to get his shit out of the car, then lit into Ian for being such a moron

    30. “Did Terry go off on GI Jo-Jo for helping Ian with the panels?”

    31. I was told you carried his stuff in from the Ferrari while he chewed out Ian for moving the partitions

    32. “It was Meatloaf and if you sit next to either Ian Davis or Jack Pascal this afternoon you’ll probably catch a contact high that will take you to three out of three

    33. “Has anyone seen Ian today?” he asked

    34. A couple of minutes later Jo-Jo helped Ian to the men’s room

    35. When Ian emerged he looked decidedly more animated

    36. I could see why Terry assumed GI Jo-Jo was scoring drugs for Ian

    37. Ian chimed in, “I could go for a little head bob after the show

    38. It was 4:15 PM and I decided a pop-in on Ian would be fruitless

    39. He reported that Ian concluded his Saturday night at about 8:30 AM, and would probably roll into The Tillerman’s sometime between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM depending on whether or not he was hungry

    40. We were in the middle of a stare-down when Ian walked in the back door, saw me and shouted, “There’s my mate

    41. When his drink arrived, Bert glared at me, then said to Ian, “He’s talkin’ about bringing the Russian’s here and causin’ trouble

    42. I expected Ian to drain his drink and immediately order another as he had done the last time we met here, but instead he said, “Are you kidding? This guy’s a Dobie! We just played a gig together at a club last weekend

    43. Ian could tell I was kidding and said, “You’re a pisser, Duffy

    44. Up to that point Ian had been merely sipping his drink

    45. After I asked the question, Ian downed what remained in one large swallow and said, “I need a refill

    46. “I understand and I believe you, Ian,” I said with empathy

    47. “How did Ian respond when you gave him this news?”

    48. While you were gone I talked to Jack and Ian again and they told me about how he tried getting you guys to pressure Terry into settling for less than you’re worth

    49. Ian was pretty upset

    50. Upon entering the dining room Ian and Jack were asking what was going on while Michael ran to Jeannine, threw his arms around her and said to her, “Thank God you’re alright

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