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    myopic oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Stubbins opened her mouth as if to rebut Mandy's observations, but being without any other ammunition than her own myopic prejudice, ignorance, and baseless claims to superiority, snapped her jaw tight, turned on her heel and waddled back to her store, wagging her head as if in heated abuse of some mutton-headed underling

    2. Livingson had ruined his career and he vowed to avenge himself upon him---a form of myopic insanity

    3. “Why do you want to do that?” He took off his horn-rimmed glasses and stared at Babs with a myopic gaze

    4. Such are the (underlying) misconceptions of myopic designs that ―visualize‖ future requirements within present time frames

    5. Its flawed assumptions oftentimes fail to consider, however, that every Individual is subject to his or her own private set of moral and ethical assumptions that are naturally resistant to categorical imperatives or the conscientious ―merits‖ of narrow-minded viewpoints that seek to impose their (myopic) moral authority on others

    6. Nevertheless, our nation has managed to overcome a number of myopic shortcomings because of 147

    7. He went to see myopic doctors that confirmed that he had psychiatric issues

    8. As for me being blind, perhaps some of us have a more accurate vision of the world than your myopic perception of the realities that surround your uncivilized protest”

    9. The gods hadn’t been kind to him and, in his myopic view, it was downright unfair that he was now facing disciplinary action, a loss of a plum assignment to London and the humiliation of getting his security clearance suspended---not to mention the not-so friendly chats he was forced to endure with the department shrinks to explain he was, in fact, quite sane

    10. If it weren’t for television, sports, and videos, you’d all go mad within weeks! You believe that all things revolve around you’re ethnocentric, myopic view of the world

    11. Any approach that fails to integrate these data and this crucial aspect of women's experience is, at best, myopic

    12. That would be a most myopic and incomplete view of the problem

    13. The British and Australian commanders presently in place were the same myopic incompetents who, in the original history, had dismissed the Japanese as mere sub-humans to be brushed aside

    14. I had and still have a profound admiration for that incredibly brave and capable woman and I find your prejudiced view on this quite myopic, if not to say downright stupid

    15. With this initial wisdom, earned the hard way, we spend much of the rest of our lives surviving in the hostile, myopic, one-dimensional reality of the stampeding mob surrounding us

    16. This notion of giving everything to the European theater at the expense of the Pacific is both myopic and a strategic nonsense

    17. Ingrid Dows had however taught her aviatrix and ground specialists that a lone tank, without infantry escort and with its hatches closed, was not much more than a big, myopic beast in close combat

    18. This myopic approach to pricing equity turns it into an accounting cost

    19. You want to dirty my name in order to protect your hold on others? Then expect in return to be shamed publicly in a way that will convince even the most naïve and myopic of your followers that your precious church stands mostly for hypocrisy, misogyny and intolerance

    20. That myopic policy, known as the ‘Morgentau Plan’, had thankfully been abandoned after a few years by Washington

    21. The only downside was that Westerners became rather myopic, equating acupuncture alone with Chinese medicine, and it is so very much more than just that

    22. Only a myopic observer would fail to smile at the fact that the court case,

    23. Willy went to that place in his head where there are no gatepostses and he began to slide into a medley of hard rock numbers that made his myopic eyes water

    24. But to fulfill the law is to exceed its myopic desire of legislatively limited what Justice demands logic – because Justice ever and only demands only and always what The Law commands

    25. We have exhausted the resources that have funded our many “Whoops! Didn't see that one coming” tragically unhumorous, catastrophically myopic experiments

    26. one's who have, create, and force others to adopt the myopic bigotry of class

    27. If we eliminate the sanctuaries of privacy, we will most assuredly find ourselves being scrutinized by everyone with a vendetta against us for whatever reason their myopic self-righteousness might envision

    28. “A myopic child who was content with games, but who could not even visualise the future

    29. He was an unprepossessing man, small and thin, with sandy, sparse hair and myopic brown eyes that costantly blinked

    30. With your pollution standards you make short-term myopic choices

    31. Like all specialized forms of human expertise, medicine is totally myopic in its research: such as looking for a medical cure for cancer… when our entire civilized environment is cancerous

    32. Instead: we want to conquer the universe and shape it to suit our own short-lived, myopic convenience

    33. The same truth applies to human health: it is the dynamic balances involved that matter, not a myopic fight against something as an enemy

    34. For I was myopic in my outlook, having routine to temper my reeling mind which ceaselessly ran back to Nikolskaya and Olga

    35. Flat-faced, rectangular, and brooding, the B-24 had looks only a myopic mother could love

    36. 2 Investing your money on the basis of what these myopic soothsayers predict for the coming year is as risky as volunteering to hold up the bulls-eye at an archery tournament for the legally blind

    37. We discuss this view below and explain why it has led to a myopic and very misleading understanding of how businesses generate wealth but nevertheless has become the conventional wisdom

    38. More importantly, this myopic view, turned conventional wisdom, has had a profound effect on how many aspects of business and security analysis are handled; that is, from how managements are appraised, to how accounting numbers are used, to whose needs accounting rules must address, to substantively consolidating the interests of the company and its shareholders for all purposes

    39. This belief rests on a myopic view of how businesses generate wealth

    40. The two main behavioral explanations both require combining loss aversion with one other behavioral feature—a short time horizon (myopia) or the house money effect:• The myopic loss aversion model relies on a variant of mental accounting related to the investment time horizon (evaluation period)

    41. [5] However, state-of-the-art literature on long-horizon investing—such as Campbell and Viceira’s (2002) work—does not capture the intuition that long-horizon investors can, like Warren Buffett, ride through short-term market fluctuations better than myopic investors, and thus also serve as opportunistic value buyers

    42. Instead, intertemporal hedging demands can cause long-horizon investors in these models to be even more sensitive to changing opportunities than myopic investors are

    43. Another of Miller’s favorite ideas from behavioral finance is called myopic loss aversion

    44. Because, Thaler explained, most investors are “myopic” in that they focus on the short term

    45. The more short-term-oriented one is (the more “myopic”), the greater one’s willingness to react to the risk of loss

    46. “Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise,” said the bard, who understood myopic loss aversion centuries before the professors got hold of it

    47. Our investment approach in the Value Trust has been to use the myopic loss aversion exhibited by others to our shareholders’ long-term benefit

    48. Sometimes he amused Doc, and at other times his endless and myopic enthusiasms could drive a man to despair

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    myopic short shortsighted unforesightful nearsighted short-sighted