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    negligence oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Then she could be sarcastic or she could chide Jock for his unthinking bloody alpha male priorities and hormonal negligence, and then, as soon as he tries to pour oil on her troubled waters, as soon as he infuriates her with his calm, business voice, she will know that everything is fine and dandy

    2. In so valuable a produce, the loss occasioned by negligence is so great, as to force even the most careless to attention

    3. The usual effect of such bounties is, to encourage rash undertakers to adventure in a business which they do not understand; and what they lose by their own negligence and ignorance, more than compensates all that they can gain by the utmost liberality of government

    4. Negligence and profusion, therefore, must always prevail, more or less, in the management of the affairs of such a company

    5. It was naturally to be expected, therefore, that folly, negligence, and profusion, should prevail in the whole management of their affairs

    6. But the loss occasioned by the negligence, profusion, and malversation of the servants of the company, had probably been a tax much heavier than all those duties

    7. Their capital, which never exceeded £744,000, and of which £50 was a share, was not so exorbitant, nor their dealings so extensive, as to afford either a pretext for gross negligence and profusion, or a cover to gross malversation

    8. By a negligence in the expression of the act of parliament, which vested the East India trade in the subscribers to this loan of two millions, it did not appear evident that they were all obliged to unite into a joint stock

    9. It is merely to enable the company to support the negligence, profusion, and malversation of their own servants, whose disorderly conduct seldom allows the dividend of the company to exceed the ordinary rate of profit in trades which are altogether free, and very frequently makes a fall even a good deal short of that rate

    10. Such is the generosity of the greater part of young men, that so far from being disposed to neglect or despise the instructions of their master, provided he shews some serious intention of being of use to them, they are generally inclined to pardon a great deal of incorrectness in the performance of his duty, and sometimes even to conceal from the public a good deal of gross negligence

    11. It is seldom from the want of masters, but from the negligence and incapacity of the masters who are to be had, and from the difficulty, or rather from the impossibility, which there is, in the present state of things, of finding any better

    12. It must give them public encouragement in order to their subsistence; and it must provide against that negligence to which they will naturally be subject, either by annexing particular ho0nours to profession, by establishing a long subordination of ranks, and a strict dependence, or by some other expedient

    13. If it is very much overpaid, it is apt to suffer, perhaps still more, by their negligence and idleness

    14. By negligence and blunder, the land operations from first to last were a series of mistakes, any one of which might have proved fatal to American arms

    15. Through negligence, perhaps of the men themselves, many were not supplied with this simple but indispensable adjunct

    16. Bandages became loosened, haemorrhages re-started, and men who had gone forth to bravely fight for their country a few hours previously, begged piteously to be killed to end the agony entailed by official negligence

    17. Despite the exodus of invalids, shipped North on dirty transports supplied with hardtack, canned meat, and foul water, to become an object lesson to the American people of the effect of Cuban climate and official negligence, 4122 soldiers were on the sick list in Cuba on July 24th

    18. Both Higgens and Reno, plus the ATF planners on the site of the original raid, should have faced strong consequences, perhaps even trial for the almost 80 deaths caused by their negligence

    19. Dr Singh was struck off for his negligence

    20. wars as opposed to simple negligence of the insured shipyards

    21. own negligence was not covered by the MBRNFSP

    22. insurance broker on Wall Street who confirmed Art’s opinion that negligence

    23. He was strapped to a metal and canvas stretcher and dropped repeatedly just being carried from the second floor condo to a concrete landing, then to the driveway, before being slid into the ambulance, Mike suffered additional internal injuries due to the negligence of the GLFD and its EMT’s

    24. It is the intention of the defense to show why this is so, and furthermore to show positively that there was no negligence or dereliction of duty on the part of the accused

    25. Does this sound like negligence or dereliction?

    26. I ask you, is this negligence or dereliction?

    27. misunderstanding that was brought about by physical conditions, The whole incident in no way reflects negligence or dereliction on the part of the accused

    28. Already we have set the stage by two mistakes of negligence

    29. Lynch was charged with dereliction of duty and negligence

    30. can be drawn to the negligence of the RKU

    31. The other was visibly upset by the tragedy his negligence had caused and replied,

    32. mankind's own negligence, they have set wheels into motion that will, in effect, cause mankind

    33. children to not only convert to God, but to show others that through their own negligence their

    34. children to not only convert to God, but to show others that through their own negligence, their

    35. More fundamental y, we can say that the devil uses our negligence and our inattention to leave the

    36. Also, having received what we ask, we may fal into the other sin of negligence

    37. Perhaps he thought that he, a great officer with many years of active service under his belt, who had never lost a battle, might be blamed and held responsible at the headquarters for negligence or inefficiency

    38. for negligence of duty, and she was beaten for dropping a water

    39. She would not be blamed for the negligence of technicians and had no intension of allowing them to blame this on EDWARD

    40. ” She was deceiving herself within, trying to train her for domestic happiness because she was convinced that once his passion was satisfied them would not be a man on the face of the earth capable of tolerating even for a day a negligence that was beyond all understanding

    41. A short time later they sent Father Augusto Angel, a crusader of the new breed, intransigent, audacious, daring, who personally rang the bells several times a day so that the peoples spirits would not get drowsy, and who went from house to house waking up the sleepers to go to mass but before a year was out he too was conquered by the negligence that one breathed in with the air, by the hot dust that made everything old and clogged up, and by the drowsiness caused by lunchtime meatballs in the unbearable heat of siesta time

    42. As I see it, whoever treated her in the States should be sued for negligence and malpractice

    43. negligence and lethargy by avoidance of the law, creating families of children born in

    44. Sadly, this same doctor had been guilty of negligence in the past

    45. This process is used to keep the people who have been harmed from reclaiming what a corporation owes them because of negligence

    46. Mention needs to be made of the Feres Doctrine, which states, The United States is not liable under Tort Claims Act for injuries to members of the armed forces sustained while on active duty and not on furlough and resulting from the negligence of others in the armed forces

    47. Indeed, the negligence of pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the slaughtered animal makes its meat a focus of blood filled with microbes

    48. ����������� �Herr Braun was accused of negligence for letting Doctor Tolkonen escape and was arrested by the Gestapo

    49. ‘’My dear colleagues of the House of Representatives, we are here this morning facing a grave crisis for our country, a crisis caused directly by the criminal negligence of the present administration and, in particular, of President Truman

    50. The charges are: criminal negligence on the part of President Truman concerning the armed forces of the nation, to the point of putting in grave danger the national security; and abuse of power, for having sent our soldiers, airmen and sailors to war in impossible conditions and while refusing to even ask for the approbation of the Congress for the said war

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    Sinónimos para "negligence"

    carelessness neglect negligence nonperformance neglectfulness oversight laxity default delinquency dereliction breach