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    Usar "ode" en una oración

    ode oraciones de ejemplo


    1. I shall compose an ode to your beautiful blue eyes, I think

    2. wrestling, pankration, and chariot racing receive a wreath, a statue, and an ode

    3. She tried to soothe her child and in spite herself started to sing an ode to the streams and fields; a song of merry melody, a melody that would have Amonas smiling and laughing within moments

    4. Called the God Code (mother load by ode)

    5. Of the hidden God Code (ode) given

    6. After appropriate words, Myers tied the second scarf around the neck of Court Bannister for his air support on the two Mike Force operations and his ode on the team house wall

    7. Corey dedicated a building block as an ode to a site that was cordoned off and he refused to give details about

    8. an analysis of Table ode point of the diodes (D1 through D6), whichever 3-4 indicates that the output for segment ‘g’ is low is/are selected via switches S2 through S7 (parts of during count

    9. Her intercranial omnicerebral com-link appliance buzzes a synthetic sounding few notes of The Ode to Pain

    10. "Ode to Joy" as he changed lanes

    11. notes that it is an Ode, thus, of course, it is also a love

    12. Ode to the Solutions of

    13. Pay ode to the birds that sing freely for you

    14. Still, lest I should feel too happy, and therefore be less able to bear any shocks that might be awaiting me at Thiessow, I repeated the melancholy and beautiful ode for my admonishment under my breath

    15. century, Quintana sang also of humanity andprogress, as in his ode on the invention of printing

    16. cit) states that the Sapphic ode was introduced into Spainfrom Italy by Antonio Agustín, bishop of Tarragona,

    17. aboutthe middle of the nineteenth century) noted for her ode tothe

    18. Thelines given in the text are an ode which was addressed toMr

    19. his Ode on the Coronation, which was published by the royal printing house

    20. A spiritual ode of smug-self-satisfied pride in exclusive wealth, that he is exclusively given the right to destroy and kill Nature… as a hunter and a farmer

    21. Pure a nd ve sta l m ode sty …

    22. Above the se a ga in we re the pla yroom s whe re , the we a the r ha ving turne d to ra in, nine hundre d olde r childre n we re a m using the m se lve s with bricks a nd cla y m ode lling, hunt-the -zippe r, a nd e rotic pla y

    23. "One of the num e rous things in he a ve n a nd e a rth tha t the se philosophe rs didn't dre a m a bout wa s this" (he wa ve d his ha nd), "us, the m ode rn world

    24. If it were possible to translate the comprehensive and melodious language in which he spoke, the ode might read something like the following: "Manitou! Manitou! Manitou! Thou art great, thou art good, thou art wise: Manitou! Manitou! Thou art just

    25. Wopsle gave us Collins's ode, and threw his bloodstained sword in thunder down, with such effect, that a waiter came in and said, "The Commercials underneath sent up their compliments, and it

    26. During a recitation by their Poet Master Grunthos the Flatulent of hispoem “Ode To A Small Lump of Green Putty I Found In My Armpit One Midsummer Morning” four of his audience died ofinternal haemorrhaging, and the President of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council survived by gnawing one of his own legsoff

    27. [Note 14: Elvine, or Elvina, was not improbably the owner of the seductive feet apostrophized by the poet, since, in 1816, he wrote an ode, "To Her," which commences thus:

    28. I bring these citations to a close with a verse from an anonymous ode on ‘The Campaign of His Imperial and Royal Majesty in Russia and his Entry into Moscow

    29. Sit down and write an ode instead of tearing up and down like that


    31. If I have succeeded, my readers will be better able to judge whether this Ode, after having been translated into the Japanese language, merited the great honour of being suspended, embroidered with gold, in the temple of Jeddo, than they can be by a perusal of the highly poetic effort of Dr

    32. " Unquestionably up to the end of the first choral ode at v

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