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    oftentimes oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Oftentimes the work of the church (without being scripturally organized with faithful,

    2. Oftentimes, the next event

    3. Oftentimes decks are elevated from the

    4. Lastly, he thought of Gerrid: the oftentimes intellectual compass and moral inquisitor

    5. His oftentimes stupendously good luck, for example, at gambling

    6. (The) news, apart from informing the Public, is a medium (oftentimes) lacking underlying or supporting proofs or creditable evidence

    7. estimate of things (oftentimes) based on his or her OWN pre-conceptions, (personal) experiences or worldly viewpoints

    8. Our journey through life will oftentimes acquaint us with individuals ―greater‖ or ―lesser‖ than ourselves

    9. As it is oftentimes the case, it‘s the law-abiding citizen who desires a firearm for a variety of (legitimate) reasons; security, sport or collection, who finds himself entangled in so much Red Tape

    10. oftentimes distorts a child‘s (emotional) sense of proportion; conditioned as many of them are by undisciplined, emotionally challenged environments that fail to provide spiritual sustenance and practical guidance to that child

    11. The American Constitution is oftentimes referred to as an evolving or living document

    12. The opponents of ―Wealth‖ oftentimes ignore its humbler origins by rejecting off-hand the many hardships that many financially successful individuals had to endure—hard work, taking calculated risks and self-sacrifice in order to acquire their fortune(s)

    13. We should all stand on guard against falling prey to unwarranted suspicions as they oftentimes relate to other people who may

    14. His political ambitions softened by age, Nixon‘s geopolitical literary output subsequently earned him international acclaim and the grudging respect from his political enemies, many of whom he oftentimes consulted with on Foreign Affairs in his later years

    15. Having grown too comfortable, perhaps, many oftentimes acquire a taste for easy living, maintaining the status quo and aversion for confrontations; choosing to appease or soften criticisms both foreign and domestic, rather than standing on its traditional principles

    16. Clever minded individuals are oftentimes captivated by the perception of their (own) inestimable ―Wisdom‖

    17. superhighways, families planning their vacations were oftentimes required to take the ―scenic‖ route; traveling through non- descript towns, subject to traffic jams, ubiquitous traffic lights and nervous breakdowns that sought a temporary reprieve at some roadside diner where the family would stop to eat and address their biological requirements before reaching their final destination

    18. The jury selection process has become (the) key underlying component in winning high-profile cases whose outcomes are oftentimes predetermined before opening statements are presented to the jury

    19. Character oftentimes requires playing the hand that has been dealt to us

    20. Wealth is oftentimes attributable to Chance

    21. Sorrow is oftentimes a necessary burden that helps to preserve the quality of being Human

    22. An individual should remain on guard against internal inventions whose inestimable patterns are oftentimes (inconveniently) projected upon others

    23. It is Humankind‘s inherent capacity for being (human) that allows an individual to distinguish between right and wrong, for example, although that individual may oftentimes behave in a manner contrary to his or her (own) better judgment

    24. (Why do we do the things we do when we understand (beforehand) that it is wrong to do them?) I believe that many of us are oftentimes ―victims‖ of our own internal designs; adopting behavioral attitudes contrary to our discriminating nature(s) that fail to give proper pause to their origin, ―the (cause) of their origin, its history, its qualities and attributes and its results and effects‖

    25. for example, an attitude, that, may appear charming and pleasant on the surface while in fact concealing a darker, insidious nature; that is to say, external impressions are oftentimes misleading

    26. (deliberate) manner, that oftentimes tests the limits of its collective tolerance, can be traced to its traditional support of liberty and acceptance, within reasonable limits, of comparative viewpoints and expressions however controversial or unpopular to some

    27. Our perceptions are oftentimes unreliable, predisposed to conditioning and experience that undermines an individual‘s ability to see and think clearly

    28. The unsettling (perception) of being beholden to other people oftentimes engenders troubling notions of an individual‘s private failings that seeks its own outlet by projecting that individual‘s sense of frustration (and shame) on his or her ―benefactor‖ whether it be a family member, a close friend or someone more abstract like (the) taxpayer

    29. Such thinking is implausible; perhaps, given the rise in social costs exceeding in proportion the exploited wages many of these families oftentimes receive

    30. ‖Progressive‖ parents are oftentimes likely to appeal to ―reason‖ rather than exercising proper parental authority whenever a child misbehaves

    31. This is the message Republicans should be sending; rather than engaging in awkward, half-hearted overtures that are oftentimes perceived as transparent and insincere

    32. Social ―improprieties‖ (I am being generous) are oftentimes conveniently sidestepped or (casually) dismissed by ―social-minded‖ reformers who, eager for ―root‖ causes, worsen matters by making (implausible) excuses like ―social disease‖ or introducing psycho-babble into the equation rather than holding these tiresome individuals responsible for their actions

    33. Marginalized communities existing on the (economic) ―fringe,‖ normally consisting of recent emigrants, although many such groups often include native born Americans, who, for a variety of reasons, have been unable to elevate themselves above the ―poverty‖ line, are oftentimes perceived or treated unfairly, as if their present social or economic standing were entirely owing to questionable value structures predisposing many to under achieve

    34. In whatever manner many have been unfairly characterized by virtue of their group identity; the majority of otherwise law-abiding citizens are oftentimes viewed with suspicion because of their ethnicity or the color of their skin or because they are simply poor

    35. Assumptions by modern revisionists seeking to belie historical traditions, avidly supported by special interests with political axes to grind, however discredited such assumptions oftentimes are, may further promote muddled-headed thinking by ultimately winning the battle of ideas, however questionable their premises, by perpetuating falsehoods that, on the surface, oftentimes appear plausible to variable, ―discerning‖ young minds armed with partial knowledge, but sufficient enough to receive distorted impressions at their face value, rendering many vulnerable to questionable or unlikely propositions that bear little or no resemblance to the truth; advanced by (political and social) deconstructionists alienated from their (hated) customs, offering in exchange, contemporary standards predicated on historical fallacies, deception, inflicted reasoning and ignominious viewpoints

    36. Typical conversations were oftentimes ordinary and uneventful……

    37. It remains a mystery to me how the mind is oftentimes influenced by initial impressions

    38. although such crimes are oftentimes incidental to race

    39. Humankind, however, possesses another ―remarkable‖ attribute uncommon to Beast, the capacity to render extinct, members of its own species for reasons (oftentimes) considered dubious at best

    40. Many of us, unfortunately, have proven ourselves unworthy of such ―rights‖ by the choices we oftentimes make

    41. ―Truth‖ or Wisdom, in the conventional sense, is an approximation of Truth‘s essential designs, although an important starting-point in providing reasonable guidelines in the manner a morally, well-ordered society should properly conduct itself, however subjective such notions oftentimes appear

    42. I am not suggesting that Truth lies somewhere within some pre-defined center; that is to say, falling between opposite extremes since even extremes are oftentimes difficult to determine

    43. An even stickier proposition may surface whenever conflicts arise between the peculiar aspects of Justice and private designs or what is properly referred to by many as Conscience, that oftentimes bows to its ―own‖ Truth

    44. This lesson, unfortunately, oftentimes expresses itself too late in life to the chagrin of ―ambitious‖ women who willfully placed their professional careers ahead of raising a family

    45. What has become troubling in recent years, however, is the ―in your face,‖ oftentimes violent, antisocial messages cutting across all segments of the population that have become commonplace

    46. Discordant (human) emotions are oftentimes the result of conflicting designs that drive an individual to distraction or despair; individuals who have lost sight of themselves; that is to say, of their intended purpose, that render their lives uncertain or without meaning

    47. everyone enjoys a good show every now and then……however delivered in a manner that oftentimes resonated with the uninitiated

    48. Although Conservatives may be found among the ranks of both major political parties, shifting political and social alliances in recent years suggest a preference for the Republican Party; in whatever many of the rank and file have been oftentimes marginalized by Republican Party leaders

    49. Wisecracking, precocious young children superseding the worldly ―wisdom‖ of their well-meaning but oftentimes bumbling parents, more often than not, the father; portrayed as ‖agreeable‖, however (somewhat) pompous, over-bearing, self-regarding and someone who just ―doesn‘t get it

    50. ‖ Awkward, juvenile attempts at ―connecting‖ with their children is inconsistent with real life situations facing most parents who generally have to deal with a broad variety of (uncertain) thoughts and emotions that oftentimes alienate young children coming age

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    frequently oft often oftentimes ofttimes