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    Usar "practicable" en una oración

    practicable oraciones de ejemplo


    1. ' This shall be our launching point toward the practicable method to become as a human was intended” The guest leaned back and let his host ponder the image undisturbed

    2. “One practicable way, or avenue, to restore our conscience is through the instinctive center

    3. For himself, Harry enrolled for the Summer Term at Malvern and set his mind to completing his education with that hallowed institution within the shortest time practicable, driven by an imperative which he could not satisfactorily define

    4. But though this operation had proved not only practicable, but profitable to the bank, as a mercantile company; yet the country could have derived no benefit front it, but, on the contrary, must have suffered a very

    5. After all, the possibility of travelling twelve thousand light years to the original device is not practicable, much less safe

    6. Without, however, pretending to determine whether such a union be practicable or

    7. (3) When the force of the flames has reached its height, follow it up with an attack, if that is practicable; if not, stay where you are

    8. And as Schlesinger continued in that Partisan Review article: “Socialism, then, appears quite practicable within this frame of reference, as a long-term proposition

    9. Perhaps the first thing that comes to your mind is to imitate the successful sites, since copycat ideas are simple and practicable

    10. He was acutely aware of his inability to defend himself and, as he was only in possession of a pitifully small, general-purpose knife, he urgently set out to find some way to improvise a practicable weapon

    11. practicable, remove from the Collection

    12. Dennis Gabor proposed the theory of holography in 1947, but it only became practicable

    13. It has undertaken a review of the status and prospects of renewables, including an examination of what would be necessary and practicable to achieve 10 per cent of UK electricity requirements from renewables by 2010 and what contribution renewables could make to reducing greenhouse gas emissions

    14. Darren helping at the hotel fitting in a few days at his offices might be practicable, and I

    15. “What do you think of this idea? Is practicable?”

    16. practicable to use it

    17. Is this dramatic upsurge in violent jihad directed at the United States unrelated to our behavior? Or does it reflect a growing calculation on the part of our Shariah-adherent enemies that violence against the United States is now, once again, practicable? Either way, the time has clearly come to make a far more serious effort to defeat both the violent and stealthy forms of jihad being waged against this country

    18. practicable, high wall shall not be created in conventional coal wining

    19. with respect to both scope and span, then it would be theoretically practicable to respond to

    20. circumstances, and it seems to him that all the practicable methods involve the participation

    21. “I think I must Anna, since it seems the only practicable way which will enable me to see Zeba quickly

    22. devoid of jargons as far as practicable

    23. It is not practicable in our day or in our age

    24. Our duty is with what is practicable now-with the next step possible in our day and generation

    25. To date, many web sites are trying to come up with practicable reviews about online dating services

    26. In the hope of his recovery, and of resort to this third course being thereby rendered practicable, Mr

    27. "I tell you," said Camilla, "there is nothing to take care of except to answer me what I shall ask you;" for she did not wish to explain to him beforehand what she meant to do, fearing lest he should be unwilling to follow out an idea which seemed to her such a good one, and should try or devise some other less practicable plan

    28. Up to 1835 there was no practicable road for getting to Yonville, but about this time a cross-road was made which joins that of Abbeville to that of Amiens, and is occasionally used by the Rouen wagoners on their way to Flanders

    29. have been practicable, without tediousness, or remitting in any degree the

    30. She was very far from wishing to dwell on her own feelings, or to represent herself as suffering much, any otherwise than as the self-command she had practised since her first knowledge of Edward's engagement, might suggest a hint of what was practicable to Marianne

    31. Isabella, absorbed in her meditations, or a book, remained till the door opened; and it was too late to attempt an escape, which she would gladly have done had it been practicable

    32. For the practicability of what is said may be doubted; and looked at in another point of view, whether the scheme, if ever so practicable, would be for the best, is also doubtful

    33. equally easy and practicable, by the double care taken to have each bed-

    34. But they had never taken the trouble to seriously inquire whether it was possible to find some better way, and although they all knew in a hazy fashion that other methods of managing the affairs of the world had already been proposed, they neglected to inquire whether these other methods were possible or practicable, and they were ready and willing to oppose with ignorant ridicule or brutal force any man who was foolish or quixotic enough to try to explain to them the details of what he thought was a better way

    35. We changed, and I had not made up my mind, and still reflected for my comfort that it would be quite practicable to get down and walk back, when we changed again

    36. "It is possible, Haidee, that so perfect a seclusion, though conformable with the habits and customs of the East, may not be practicable in Paris

    37. So, when I had pledged myself to comfort and abet Herbert in the affair of his heart by all practicable and impracticable means, and when Herbert had told me that his affianced already knew me by reputation and that I should be presented to her, and when we had warmly shaken hands upon our mutual

    38. "Sir," said the notary, whose interest had been greatly excited, and who had resolved on publishing far and wide the account of this extraordinary and picturesque scene, "what appeared so impossible to me an hour ago, has now become quite easy and practicable, and this may be a perfectly valid will, provided it be read in the presence of seven witnesses, approved by the testator, and sealed by the notary in the presence of the witnesses

    39. consider what was practicable to be done in this new and

    40. ready use, a sponge, that required no more than gently reaching the hand to it, taking it out and properly squeezing between the thighs, when it yelded a great deal more of the red liquid than would save a girl's honour; after which, replacing it, and touching the spring, all possibility of discovery, or even of suspicion, was taken away; and this was not the work of the fourth part of a minute, and of which ever side one lay, the thing was equally easy and practicable, by the double care taken to have each bed-post provided alike

    41. Decoud's plan of a counter-revolution may be practicable or not, it may have a chance, or it may not have a chance

    42. "If you have explored the east, we should travel along the base of the cliff to the west, and seek for a practicable point for our ascent

    43. 7, the elimination of this entire major group from investment consideration would seem neither practicable nor desirable

    44. We feel, however, that it would be neither fair nor practicable to require every company to meet a test so severe

    45. The prohibition of dividend payments under such conditions is sound and practicable

    46. It may be that the profession of adviser on securities will find its most practicable field in the intermediate region, where the adviser will deal with problems arising from depreciated investments, and where he will propose advantageous exchanges and recommend bargain issues selling considerably below their intrinsic value

    47. Second, there is always a chance that the character of the market’s behavior may change significantly, so that a scheme of operation that would have worked well in the past will cease to be practicable

    48. Nor was it a practicable tax as far as wealthy holders were concerned, because the extremely high personal tax rates, combined with the corporation taxes (state and federal), created an over-all burden undoubtedly hostile to individual initiative

    49. Our own observation is that they were quite practicable and were resorted to by a fair number of corporations in 1936 and 1937,9 but that they were avoided by the majority, either from unfamiliarity or from a desire to throw as harsh a light as possible upon the law

    50. They might, however, perform a more useful service if they omitted a calculation of the per-share earnings in all cases where the company’s reports appear to contain irregularities or complications in any of the following directions and where a satisfactory correction is not practicable:

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