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    rimester oraciones de ejemplo


    1. usually develop during the third trimester, and will

    2. third trimester of pregnancy, and is experiencing the

    3. first trimester of Julie’s time in the womb

    4. produced in the third trimester, but can be created at

    5. not all souls enter their mother’s womb at the same trimester

    6. “She’s roughly four months along which puts her in the beginning stages of the second trimester

    7. After the first trimester,

    8. He told them that during the first trimester they could do it normal-style, during the second trimester they should do it dog-style and during the third trimester they were limited to wolf-style

    9. She was in her third trimester now and she had only

    10. The first trimester was smooth and she moved around a lot

    11. In two and a half days they’d leave for a four-day pass: a quick escape from the daily grind and a shot of relaxation before Angela entered her final trimester and would need them around even more than she did now

    12. Everything was going great, except when Melissa went to the doctor during her first trimester and they found that their baby would mostly likely have Downs Syndrome

    13. At five weeks, still in my first trimester and within the real danger zone, I’d woken up in the middle of the night to cramping and blood on the sheets

    14. now we were already in the last trimester, and theoretically, we were supposed be prepared to have a baby at any time

    15. With my term papers passed in and all my finals completed, the end of the first trimester

    16. The end of the trimester meant a few weeks off of school,

    17. By the time your second trimester starts, you should be gaining

    18. wondering if you just put on some weight!), the nasty pregnancy signs of the first trimester are largely in the past, and you might have tons of energy

    19. As you leave the first trimester behind, hopefully along with its less pleasant symptoms – morning

    20. women will start “showing” at some point in the second trimester

    21. For some, this happens early on in the first trimester, while

    22. appetite in the second and third trimesters

    23. blood pressure during the first and second trimesters of their pregnancies

    24. Edema can start in the second trimester (which is why we listed this symptom in the second trimester

    25. the second or third trimester of pregnancy

    26. stage during pregnancy, but most women find they are worse during one trimester than the others

    27. Itchy nipples during the second and third trimesters

    28. uncommon symptom during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy

    29. Itchy nipples are most likely to happen during the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy, and

    30. Lower back pain in the second and third trimesters

    31. back pain in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy

    32. relatively big and puts pressure on your stomach – sometimes in the second trimester

    33. As the birth of your baby draws near, some of the pregnancy signs of the first trimester might come back

    34. third trimester, and this is just one of the contributing factors that make you want to be “done” with

    35. Once you enter the third and final trimester of

    36. and hiccups are the privilege of the last trimester

    37. The third trimester is a great opportunity to bond with your baby

    38. This feeling can start as early as the first trimester of your pregnancy, though most women report that they start noticing changes in breathing patterns at

    39. some point during the second trimester

    40. drops into your pelvis during the end of the third trimester, your internal organs including your lungs will have more space again

    41. notice this at some point during their third trimester

    42. your bladder is not at all unusual in pregnancy, especially in the third trimester

    43. the second or the third trimester

    44. If this happens to you, you are probably in your third trimester

    45. Sometime late in the third trimester, your baby will suddenly drop into your pelvis

    46. The third trimester, from 38

    47. Many women already notice some stretch marks in the second trimester, but for others they

    48. only appear in the third trimester, at the very end of pregnancy

    49. Most women start to put on extra weight during the second trimester

    50. Many women experiencing cramping become nervous about losing the foetus especially during the first trimester, but this is not always likely to take place

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