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    roped oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Then, for an extra tenner each, they got all the remaining hands to grab ropes and haul the crate to where it could be roped to the rockasaur

    2. On the second level he found an area roped off - it held weapons

    3. rider rode around the inside of the roped area

    4. “Oh he was down yesterday, it’s just a little twenty eight or twenty nine inch thing but he’s got it topped and roped today

    5. Nonik had roped it in and then strung vines around the ropes

    6. As the giant rectangle of red stone reached the apex of the pulley, a team of workers roped it in, guided it to its destination, then signaled to the ground below where the counterweight bucket was uncorked and the slug mules untethered, allowing the stone to settle into its final resting place

    7. Eventually the poet roped two heavy rocks around his waist to increase his weight factor, then tried again

    8. On a windy, gray Halloween day I roped Norma into working with me at a cat show

    9. He stood to one side of the roped area and scanned the crowd quickly

    10. Stay roped together

    11. LP saw that Ingrid had climbed down from the top deck and entered the Captain's bridge, even though it was roped off

    12. The harrier jump jets were roped off with a sign saying ‘Do Not Enter’, plus a yellow security line

    13. That roped him in

    14. Leaving the Jeep, she followed him up the walk before stopping, thinking of crime scenes she’d seen on television roped off with yellow tape

    15. A temporary roped off arena in the middle of the floor

    16. When all the captives had been roped together neck-to-neck, and all the buildings searched for valuables, Halfdan told men to pull Haki's pants on and drag the heavy body from its killing-place to the big, stone-walled building

    17. ―What the hell you doing here? I thought I had this place roped off

    18. A few weeks after my visit, Stonehenge was roped off and visitors were no longer allowed to touch the stones

    19. Their arms were linked at the elbows, their wrists roped across their chests and their mouths were gagged

    20. Two kids did climb on to the roped off exhibit and a couple of adults moved in

    21. on a ‘poled bear’; he’s roped to a pole or other inanimate

    22. The driver’s window should not be roped since it has to be able to open and close freely

    23. I got roped into a session on writing humor

    24. ” The brothers also roped Michael into going into their parents’ bedroom while they were sleeping and going through Joseph’s pants pockets, which were lying on the floor, in search of loose change

    25. suspicion should be placed upon one than another; though he sensed the killer would be much too clever, especially after having ruthlessly murdered two individuals in cold blood, to betray himself with his behaviour, Feltus had hoped he would witness a nervousness, perhaps in the guilty party’s eyes or hands that trembled uncontrollably, that could shed some light upon the true sentiments of an elusive criminal who was slowly being roped into the law’s clutches

    26. Some of the areas are roped off for private use, and the Americans had such a space

    27. Thinking back, he knew he never should have gotten roped into

    28. “We will stay roped together then,” said Carla

    29. solid anchors in snow and ice to protect themselves during these movements if roped

    30. The launch site was an area of the beach roped off and there was a young man inside the ropes finishing up his preparations for the first launch

    31. Juan looked over to the area roped off for launching and saw the area was clear

    32. He had been roped into dating this woman although 'dates' weren’t really his thing

    33. The party roped in Upendra Kushwaha, a backward-caste leader who was once a Nitish aide

    34. Roopa too was roped in for a quorum

    35. moved to a table in the far corner of the roped off

    36. Hal wasn’t quite sure how he got roped into the task of capturing Thomas the manticore, but somehow he found himself facing the mouth of the cave and his friends looking at him as if he had volunteered, which he hadn’t

    37. Around the base there was a roped off area with a gap in the front

    38. One time he woke with his back roped on

    39. found a large piece of heavy plastic and had roped this securely

    40. “I want this area roped off

    41. They had a small portion of the dance floor roped off for

    42. “What? What happened?” Ralph asked, clearly enjoying being part of the group for a change, rather than be roped to his doghouse

    43. We joined the formal march atop roped and coned

    44. In places, they roped themselves together for safety

    45. They roped themselves together and moved out into the middle of the stream, where the strong current picked them up and carried them effortlessly downstream

    46. Back we went, my troop following Caan to the barrack blocks and the stables, while I rode for Arial’s house in the main street, where I left my horse roped outside and banged on her door

    47. Unbelievable! I had roped myself to a Saxon orphan

    48. Tolak wouldn’t let go of me all the way up the rope ladder, but insisted on climbing up the roped net half behind and over top of me, while unhindered Sheatera scampered on up the ladder to the top like a monkey

    49. The rubble had been cleared away and the area had been roped off

    50. Roped like an animal, hurt, frightened and covered in filthy mud, she staggered after her new owner, across the bridge and along the road that led into the forest

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