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    Usar "squeak" en una oración

    squeak oraciones de ejemplo





    1. Taking a deep breath, she got up from the couch as silently as she could, tip-toed to the front door, slowly opened it with a sense of relief when it didn't squeak, and then hurried outside and up the street

    2. Just then I heard a sharp squeak coming from somewhere close by

    3. I looked behind into a doorway then I heard a squeak and she materialised in a nearby archway, smiling and mumbling into the headscarf drawn across her toothless mouth

    4. "I suppose you dove back into the woods then?" Emily said with a squeak

    5. All that Alec heard was; SQUEAK, SQUEAK, SQUEAK

    6. 'Darn the gate' Nimblefax turned his head as he trotted behind Lemoss and Flitter's gate closed with a squeak

    7. "Where would they go?" Emily asked with a squeak

    8. “Wh-what was it then?” Izzy spoke, but her question came out as a squeak

    9. Curious about why he would make such noises, she opened the door to his bedroom, slowly and quietly, making the door squeak loudly as she entered the room

    10. A squeak of surprise slipped out, but it quickly turned to a sigh as Aspen angled her head to deepen the kiss

    11. "You're a badger!" Rooten said, stating the obvious, his voice rising in an indignant squeak

    12. Marcia removed the cork with a squeak that emphasised the quietness in the room, then poured them both a drink

    13. In desperation she threw herself against it over and over again, making it squeak its slow way across the linoleum, millimetre by millimetre

    14. “None of my concern!” I hear footsteps squeak above me and stare up through the mesh

    15. His shoes squeak as he turns away

    16. I fire, clenching my teeth so hard they squeak

    17. Bent at the waist, I shove my shoulder into the double doors, and they squeak across the floor as their seal breaks

    18. He heard the door hinge squeak behind him, but didn’t bother to look at who

    19. So the Democrats changed the rules, and used the now infamous “reconciliation” process, which requires only 51 votes in the Senate, to squeak Obamacare through, When sent back to the House, as required, Ms

    20. locked, or at least he expected the hinges would squeak

    21. Another try, real coughing now! “Hey!” This time it came out as a high-pitched squeak

    22. coughing now! “Hey!” This time it came out as a high-pitched squeak

    23. parents say? They’d squeak their heads of--ha, ha, ha!”

    24. "That was a narrow squeak!" he said, and the others agreed

    25. It was more of an ungraceful squeak

    26. ‘No,’ was all she could manage to squeak, bursting into tears

    27. There was an almost imperceptible squeak in the room above me as someone trod cautiously on ageing floorboards


    29. Not a squeak of air entered my lungs

    30. Pushing back his chair with a loud squeak, the salesman stood

    31. grass, the squeak of my

    32. Her constant chatter in her high pitched squeak was grating with Siri’s nerves and he was determined that he was going to rid the world of this piece of filth

    33. a little squeak With pistol in front he waited to the side of the

    34. Yeltsa shot the Cyri from her Sputty, sending it staggering back with a horrified squeak

    35. Pushing slowly the door at the top of the staircase so that it would not squeak, Nancy looked through the crack once opened by a few centimeters

    36. They heard the squeak and clunk of his car door opening and slamming shut, followed by footsteps approaching

    37. stopped abruptly, with a squeak

    38. As fast as she dared in the little car, unfamiliar with its rattle and squeak and

    39. He’d left the cap off and its dry squeak declared it was useless

    40. The squeak of the door gave his location away and she followed him out

    41. doesn’t squeak as loud as I would have expected

    42. ” (Squeak Squeak) Diane D gets interrupted by a squeaky sound

    43. There was a fumbling noise from outside, the squeak of shoes on the plastic tiling

    44. I'm assuming you don't have the math, so I'll try to squeak by

    45. "You have who?" he finally managed to squeak out

    46. Every machinist has had the experience of hearing the machine "squeak" out

    47. ” My voice came out in a squeak

    48. “Maybe later?” he managed to squeak, and his friends roared and slapped the table

    49. It came out weak and splintery, worse than even the squeak Jovet had made

    50. Should the bedroom doors squeak, fix it because it blocks romantic energy from entering the bedroom

    1. Sarah jumped a little as the door hinges squeaked open

    2. ‘Hello?’ I squeaked, having knocked the breath out of myself in the process

    3. His chair squeaked as he sat back with his own cup

    4. The handle of the door squeaked as someone operated it from the hallway and her eyes flashed to the doorway, her heart pounding

    5. I squeaked open the door a couple of inches, pushed aside a beaded curtain and peered inside

    6. I wasn't sure if they knew someone was there but after a few moments of heads bowed and hands joined, one squeaked a giggle and took a cautious peek at the other

    7. The car squeaked to a halt in front of the Royal Hotel on John Street and its achy joints groaned as Bruce got out

    8. " To the top floor" he squeaked out

    9. One of the jurors had a pencil that squeaked

    10. the stairs, avoiding step six, the one that always squeaked when the weather was damp, which in

    11. of the hand timidly squeaked

    12. “You know my name?” he squeaked

    13. ‘How is the baby?’ I squeaked finally, once the sobs had subsided

    14. "You mean he's done this before?" My voice squeaked with indignation

    15. Sim’s soft shoe-bottoms squeaked, he noted insanely, but still it annoyed one

    16. “With the engineer! Yes!” she squeaked the identification amidst another gargling try to clear that which refused to allow her breath to come more freely

    17. It only squeaked in at the last possible moment of the council, whose responsibility it was to codify a uniform work that would be able to be used to present the Word to the world of that and succeeding generations

    18. The doors squeaked with a heavy metal sound

    19. “Tifa?” squeaked a voice from beneath the counter

    20. “Cloud?” she squeaked, the tone of confusion evident in her

    21. “Sephiroth is alive?” squeaked Tifa, holding a hand to her

    22. His footsteps squeaked as he walked on the wind-hardened snow

    23. All of the irritation that squeaked out of that

    24. “The concept was okay,” he continued as I heard his swivel chair squeaked as he moved

    25. “My name is Gad,” squeaked the reply as Gad found his voice

    26. The extra cold snow squeaked with each step and

    27. The door squeaked open and a swarthy man with a scar on his cheek entered the

    28. Easy to deal with and a swordsman to boot—but so loyal he squeaked

    29. howled, squeaked, chirped, bit or stung, chances were that Daveda would unwillingly cross

    30. My rubber rat squeaked

    31. The wheels squeaked under her

    32. ” Alicia squeaked out

    33. And turning, he hastened out of the oracle chamber; behind him Muriela squeaked wretchedly at his going

    34. The rats in the walls squeaked loud enough to my ears that I thought it deafening and when a brash pair appeared out of a crack in the wall to skitter past my feet, I lunged so swiftly that I caught both

    35. The tyres squeaked as the car came to a halt at the station

    36. “But if I give you that then I won't earn anything! Where's the logic in that?” He squeaked

    37. “What the hell was that?” he squeaked

    38. “What?” she squeaked, her voice barely above a whisper

    39. As she strolled back and forth, her shabby patent shoes squeaked on the tile floor

    40. “Johnny,” he squeaked with a friendly voice, momentarily forgetting the dreadful circumstance

    41. “The hell…?”Joey squeaked, putting one hand over his mouth and nose

    42. “I think I broke a few ribs…” Bahit squeaked the words out of his mouth

    43. Wheels squeaked as though a cart was being pushed

    44. I stopped suddenly, as one of the stairs squeaked

    45. Her voice squeaked as her question broke the silence

    46. He squeaked as

    47. ’ Skeet stepped forward and kicked him in the chest, then squeaked and

    48. In the moment of silence that followed, Wickland slowly lowered himself into the uncomfortable wooden swivel chair at the desk; he cringed as the rusty springs squeaked beneath his weight and movement though Martha gave no indication as to disruption to the stillness of the room

    49. One of the droids squeaked

    50. ’what the hel was I thinking!? Seriously,’ he squeaked very un-seriously, ‘what

    1. “Did you hear what he did to me?” His voice was squeaking as he got to that

    2. Just then they heard a knock on the door, followed by squeaking as it slowly opened

    3. The long grass rustled at her feet as the White Rabbit hurried by–the frightened Mouse splashed his way through the neighbouring pool–she could hear the rattle of the teacups as the March Hare and his friends shared their never-ending meal, and the shrill voice of the Queen ordering off her unfortunate guests to execution–once more the pig-baby was sneezing on the Duchess’s knee, while plates and dishes crashed around it–once more the shriek of the Gryphon, the squeaking of the Lizard’s slate-pencil, and the choking of the suppressed guinea-pigs, filled the air, mixed up with the

    4. The pig faced German made a sound like one of those mama dolls the kids have a kind of high pitched squeaking as the air left his body

    5. He wanted to put his hands over his ears but, before he could, the squeaking stopped

    6. A car crossed the bridge behind them, leaving a wake of squeaking and groaning metal and wood

    7. The long grass rustled at her feet as the White Rabbit hurried by--the frightened Mouse splashed his way through the neighbouring pool--she could hear the rattle of the teacups as the March Hare and his friends shared their never-ending meal, and the shrill voice of the Queen ordering off her unfortunate guests to execution--once more the pig-baby was sneezing on the Duchess's knee, while plates and dishes crashed around it--once more the shriek of the Gryphon, the squeaking of the Lizard's slate-pencil, and the choking of the suppressed guinea-pigs, filled the air, mixed up with the distant sobs of the miserable Mock Turtle

    8. The familiar squeaking sound alerted both Kady and Jevon instantly

    9. In this building the only sound is of our squeaking shoes

    10. “I agree to your terms,” Johanna says, and she holds out her hand, her footsteps squeaking in the snow

    11. heard the squeaking sound of footsteps

    12. "What will the people in physical therapy teach me, that will help me live better than I could without their help?" asked Monica, her voice squeaking out the words

    13. Squeaking with each step that the loving visitors took, the floor gradually revealed several pieces of torn clothing, some of which were strewn about on the old, worn furniture

    14. As he was squeaking out his agitated diatribe,

    15. sounds of Onni being pushed to the ground, his hands squeaking

    16. The door opened, squeaking on its hinges

    17. automatic doors opened with a squeaking and scratching

    18. I heard the squeaking of rats and the livestock in the hull

    19. All that Malcolm can make out is that it is an old light coloured Renault van that had squeaking back doors

    20. The squeaking of the wheels sends chills down the men’s spines

    21. A print machine to his side began to shuffle back and forth as squeaking and scratching sounds jostled from it

    22. Some squirrels were observing the huge shimmer in a patch of the woods in central park, when a portal ripped open with a blast of force that sent them running and squeaking

    23. It made squeaking noises as he leaned back, broken in spirit

    24. He pulled the covers back over Ashley’s foot and hurried out, squeaking the defective wheeled laundry cart past her room

    25. yeah,’ and the bed was squeaking and bouncing and everything was fucked to

    26. I heard the squeaking sounds of bare feet in a bath so I assumed she had retreated back behind the curtain

    27. Running back into the room where all this was taking place, I looked over to the blanket that the nurses had placed over the little body, and heard a small, but distinct, grunting sound, or maybe it was more like a squeaking sound

    28. A small (2 cm) stub, for instance, makes an effective fire starter in damp conditions, while dry candle wax is an excellent lubricant for zippers (and squeaking car fan belts)

    29. parched throat emanated a squeaking sound that only a

    30. you back out on the streets?" Said Carter squeaking his

    31. His laughter, which was peculiar with lots of “oo oo” sounds laced throughout it, was quickly overpowered by the squeaking wheel of a nearby grocery cart that was being pushed past my house by the hands of a middle-aged Hispanic woman

    32. A singing bird, or a barking dog, or a howling wolf, or a squeaking dolphin would be examples of that

    33. All of a sudden the rodents began squeaking, causing a loud

    34. In response to its squeaking,

    35. The three babies burrowed deeper under the leaves and cuddled together as though searching for comfort, squeaking excitedly

    36. She took a few steps forward, her black boots squeaking on the polished floor

    37. Next came the sound of squeaking wheels from a rusted shopping cart, announcing the return of his deranged old hostess

    38. The swinging doors opened and closed, squeaking plaintively…

    39. Some other night he had heard a strange, squeaking noise, endlessly but not too regularly repeated

    40. It sounded like a squeaking door being opened over and over again, but that didn't make sense

    41. “Those limits are a joke!” said Fred angrily, as they sped around a curve with squeaking tyres

    42. his leather boots squeaking ominously and then he was so close I could smell the last

    43. light, but the intrusion triggered a squeaking and mewling of what

    44. By us squeaking in, we got

    45. notized by the monotonous squeaking and bumpity-bump of the

    46. her, to ignore the squeaking of the bed and reach our liberating, silent-as-possible groaning orgasm

    47. lingering kiss and her sleeping pill she should have taken hours earlier, despite her protestations that she did not need it, that she would now sleep like a log, put on my robe de chambre and left through the squeaking door of bliss, along the dark corridor, down the staircase and into my room

    48. Squeaking furiously, this struggled frantically to get its head round to bite him, but Loofah was too quick for it and held its head between thumb and forefinger so that it couldn't turn

    49. There was a squeaking sound as a door or a trunk was opened

    50. His boots trod again a damp crackling mast, razorshells, squeaking pebbles, that on the unnumbered pebbles beats, wood sieved by the shipworm, lost Armada

    1. "Loser!" Their roars cracked into squeaks (dragon teens can be mean but are still really awkward) and they pushed him around

    2. When it dawned on them that I knew what they were up to, they burst into shameless sniggers and gleeful squeaks having been caught out having so much barefaced fun

    3. The rushing noise grew louder than our squeals and squeaks

    4. After a long embrace amidst her sighs and squeaks, he plopped himself onto the couch

    5. I stand and uncross my arms as the door squeaks open a few inches

    6. The snow has stopped falling now, but enough has collected on the ground that it squeaks under my shoes

    7. the shuffling squeaks of his shoes

    8. As they continue to watch, she hears a crackling noise followed by a series of high-pitched squeaks, and a small beak emerges from the depths

    9. squeaks, and moans, along with a haunting call of three notes

    10. The hinges received oil to reduce squeaks front and back before the

    11. As creaks and squeaks sounded all around me, I missed it terribly

    12. “Oh!” She squeaks as the bus goes over a bump in the road

    13. When I gave off ultrasonic squeaks, they pinged back at me and my brain interpreted the clicks into decipherable pictures

    14. In an almost whisper, Razz squeaks out, “Silence

    15. squeaks and squeals of the poor hog don’t result in sympathy,

    16. “How do you feel angry? Like this?” She screwed up her face and her fists, and made little constipated squeaks

    17. Byron’s heart thumped loudly, his eyes newly full of her previously unknown rhythmical movements and his ears chorused by her honey drenched butterfly squeaks

    18. Flower and Candy had anticipated the big day with ascending fanfares of excited squeaks

    19. ” The cubs squeaks delight

    20. "Shh!" He presses a hand over her mouth to stifle the noise, and she squeaks as her eyes snap open in fright

    21. "Oh!" She squeaks out another sob, and again throws her arms around her mother

    22. "This is exciting!" she squeaks in something between a squeal and a whisper that only she can pull off

    23. Eugene stretches out his leg to press his foot reassuringly against her own, and she jumps and squeaks at the contact, dropping her spoon with a clatter

    24. He tried to talk but only squeaks came out

    25. To a chorus of angry squeaks, he swept the outraged rodent to and fro, pursuing the icon across the lawn, into the hedges, and back into the sky

    26. Weak squeaks of laughter are heard, weaker

    27. It's a pretty old apartment house, and the superintendent's a lazy bastard, and everything creaks and squeaks

    28. low voices, rising and falling, punctuated with squeaks of laughter and, “Now, you didn’t, really!” and “What did he say then?” On the beds and couches of the six great

    29. I growl that I shall catch him; he squeaks that I shall not

    30. At length, after many adventures and narrow squeaks, he saw the tower of Puddleby Church and he knew that at last he was near his old home

    31. There are three kinds of squeaks

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