Usar "subordination" en una oración
subordination oraciones de ejemplo
1. It established a regular subordination, accompanied with a long train of services and duties, from the king down to the smallest proprietor
2. After the institution of feudal subordination, the king was as incapable of restraining the violence of the great lords as before
3. They carry out with them, too, the habit of subordination, some notion of the regular government which takes place in their own country, of the system of laws which support it, and of a regular administration of justice; and they naturally establish something of the same kind in the new settlement
4. No society, whether barbarous or civilized, has ever found it convenient to settle the rules of precedency of rank and subordination, according to those invisible qualities; but according to something that is more plain and palpable
5. Universal poverty establishes their universal equality ; and the superiority, either of age or of personal qualities, are the feeble, but the sole foundations of authority and subordination
6. There is, therefore, little or no authority or subordination in this period of society
7. There is no period, accordingly, in which authority and subordination are more perfectly established
8. They are the two great sources of personal distinction, and are, therefore, the principal causes which naturally establish authority and subordination among men
9. It is in the age of shepherds, in the second period of society, that the inequality of fortune first begins to take place, and introduces among men a degree of authority and subordination, which could not possibly exist before
10. The consideration of that necessity comes, no doubt, afterwards, to contribute very much to maintain and secure that authority and subordination
11. All the inferior shepherds and herdsmen feel, that the security of their own herds and flocks depends upon the security of those of the great shepherd or herdsman; that the maintenance of their lesser authority depends upon that of his greater authority ; and that upon their subordination to him depends his power of keeping their inferiors in subordination to them
12. It must give them public encouragement in order to their subsistence; and it must provide against that negligence to which they will naturally be subject, either by annexing particular ho0nours to profession, by establishing a long subordination of ranks, and a strict dependence, or by some other expedient
13. The former were under a regular discipline and subordination to the papal authority
14. The latter were under no regular discipline or subordination, but almost always equally jealous of one another, and of the king
15. The followers of Luther, together with what is called the church of England, preserved more or less of the episcopal government, established subordination among the clergy, gave the sovereign the disposal of all the bishoprics, and other consistorial benefices within his dominions, and thereby rendered him the real head of the church; and without depriving the bishop of the right of collating to the smaller benefices within his diocese, they, even to those benefices, not only admitted, but favoured the right of presentation, both in the sovereign and in all other lay patrons
16. He goes on to write how the Leftist agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority to divide the people by: (a) creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization, (b) satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation, (c) augmenting primitive feelings of envy, and (d) rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordination him to the will of the Government
17. instantly struck a pose of subordination
18. control it's people is to scare them in to subordination with the threat of jail sentences,
19. In Africa, they do not spring spontaneously from the people by means of so-called "democratic" processes, least of all by the subordination of white to black, as bitter experience is teaching us
20. I consider this information meeting as an act of courtesy, and not as an act of subordination to the French High Command
21. It had orders, due subordination, and discipline
22. In that a 2-gendered human race must have one sex subordinate to the other in order to work and such a subordinate factor was even built into our genetic makeup? What if perfect equality would have simply kicked the whole human process into neutral? Considering the many eloquent arguments presented by men of science and religion and all those fine philosophical ponderings, they have made a strong case for a "natural law of subordination" with half submitting to "subjection" just as the Bible and the boys' other rulebooks direct
23. aimed at achievement of absolute subordination of all systems of his/her own
24. and subordination over its own citizens
25. All religions fail for they give to women a status of fixed subordination to men
26. � That begins with our obedience, our submitting ourselves as completely as possible to our subordination to another, our parental figures and caregivers
27. � It found its basis in my subordination to the dominator model's conformist enforcement and my fear of that enforcement
28. � Subordination is, after all, subordination
29. [83] When a dominator model uses the phrase "know thyself," it always means the individual to find an appropriate place in the dominator structure, our self's place in the ordination and subordination system supported by and supportive of the dominator model
30. But in good proportion the lesser parts are not allowed to obtrude, but are kept in subordination to the main dispositions on which the unity of the effect depends
31. When Christ appeared, the Incarnation of the Logos required the more distinct revelation of the Three Persons of the Godhead,—and it is from the lips of the 'Logos made flesh’ that we learn the personality and subordination of the Holy Ghost
33. 1) The Rule of subordination of the Matter (particles Yin) to the Spirit (particles Yang), and of the lower to the higher (in the conglomerates);
34. One may easily notice that the rate of subordination to common
35. Her subordination had embarrassed Caris and, though Edmund never complained, Caris suspected that he had been bored by it
36. Casaubon might not hold the true principle of subordination
37. In its complete subordination of the income element to the desire for profit, and also in the prime reliance it places upon favorable developments expected in the future, the new-era style of investment—as exemplified in the general policy of the investment trusts—is practically indistinguishable from speculation
38. Subordination of Bond Issues to Bank Debt in Reorganization
39. subordination of bond issues to bank debt in, 243
40. In G&D and MCT analyses, everybody’s interests are structurally subordinated to those of the OPMI; that is, structural subordination is a significant factor
41. The ideas of substantive consolidation, in which the interests of the company and its stockholders are combined and seen as one and the same and structural subordination, in which the company’s raison d’être is to serve the best interests of its stockholders, especially its non-control OPMI stockholders, are central assumptions of both G&D and MCT
42. The substantive consolidation and structural subordination doctrines so important to G&D and MCT are relative rarities in the real world, though they do exist in special cases
43. In G&D and MCT, though, the underlying assumption seems to be that substantive consolidation and structural subordination are universal, not special cases
44. In any event, these approaches to substantive consolidation and structural subordination are not helpful concepts at all in fundamental finance
45. The terms substantive consolidation and structural subordination originated in reorganizations under Chapter 11 of the U
46. Investors interested in fundamental finance reject the doctrine of structural subordination as it is used by G&D and MCT as utterly unrealistic
47. The Copeland, Koller, and Murrin view, though, is commonly held in academic circles justifying belief in the benefits of structural subordination
48. The concept of agency costs arose as a modification of structural subordination, giving grudging recognition to the observation that a corporation bears costs of management at the expense of shareholders and that as a consequence, management interests may not be aligned completely with those of shareholders
49. Structural subordination, in and of itself, is a nonstarter in fundamental finance
50. Structural subordination occurs when a senior class of claimants or interests are made junior to a lower class of claimants or interests even though, on the strict basis of stated claims or interests’ rights, the senior class would normally enjoy priority over other junior classes; say, for example, that because of findings of previous domination and control, secured bank debt is made the lowest class of claimant in a Chapter 11 reorganization plan