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    1. The places on her torso where the artificial limbs attached were pink ovals, lumpy with contracted fibers and at the center of it all was the titanium bone and the expected set of ports for the neural interface processors that did the fantastically complicated and nuanced task of translating between machine language and the language of the human neurological system

    2. Neurologists said there was nothing wrong except me and my behavior because they didn't test for the right illness

    3. neurologist, and then to a psychologist for further

    4. I became certified as a Neurolinguistic

    5. This is an enzyme used in neurological research that was also the base ingredient in shonggot

    6. Most structurologists agreed it would have been down by now if it weren't for the prop-ups and the fact that the larorlie had grown so thick and trunky and held it together

    7. Neurologists and psychiatrists could argue the same and hold them exempt from being answerable

    8. These types were rare, in an age of neurological diagnosis for over ninety percent of anyone with a dangerous (usually to oneself) tendency

    9. At the Toronto neurological sciences institute she was welcomed as a friend

    10. urological areas with electrical impulses which starts by activating autonomic functions

    11. Someone who had died would show some form of neurological collapse if not trauma

    12. Whether the recipients were unconscious, in REM, or even neurologically damaged, could not be determined

    13. The thing is that your neurological system adapts very quickly to your set/rep patterns

    14. keep that neurological adaptation in play

    15. Sharon spent three weeks in the Neurological Unit of the

    16. I also saw a neurologist and had a CAT scan and an electroencephalogram

    17. If it wasn’t my oncologist, it was the pulmonary doctor, rehab doctor, neurologist, kidney doctor, or surgeon

    18. What would a Purolator guy want with me?

    19. Science within its study of neurology attempts to delve into this question whether it is fully aware of its function as investigator or not

    20. The neurological investigations into the cellular seat that must support that construct still evades certain definition

    21. At this beginning stage in the study of neurology, delving into that complicated construct, there seem to be more questions than answers, which of course is normal

    22. This newest of Man’s tools along with a new application in the form of the science of paleoneurology (the measurement of impressions that brains leave on the inside of skulls) “is documenting when structures that power the human mind arose, shedding light on how our ancestors lived and thought,” she continued

    23. Neurology also studies the way the brain answers the “calling” of this body, and how it also supports a theory of the “consciousness” of self and others as part of this mental process

    24. In Religion as well as neurology, there are the desires of the body called “Self”

    25. These were neurological problems, I knew from my background of involvement with brain-injured children

    26. Neurologists were no different

    27. But one day I encountered a new neurologist, a woman

    28. Finally, after a year of trying to see the particular neurologist who, I’d been told, was the best one available, I got an appointment with him at our hospital

    29. He was professor of neurology at the Medical University of South Africa

    30. This man called for a brain scan – a test which several junior neurologists had already had done on me, with no apparent results

    31. Standing behind him I saw about six young doctors, four of them I recognised as neurologists who’d seen me and pronounced “nothing organically wrong

    32. Greene, whose diploma in neurology shined in his memory

    33. neurologically active chemical in the tattoo would have to have seeped into the

    34. My neurologist told me that I had to stop smoking marijuana

    35. This is what my neurologist told me I would have to do if I wanted to hang around long

    36. shown to cause permanent damage to the brain and most neurological

    37. The study was supported by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

    38. compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

    39. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

    40. NINDS health-related material is provided for information purposes only and does not necessarily represent endorsement by or an official position of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke or any other Federal agency

    41. neurologically impaired and could not perceive pain, the doctor’s claim that he

    42. Newberg says that the fact that spiritual experiences can be associated with distinct neural activity does not necessarily mean that such experiences are mere neurological illusions

    43. It is no safer to say that spiritual urges and sensations are caused by brain activity than it is to say that the neurological changes through which we experience the pleasure of eating an apple cause the apple to exist

    44. Are these (mystical) unitary experiences merely the result of neurological function or are they genuine experiences which the brain is able to perceive? Could it be that the brain has evolved the ability to transcend material existence and experience a higher plane of being that actually exists?

    45. Roger Lewin’s article is ‘Is Your Brain Really Necessary?’5 outlined the remarkable research conducted at the University of Sheffield by neurology professor, the late Dr John Lorber

    46. ‘To talk of redundancy in the brain is an intellectual cop-out to try to get round something you don’t understand,’ says Patrick Wall, professor of anatomy at University College, london Norman Geschwind, a neurologist at Boston’s Beth Israel Hospital agrees: ‘Certainly the brain has a remarkable capacity for reassigning functions following trauma, but you can usually pick up some kind of deficit with the right tests, even after apparently full recovery

    47. ‘For hundreds of years neurologists have assumed that all that is dear to them is performed by the cortex, but it may well be that the deep structures in the brain carry out many of the functions assumed to be the sole province of the cortex ’ Nevertheless, scientists have studied the sub-cortical structures

    48. As new research reveals more areas of untapped potential in the brain, some neurologists are asking whether there might be a way for the average person to switch on these hidden skills without having to suffer the kinds of brain trauma seen in Miller’s dementia patients

    49. Have a doctor do a full physical, and seek help from an urologist to find any medical conditions

    50. Your pediatrician or urologist may be able to help you find the training program nearest you

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