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    Usar "volition" en una oración

    volition oraciones de ejemplo


    1. According to recent information, some of the slaves got away of their own volition

    2. It couldn’t have come out of its own volition

    3. own volition, of course, and the monastery service was an

    4. You will be good or not per your own volition and not otherwise

    5. “Akstyr walked away of his own volition,” he said

    6. “I still have no idea what Lokdon has done and whether she’s been acting of her own volition

    7. He soon discovered that, during his uncertain absence, the people had morally corrupted themselves (of their own volition) by pledging their allegiance to Baal

    8. She was trapped in Serenor, of her own volition, and tomorrow her family would abandon her to her fates

    9. Since then, approximately two to six metres at various locations has disappeared of its own volition between the bridge and Brindle Creek on the U

    10. Her hand moved by its own volition clutching then releasing an unseen fold upon her gown

    11. For no reason at all, he leaned over, almost not of his own volition

    12. Of her own volition and choice

    13. He could see clusters of the trees that bore it at various distances, and a nearby tree had even shed some of its fruit of its own volition

    14. Of its own volition, the coat had released itself from the hanger and then impelled itself across the bedroom

    15. On the other side of the argument, Hartle was apparently returning of his own volition

    16. Hilderich returned the stare and the words came out of his mouth as of their own volition:

    17. His feet moved of their own volition then, guiding him to enter this vast space proper and see better, even though sight alone was incapable of handling such a view

    18. Ethan eyes fluttered violently of their own volition

    19. “Jesus! I can tell you were they hit the caravan!” she cried in fear, the words coming out of her mouth of their own volition

    20. This time a yell tears from my body of its own volition, joining with the others in agreement

    21. Volition involves exercising choice to determine an action

    22. Volition is similar to intention – the act of determining mentally on some action or result

    23. Volition and intention lie behind all actions

    24. Moments of volition are quick and small – but they contain huge power

    25. Every volition has the power to bring about future results

    26. Each intention can bear many fruits! Volition and intention, then, contain the power or force to bring about significant and lasting results

    27. Of these three, mental karma, involving volition and intention, is the weightiest because it is the origin of the other two types of karma – in other words, what we think determines what we say and do

    28. This means that every desire, every volition, every action, and every reaction we have, has consequences – not because an omniscient observer is watching our every move

    29. The Prison relinquished Mikael’s soul of its own volition so this assured the existence of the soul beyond the gates

    30. But now the staff rose slowly in his hand as if by its own volition

    31. come of their own volition, but had even they been enough?

    32. For a heartbeat before he spoke, he was going to sift the words only in his thoughts, knowing the cane could read him, but then he understood he was here not simply of his own volition, but on behalf of Lammas, and Gathandria, and all the countries beyond

    33. Not of his own volition of course, but rather of forces he could not contort

    34. Whatever decisions they both made were of their own volition

    35. He called to Octavia, and the new note in his voice brought her up to her feet and to his side almost without her conscious volition

    36. His reaction was almost without his own volition

    37. Nor would it ever move again, of its own volition

    38. 14 The fact of the absolute mechanism of Paradise at the center of the universe of universes, in the presence of the unqualified volition of the Second Source and Center, makes forever certain that determiners are not the exclusive law of the cosmos

    39. First time in adult life that his knees bent by other than his own volition

    40. Without conscious volition Harry fol-

    41. For, example, any member of a flight crew except the commander can claim that they were brought here by their commander and not necessarily of their own volition

    42. Work places were happier and more productive simply because each worker was their of their own volition, working for an inner peace which now guided society

    43. But on his own volition, Uriah joined the army of Israel and became a

    44. It's the volition and purposeful course that is accented in living

    45. there with no volition, drooling on the bed

    46. When you have an express volition to attend to this or that, it is called involuntary attention

    47. I will leave the cell of my own volition

    48. his own volition, anyway

    49. An Outsider had asked her to marry her of his own volition, not because she had threatened or blackmailed him

    50. appeared to possess volition of its own as it hopped up the desert steppes and then

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    Sinónimos para "volition"

    volition willing will desire propensity choice pleasure preference taste discernment