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    Usar "whether" en una oración

    whether oraciones de ejemplo


    1. something you can’t prove whether it is working or not

    2. the potential Health and Safety issues; he was not sure whether he

    3. regardless of whether you are in the ministry or not

    4. your child and whether it is positive or

    5. Jorma didn't either, he couldn't guess whether that was five thousand miles from here or ten

    6. Matt: 21:31: Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, the first

    7. This information will come in handy when determining how many snails your property has, and whether the snail population is growing or dying back

    8. Then the muscles have to have enough strength and there has to be enough range of motion to generate the required action, whether it’s stepping or grasping

    9. that God can walk with anyone whether they are in the

    10. Whether you are in the co-operate world or whatever

    11. is always with us, whether we feel, see Him or not, He is

    12. God is with us whether

    13. thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his

    14. reveals whether you love Him more than what He can do

    15. Whether it was water on the kitchen floor, crayon scribbles on the walls, the dog put on the roof, or dead rats stinking up the pantry, Millie always had the same excuse: mermaids

    16. You cannot have fellowship with God whether during

    17. With this sort of mind-set, retiring, changing jobs, or moving to a smaller place are not likely to significantly reduce stress levels – the stress will be there whether it is imposed externally, or whether you have to manufacture it

    18. everyone whether you are in the ministry or not

    19. Violet looked to her mother’s face to find out whether this was supposed to be a joke

    20. Whether or not they will become musicians or play some musical instruments in their adulthood, love of music is a gift that will continue to enrich them all their lives

    21. it's important to him to know clearly in his own mind whether the accused is guilty or not

    22. Whether it is a lecture or an article, we have to identify the audience for better results

    23. Remember to emote properly and send the right message to your class, whether it’s that they are doing a good job or that they need to shape up immediately

    24. His current position as a television personality has caused researchers to question the validity of previous records, or whether this Wolf Blitzer is the “real” one

    25. Only time will tell whether Aldman’s theories are all just wild conspiracy or if Blitzer truly is the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing

    26. My will power in firm control, I had debated whether a long bath or a stimulating shower would be the best course of action so, my priority being to use up time, I opted for the former; taking a book with me, I had spent an hour in the bath up to my ears in hot water and soap bubbles

    27. Whether they or the Colonel have the shuttlecraft makes no difference to your plans

    28. My sister is just as likely to talk to you as me and just as likely to help you whether or not you hold me hostage

    29. through the soft snow, and David began to doubt whether he had the strength to make

    30. Having attained to physical comfort, relaxation, and having withdrawn ourselves from the body consciousness, we next note our breathing and ascertain whether it is quiet, even and rhythmic

    31. The choice would be whether one of them joined

    32. Meanwhile, as a token of honesty, I give you this whether you say yes

    33. ‘Oh …’ she said, obviously in two minds about whether she should say anything more or not

    34. Hesitating, I reach out unsure whether it is a wise move on my part to answer it or not

    35. It will probably never be clear whether it is the soap or the message on the bottle which has made Dr

    36. What with the tenancy falling through and that conversation I had with the inspector yesterday, I don’t quite know whether I am coming or going

    37. Different suffixes can help us easily understand whether a word is a noun, verb or adjective and hence their meanings

    38. I have debated with myself several times whether I should ring him but I couldn’t bear it if he hung up on me and there’s no reason for him not to after my jibe about solicitors

    39. think that God heals only select individuals, and you never know whether

    40. he wondered whether it might not be easier to clear the site and rebuild

    41. He is watching you whether you let him approach you

    42. I dump the statement on the work surface and debate whether I shall have a nightcap or not

    43. I grin at him debating whether I should challenge him for a moment

    44. He hesitates for a moment as though uncertain whether he should go on with whatever it is he is planning on saying

    45. This determines whether you will be led by fear or faith

    46. The doctor once asked us whether we understood the grav-

    47. Glenelle had no idea whether she should be watching what she did on the invisible fingerboard or what was happening in the 3D diagram of her home that was springing from the page Ava's screen had open

    48. There is a silence at the other end of the phone and I can almost hear the man debating whether he should say something to me or not

    49. There’s some question about whether the man had been caught with his hand in the till which will need looking into, but the net result is that Sadler’s story no longer holds water

    50. lieved?” So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether

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