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    Usa "atypic" in una frase

    atypic frasi di esempio


    1. Fifties sitcoms did not necessarily reflect, but sought to project, rather, the ideal prototype of the ―typical‖ American Family that in many respects was atypical of families in general

    2. I see a smile on her face, and her hair is atypically down

    3. Maybe the humans’ behavior toward them is atypical, arising simply out of fear

    4. Exhaustion gaps may occur at the top or bottom of a formation when trends change direction in an atypically quick manner

    5. I have to say that he seems to be an interesting man, quite atypical from others in the Global Council

    6. This, too, was not atypical; local boys loved to hang out in the alley and torture his wife’s helpless dogs with their taunts

    7. This lustrous specimen displays somewhat atypical divergent crystals of good size

    8. She probably owed that to the fact that she was well known in this district for her generosity and for her respect for the lower social classes, a respect that was most atypical of other French aristocrats

    9. Nancy, with her past as daughter of a coureur de bois, could be explained to a point but Françoise and Claudette were showing themselves experts at many things that were atypical of the common French housewife

    10. Is this just an atypical male ploy to try to get me in the sack?

    11. beautiful Sister in law who was renowned throughout Pugilistic Fraternity, why did she always refuse to wear the typically shoe of the atypical pugilist women or

    12. suffered all types of torture that was atypical to a poor man and swore that he

    13. SAD is characterized by typical symptoms of depression, such as sadness, hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide (in some cases), and “atypical” depressive

    14. Ahermatypic corals will almost always need to be fed and they could be considered some of the

    15. Corals that do not host symbiotic zooxanthellae are called ahermatypic corals

    16. Hermatypic corals depend on photosynthesis for the majority of their nutrients and appropriate lighting is vital for the proper care of

    17. may have an atypical presentation of a common diagnosis

    18. As mentioned above you will see atypical presentations of common diagnoses or

    19. Demand loans are short term loans that are atypical in that they do not have fixed

    20. Amazed by the formality of her own atypical

    21. Hyperplasia without atypical cells is a condition of abnormal cell growth in

    22. This exploration of Scripture interpretation may be acutely considered by some fundamentalists and others to be at worst, heretical and blasphemous, and at best, somewhat atypical and non-traditional, although it is essentially an objective, considered, practical and realistic academic approach

    23. Marketed under the brand name Clozaril, it was the first “atypical antipsychotic” medication, able to cause an almost Awakenings-type response in many patients, making their visual, aural, olfactory, and other hallucinations either disappear or recede to the point where the patient could more easily understand they weren’t real

    24. For example, there is a class of medications called atypical antipsychotics—which began when Clozaril (clozapine) proved there was a more effective way to treat schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and the psychotic symptoms of severe bipolar disorder

    25. Clozaril was revolutionary and effective but since it carried a small risk of blood disease and required regular blood testing, drug companies set out to create other atypical antipsychotics that might not require blood testing—and they came up with Risperdal, Seroquel, and several others

    26. The weather was atypical for this time of year, to say the very least, and it was all Ahbaht could do to project the semblance of serenity required from a captain

    27. Notice false upside breakouts in those areas and an atypical form of a kangaroo tail in area C

    28. That's when he placed his orders, always of a very unusual and atypical size, and watched the tape

    29. The snapshot may therefore be wholly atypical of the state of its finances on any other day of the year

    30. On top of that, it was a bluish hue, atypical for naturally occurring melanin

    31. 2 The atypical antidepressant bupropion, which is approved for smoking cessation by the

    32. properties of the atypical neuroleptic clozapine in rats: tests with subtype selective receptor

    33. Muscat R, Papp M, Willner P (1992b) Reversal of stress-induced anhedonia by the atypical

    34. Due to positive skewness caused by a few extremely positive outcomes, the mathematical expected return (AM) can be a very atypical outcome

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