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    Usa "belligerence" in una frase

    belligerence frasi di esempio


    1. Its called intransigence, belligerence, intolerance

    2. ” Joseph ignored the belligerence in James" tone of voice

    3. What‘s it to you? What are you doing here?‖ said Michele, a surprising belligerence in her voice

    4. A hint of belligerence came into his so far affable, persuasive tone

    5. Vivek paused in his diatribe, his belligerence fading with self-realisation

    6. Childhood fears matured at university into a paranoia that, together with reclusive belligerence, earned him no friends and few acquaintances apart from fellow devotees of Old Testament dogma

    7. "Then what do you want me to do Menendez?" he said with an obvious tone of belligerence

    8. Van Thorn was slightly taken aback by the apparent belligerence

    9. Andy’s smile faded, and his expression turned to one of belligerence

    10. The man was an intelligent political animal, not a cornered cat, and so he relied on charm, not belligerence, to keep her on side

    11. belligerence, but as Aaron faces off with him, I see the fire fade away in

    12. I didn’t fancy an encounter with Wille, whose belligerence had probably multiplied threefold at Tem’s letter, or Hal, who knew something about where the letter had come from

    13. support and active belligerence against her, she was weakened but could not leave the

    14. His increasing belligerence finally had him

    15. He had none of the dark, brooding belligerence I had seen in photos of his father

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    aggressiveness belligerence pugnacity belligerency