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    Usa "big money" in una frase

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    big money

    1. Not that these guys should be betting big money anyway, Desa thought

    2. He said there is big money in that,' Omi said as he slurped

    3. After all, they would be the ones to earn the big money, and then the beauties would come running to them

    4. He spent his money scraping together cheap cells and beds for daily life and poured the big money into making a purpose-built fight arena

    5. paid ones because there is big money involved there

    6. He could bank big money for school on this thing and who knows how long this opportunity would last

    7. though, NLP is considered to be a big money spinner

    8. “He said that without the new songs we wouldn’t be able to do a big money headline tour and that I had better have a savings account if I wanted to play Terry’s game,” he said with disgust

    9. wel -deserved chance to big money on a TV show because he couldn’t identify

    10. get their names in print, and they pay big money to read what's been written

    11. As a rule, incumbents in the United States enjoy a big money advantage over challengers (receiving four times as much in the 1996 elections as challengers) and, in almost every case, those who spend more win

    12. ¾ …In a newsletter business it’s just you, yourself and you writing for big money, doing next to nothing

    13. Making big money is all about handling hundreds of problems

    14. As he was leaving, once the chef thought he was out of my view, I caught his reflection in the napkin holder as he made a big money sign in gesture to Scarlett, and I could make out the mouthed words, “don’t blow it”

    15. What about the top five per cent of writers --- they're making big money,

    16. Whenever I read a story about a new blog that was set up, and the owner started to make big money

    17. This is a big money industry

    18. There’s big money in each of the

    19. the big money and they may actually think that they’re real

    20. that`s where the big money is

    21. This meant that corporations were people and money was a big part of politics – big, big money

    22. During the last election in 2012, California’s Proposition 37, the right to know on GMOs, lost 49-51, thanks to big money

    23. major distributors of porn; that’s where the big money is

    24. Five-dollar contributions are accepted but no big money

    25. We have suffered a long train of abuses again, and in the murder of a peaceful president by those who followed, with horrendous impositions upon the people for their money and their lives, in foreign wars that presented no immediate danger to the security of the Untied States, for the imposition of a financially reprobate government that does not spend within its limits, for the imposition of a private national media that supports this intolerable situation and dumbs down the news, for the elections that bring forth only candidates supported by big money, and for corporate world businesses that act to destroy the health of the land, the rivers, the sea, and the air, and ignore the suffering of the growing numbers of poor people they create thru their greed and neglect

    26. Only big money buys organized military forces, and can keep them fed and ready to go

    27. First, the candidate selection process and voting process need to be made void of big money influence, and much less vulnerable to media slandering

    28. I intend to seek improvement in national justice and to eliminate any advantages that big money currently has on the outcome of hearings and trials and elections

    29. I lost (what was big money to me) to a scoundrel attorney and got no service for it

    30. More than a few people would pay big money for child pornography

    31. The big retailers make their big money on warranties, service plans, and other protections

    32. running things again and carrying on with his big money talking

    33. After spending many years in Wall Street and after making and losing millions of dollars I want to tell you this: It never was my thinking that made the big money for me

    34. dropout who viewed twenty bucks as big money for towing the car a few miles

    35. So we're talking big money here, billions of dollars, out of his own wealth, he gave to the house of God; and he said: “of your own, we have given to you”

    36. Yes, that upline brought in a huge team with them and began earning big money

    37. The very poor Indonesians prefer to supervise a boat for a quick big money rather than die in proverty

    38. There’s big money to be made in sex

    39. Pakistan, big money in the right hands buys a lot of government ass

    40. Methods Of Making Big Money Via Twitter

    41. because it brings in big money

    42. That’s were the big money is, anyway, cause its just a few guys doing it right around Australia

    43. It's the money, see, big money

    44. In other words, the poor don’t usually think of moving on and higher, they do not go where money is, instead they stay together amongst poor minds like them, if you want money, and you would have to go where the money is, make enquires on some jobs, trades, businesses, careers, professions and locations offer better chances, not only for making big money, but also for meeting the movers and shakers of society and serving them, learning their ways and adopt their life styles

    45. enthusiastically push the policies of Big Money that cause global poverty and oppression? Is it simply

    46. “You’re what? I thought you were top of the class; you could earn big money

    47. And the big money was in the

    48. that, Fred's days were numbered, and whoever was providing the big money here was about to

    49. He sugarcoated everything, said the coal company would be watched closely by the regulators and lawyers, that the land would be reclaimed after the coal was gone, and that the big money would more than offset the short-term headaches

    50. Guess who contributes the big money to the campaigns

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