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    Usa "bodyguards" in una frase

    bodyguards frasi di esempio


    1. He told me about the banker, you remember, the one where they left the bodyguards in a lake of blood?”

    2. bodyguards also trained because their task was the most difficult

    3. Next to him were his bodyguards on horse

    4. The first to alight were the queen’s two female bodyguards

    5. Under the close eye of the bodyguards, who towered above everyone else, the family was allowed to come close to greet the queen

    6. The poor girl was frightened by the dark-skinned bodyguards so close to her Nana

    7. He found it strange, since the king normally announced his arrival well in advance and travelled with an entourage of bodyguards

    8. When the king and his bodyguards were in position, Ashpenaz moved to the front of the platform and addressed the crowd in front of him

    9. The royal couple rose and made their exit, followed by their bodyguards

    10. “Sorry about the bodyguards,” explained Tony, “Earth insisted

    11. “Five score bodyguards, ten Turkish bred guard dogs,” he paused

    12. to serve as bodyguards to the Sons of Odin and the Daughter of Thor

    13. The scenes were similar in the Chestnut Quarter though the number of nobility and merchants was almost halved and the soldiers serving as bodyguards more than doubled with the rest of the crowd being made up of servants and common folk, both mortal and immortal

    14. For this reason, they had brought the extra twelve Guardians when originally they had only planned to go with Orion’s bodyguards and the five Alit’aren

    15. He could see a future where Guardians were bodyguards for all female wielders, in their pursuit of men who can wield

    16. The dark-eyed Torvellen was formerly one of Orion’s personal bodyguards though he had been appointed as one of Carl’s tent guards this past month

    17. Adem realised he had started off with such vigour he’d forgotten to report the new declaration to his bodyguards

    18. Now there were two bodyguards and a security guard, with

    19. She always traveled with bodyguards, attorneys, secretaries, and other hangers-on

    20. asking all sorts of questions about what was this with bodyguards, and similar oddities

    21. just begun to know every face in the room, when at midnight sharp, a man in a full white tuxedo waltzed into the room, flanked by two guys that were obviously his bodyguards

    22. Those two bodyguards of Mr

    23. Underhill, killed one of the man’s bodyguards

    24. The two creeps who had picked me up were the two bodyguards from that earlier, fateful

    25. Hansor, here, isn’t my bodyguard, but he does have professional experience in the field, and we’re going to start a business training bouncers and bodyguards

    26. All three his bodyguards were shot dead in the process

    27. I took another couple of steps toward him and two bodyguards grabbed me by my upper arms and directed me away from the flock

    28. So that it doesn’t seem too staged, he tells him the bodyguards would be expected to perform security duties at his compound once things calm down and the band isn’t touring

    29. bodyguards, beholding the swift recompense which had suddenly overtaken him, struck with exceeding terror, and fearing that he

    30. I didn’t miss the three huge bodyguards behind him, but hopefully he’d agree to go alone with me

    31. I tore my eyes away from Jesse and walked away with Chuck following behind, at leased with no bodyguards this time

    32. of Jack’s office, as his bodyguards

    33. I was surprised to find Bradley gone; I decided to stop nagging Jesse about bodyguards anymore

    34. 23 His friends and bodyguards beholding the swift recompense which had suddenly overtaken him struck with exceeding terror and fearing that he would die speedily removed him

    35. The ship was beached at night, and Yngvild slept in a little tent near the tent of her bodyguards, far from the tents of the sailors

    36. It was still dark, but the sun would soon rise and Barrad passed the eight bodyguards outside surrounding the entrance to the tavern

    37. Barrad coolly walked past the bodyguards that surrounded the building, whilst inside he was secretly screaming with pain at the murder scene created by the rampaging soldiers

    38. to answer for his actions of his bodyguards

    39. Lewem hovered obsequiously around Barrad’s every step, hampering his advance and his attempts to appraise the situation – thirty bowmen to the right, twenty heavily armed bodyguards close behind the commanders, plus a massive contingent of men-at-arms beyond them

    40. One of the bodyguards grunted

    41. "What!" Karen kicked and struggled against the bodyguards grasp

    42. Two of the bodyguards stormed towards the door

    43. Zoe was prepared for a long drawn out argument but instead the door opened and the soldier she recognized as being one of Eva’s bodyguards stepped out

    44. The power of her shield was so great that his dragon-women bodyguards fled in a panic, dropping the golden coffin and leaving him alone

    45. He did not have any bodyguards or a large entourage traveling with him

    46. One of Orlando's bodyguards entered the living room stating Damien Xavier was downstairs

    47. I am Gnoll, one of Skjold’s Bodyguards

    48. Then, Zoroastro, acting in his capacity as judge and executioner of the judgment, took from his pocket a wrinkled and old paper sheet and using that tone of voice so tyrannical and authoritarian that dictators use when targeting people, he recited a few hypocritical words of encouragement; and once he had spoken, gave the order to the bodyguards and staff to embark the boat again

    49. However if you came to the 'Cotton Club' you better be prepared to spend money or get tossed out by the two six ton bodyguards standing by both of the business apartments

    50. Terry was viewing the hallway monitors when he saw Sonja approach one of his bodyguards with a tall lanky kid beside him

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