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    Usa "calico" in una frase

    calico frasi di esempio


    1. As I wrote out a check, the washed-out calico shrugged off her yawns and strutted on the counter, flashing her white legs and one bar of orange tiger

    2. The mother cat, if I remember correctly, was a calico

    3. needles, calico, twine, and Yankee notions in general to use in

    4. A small, somewhat thin calico cat was taking its stand by him, and showed no intention of leaving

    5. It had practially walked into Chica's mouth, oblivious to the fact that the patches of orange and white and black on the ground were parts of a long-haired calico cat warming herself near the cooking fire

    6. She looked down on the calico cat who had just spoken and who could easily have killed her

    7. “Christopher and I had heard of calico cats, but you are the first we have ever seen

    8. the truck, the two men dragged a large calico bag, behind them,

    9. Wrapped in calico was a rifle

    10. The cat was a calico, a fact that was not easily identifiable due to the military-style haircut the hapless thing sported

    11. She puttered around the kitchen, watching the calico cat enjoy her meal

    12. Highly entertained by the stories surrounding her animals’ names, Joel laughed and pointed to the calico cat up on the shelf in the kennel

    13. The rabbit was busily hopping up and down and all around the kitchen floor, while the calico cat was serenely perched on top of the refrigerator, keenly watching all she surveyed, and resembling something of a feline gargoyle up there

    14. The bathing woman in the usual white calico sunbonnet was there, waiting on the plank bridge

    15. While Johnny dug and Nigger got in his way, Mary walked two and fro with two calico sacks in each hand

    16. It was on such idle days as the day Fritzing went to Minehead that sillinesses assailed her soul--shrinkings of the flesh from honest calico, disgust at the cooking, impatience at Annalise's swollen eyes

    17. She says she’s a calico

    18. She done out a tub of clothes on Monday, but she starched 'em afore they was wrenched, and blued a pink calico dress till I thought I should a died a laughin

    19. Dirty water was running here and there on the grass, and all round were several indefinite rags, knitted stockings, a red calico jacket, and a large sheet of coarse linen spread over the hedge

    20. On Sunday, for example, one could not get him out of the drawing-room, whither Madame Homais had called him to fetch the children, who were falling asleep in the arm-chairs, and dragging down with their backs calico chair-covers that were too large

    21. Rodolphe, leaning against the calico of the tent was thinking so earnestly of Emma that he heard nothing

    22. "Hirondelle" ended by falling asleep, some with open mouths, others with lowered chins, leaning against their neighbour's shoulder, or with their arm passed through the strap, oscillating regularly with the jolting of the carriage; and the reflection of the lantern swinging without, on the crupper of the wheeler; penetrating into the interior through the chocolate calico curtains, threw sanguineous shadows over all these motionless people

    23. Paul used to set off at half-past three, with a little calico bag in his pocket

    24. Overhead, across the room, about eighteen inches down from the ceiling, were stretched several cords upon which were drying a number of linen or calico undergarments, a coloured shirt, and Easton's white apron and jacket

    25. A ragged calico mantle half encircled his body, while his nether garment was composed of an ordinary shirt, the sleeves of which were made to perform the office that is usually executed by a much more commodious arrangement

    26. It had to be covered with unbleached calico before it could be papered and when the work was done there were a number of narrow pieces of calico left over

    27. It did not occur to him until the next day that he might just as well have got her to make him an apron or two: and when he did think of this he said that after all it didn't matter, because if he had done that it would have been necessary to buy new calico, and anyhow, it could be done some other time

    28. There was two old dirty calico dresses, and a sun-bonnet, and some women's underclothes hanging against the wall, and some men's clothing, too

    29. So we shortened up one of the calico gowns, and I turned up my trouser-legs to my knees and got into it

    30. The women had on sun-bonnets; and some had linsey-woolsey frocks, some gingham ones, and a few of the young ones had on calico

    31. It was Tom Sawyer on a mattress; and that old doctor; and Jim, in HER calico dress, with his hands tied behind him; and a lot of people

    32. “Well, bring in the bride,” said Gerald, and Pork, turning, beckoned into the hall to his She entered, and behind her, almost hidden by her voluminous calico skirts, came her wife, newly arrived from the Wilkes plantation to become part of the household of Tara

    33. Her into the dignity of a calico dress and starched white turban was an intoxicating affair

    34. calico frock which she used for hospital work

    35. “You look like the ragpicker’s child,” he observed, his eyes taking in the mended lavender calico, streaked with perspiration and splotched here and there with water which had slopped from the basin

    36. Her lavender calico dress, so freshly clean and starched that morning, was streaked with blood, dirt and sweat

    37. ” He fumbled in his back pants “When I was over to Fayetteville today,” said Will, “I found somethin’ right cute that I pocket and brought out the wallet of calico, stiffened with bark, which Carreen had made him

    38. Her countenance, a natural carnation slightly embrowned by the season, had deepened its tinge with the beating of the rain-drops; and her hair, which the pressure of the cows' flanks had, as usual, caused to tumble down from its fastenings and stray beyond the curtain of her calico bonnet, was made clammy by the moisture till it hardly was better than seaweed

    39. Moncharmin and Richard were the shipwrecked mariners amid this motionless turmoil of a calico sea

    40. her marriage; in which case an intimacy with Lindley Murray and Mangnall's Questions was something like a draper's discrimination of calico trademarks, or a courier's acquaintance with foreign countries: no woman who was better off needed that sort of thing

    41. In the window hung a poster-sized print: the father holding a lasso, trying to look menacing under a hat too big for him; the little girl in a calico dress and bonnet, too young to get the joke; the mother, dressed as a whore, giving an uncomfortable smile, her arms crossed in front of her thighs where her petticoat was slit

    42. Then the passengers in the "Hirondelle" ended by falling asleep, some with open mouths, others with lowered chins, leaning against their neighbour's shoulder, or with their arm passed through the strap, oscillating regularly with the jolting of the carriage; and the reflection of the lantern swinging without, on the crupper of the wheeler; penetrating into the interior through the chocolate calico curtains, threw sanguineous shadows over all these motionless people

    43. Thackaberry (also known as ‘Calico Thack’ because of his Habit of wearing Calico Trowsers), had made too many Enemies in his Days at Sea, had taken too many Prizes, and what was more, had refus’d to pay the expected Share of Booty to the Colonial Governours (calling ’em Cowardly Rogues, who claim’d to hate Pyracy, yet demanded their Share of the Spoils), and so, many a Ship was sent after him in hot Pursuit and a fine Price had been put upon his Head

    44. ’Twas now within the Pow’rs of the Colonies to try Pyrates themselves, without sending ’em back to England—and the Governour of Carolina, whom Captain Thack had especially offended, took it into his Head to have him hunted like a Fox, enlisting another famous Pyrate as the Bloodhound; for he knew that none but a Pyrate could take a Pyrate such as Calico Thack

    45. And so he prob’d and grunted and prob’d, until at last, he withdrew the Metal Instrument of Torture (to which I gave a grateful Sigh), secreted it again ’neath his Calico Gown, wip’d one huge Hand—across his resolute Brow, and said: “I fear I can no longer spare the Babe

    46. “But what of your Travels with Calico Thack?” said I, for I remember’d Horatio’s stirring Tales

    47. “Well—” says she, “when Jack Rackham sees that Mark Read the Brave Buccaneer is really Mary Read the Brave Buccaneeress, he forthwith stops bein’ jealous, the bloody Fool—fer I had more good Lovin’ with Mary than with any Pyrate that e’er sail’d the Spanish Main! An’ mark ye, I’ve bedded most o’ ’em—Stede Bonnet, Calico Jack, all but the dead Cap’n Kidd himself an’ Blackbeard, o’ course—because he ne’er washt in his Life an’ me Nose is as tender as me ye-know-what!”

    48. She patched her bodice, which was old and worn out, with scraps of calico

    49. He took the candle; the man picked up his bundle and cudgel, and Thenardier conducted him to a chamber on the first floor, which was of rare splendor, all furnished in mahogany, with a low bedstead, curtained with red calico

    50. "Oh, my dear!" she cried, happy with Mozart and calico

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