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    Usa "call down" in una frase

    call down frasi di esempio

    call down

    1. If you spot one call down a couple of trench mortar rounds onto him don’t bother about having a duel with him do it my way and you might just survive

    2. In this respect he and James were much alike -- they both wanted to call down fire from heaven on the heads of the disrespectful Samaritans

    3. “War, on the smallest scale, is not without its horrors; and even in this byeplace of the earth, many a suffering female and helpless orphan live to call down the vengeance of heaven upon the heads of profligate statesmen who involve nations in useless and unnecessary wars

    4. Coach Ryan then sent an unexpected bunt call down to the third base coach Ron Star, attempting to utilize Chance's blazing speed for a single

    5. How easy it is to understand why the men of God call down punishment on his head

    6. It’s about time you showed up,” Paul heard Tim’s voice call down from the hayloft

    7. Their cheer is certainly homely, but that doesn't make them like it, and they never call down blessings upon it with moist uplifted eyes

    8. Why don’t I call down to the cafeteria and let the hospital buy you all a hot meal

    9. "But Diane, Dana's mother stays in Jamaica! I can't keep calling down to Jamaica every time I want to know or find out what's wrong with Dana! And if I do call down to Jamaica and ask your Aunt Christine a certain thing or question about Dana, then your Aunt Christine will call up Dana on the telephone and start to question Dana about it! And it might be something that Dana doesn't want her mother to know about! Then Dana will become furious with me for calling down to Jamaica, calling up her mother!"

    10. The phone was right next to me, and I started to call down and have them send up some breakfast, but I was sort of afraid they might send it up with old Maurice

    11. “But there are other scoundrels who masquerade under the cloak of the blockader for their own selfish gains, and I call down the just wrath and vengeance of an embattled people, fighting in the justest of Causes, on these human vultures who bring in satins wines when our heroes are writhing for lack of morphia

    12. ) And had he really been so different, fretting about the apartment this afternoon, setting out mismatched mugs, as though this weren’t an intervention but a tea party? He still acted as if the proper arrangement of surfaces might call down benediction, or grace

    13. Any minute now, she’d call down for Charlie to come up, which meant he was running out of time to figure out how to feel

    14. No one had even bothered to call down to him

    15. They said their prayers inwardly, and lying down, since there was nobody there with authority to make them kneel and recite aloud; in truth, they had a mind not to say them at all, but they were afraid to proceed to such lengths as that, lest they might call down a sudden and special thunderbolt from heaven

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    Sinonimi per "call down"

    call bawl cry out holler hoot yell yelp