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    Usa "carthaginian" in una frase

    carthaginian frasi di esempio


    1. From the end of the first to the beginning of the second Carthaginian war, the armies of Carthage were continually in the field, and employed under three great generals, who succeeded one another in the command; Amilcar, his son-in-law Asdrubal, and his son Annibal: first in chastising their own rebellious slaves, afterwards in subduing the revolted nations of Africa; and lastly, in conquering the great kingdom of Spain

    2. From the end of the second Carthaginian war till the fall of the Roman republic, the armies of Rome were in every respect standing armies

    3. The Scythian or Tartar militia, which Mithridates drew from the countries north of the Euxine and Caspian seas, were the most formidable enemies whom the Romans had to encounter after the second Carthaginian war

    4. In the process of the war with Carthage, Rome acquired the Carthaginian empire, which consisted of Spain, parts of what is now

    5. , it later became a Carthaginian military base and was conquered by Rome in 254-253

    6. And in the Second Punic War, that dragged on from 218 to 201 BC, the Carthaginian general Hannibal famously marched an army, including elephants, through Spain and Gaul, and over the Alps into Italy where he repeatedly routed the Romans

    7. Hannibal (247-182 BC) was the Carthaginian General who precipitated the second Punic War by attacking the town of Saguntum in Spain, an ally of Rome

    8. The devastation of the planet and its inhabitants is occurring because the fanatical elite seek a Carthaginian Peace – vanquishing those who cannot create themselves into something desired or willing to sell themselves cheaply enough to be useful

    9. The Carthaginian 'triad' of the most important gods included Baal Hammon, Tanit, and Eshmun

    10. The god held to be the most important to Carthage was the goddess Tanit, who is depicted on many Carthaginian coins

    11. Hannibal: (247–183 BC) Carthaginian general (the ancient city of Carthage was on the coast of North Africa) whose

    12. Because he knew he did not stand a chance against the naval might of the Carthaginian Naval war machine

    13. In the same way, there were at Rome Carthaginian prisoners who refused to salute Flaminius, and who had a little of Hannibal's spirit

    14. This service Plautus rendered, consciously or unconsciously, by making two Carthaginian soldiers talk Phoenician; that service Moliere rendered, by making so many of his characters talk Levantine and all sorts of dialects

    15. This is the first time the profession is mentioned in Carthaginian texts, which had hitherto mentioned only gold and bronze casters

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