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    Usa "dal" in una frase

    dal frasi di esempio


    1. ”And what a vulgar price to pay for a dal that my mom cooks

    2. “There is a fly in the dal!” I said

    3. The network is one of the most valuable aspects of the program to students, says Dal Colletto

    4. We attended small dals every season, but every third season was a large mor dal, a gathering of many , and this year, Crisi was old enough for me to take her

    5. Uilleam was attending his second mor dal from a clan north of the meeting place

    6. After we returned from the mor dal, he took her out as before

    7. It seems since the mor dal my hunger has grown less every day

    8. feeling we would not be invited to join the Friends of the Dal as Museum

    9. Our boat rose above the glittering suburbs of Dal as

    10. In spite of that, I’d asked him to come to Dal as with us—another

    11. “Carter, everyone has heard about Dal as

    12. Apophis’s target was Dal as, we had to move immediately

    13. Even Felix seemed to have recovered from his shock in Dal as

    14. happened in Dal as, and what happens next

    15. And in Dal as, when I looked at Walt in the Duat…”

    16. the Dal as Museum, but how could that be? The scene I was looking at

    17. remembered what Apophis had said at the Dal as Museum: Walt wouldn’t

    18. In Dal as, dozens of good magicians had died because

    19. “The face that spoke to me at the Dal as Museum,” she said

    20. Dal as Museum, and again in the Hal of Ages

    21. out: How we’d tried to save the Book of Overcoming Apophis in Dal as,

    22. It was the same command I’d used to repair the gift shop in Dal as, the

    23. Wash Toro dal well

    24. Place dal in a heavy saucepan

    25. Add 6 teacups of water, the tomatoes and washed masoor dal and cook in a

    26. Add chena dal, urad dal, mustard seeds and heat on

    27. make the cooked dal with half toor and half chana dal, in which case you

    28. Soak mung dal and rice five to six hours

    29. Set dal to cook in about 2 cups water and a touch turmeric

    30. little more water if needed on top of the dal

    31. roasted urad dal paste in lieu of the desiccated coconut

    32. Wash rice and roasted dal

    33. Suspected shooter locations are both the east and west windows of the TSBD, somewhere in the parking lot above the grassy knoll overlooking Elm, on the roof at the County Records building, from open windows in the Dal Tex building, from the overpass or thereabouts, or some other buildings

    34. northwest window of the Dal Tex bldg,

    35. Shot #4 lines up with the southwest window of the Dal Tex bldg, Kennedy at Z155, and the manhole cover down on the south side of Elm, and the side view says it would have been a hit except the bearing is off to the left

    36. Shot 7 lines up with the south 3rd floor window of the Dal Tex bldg

    37. I’m thinking more along the lines of the Dal Tex bldg, as a miss from their would be closer to Kennedy than from higher elevations

    38. “From today she will be busy in the Dal Lake with tourist,” Rahamed chacha said

    39. “She will sail the Shikara boat there and voyage the tourist in the Dal Lake from today,” he said

    40. I checked every on sailing and anchored shikara boats for long hours, loitering at the Dal Lake

    41. “Yes, I just came here to see the Dal Lake and the shikara boats,” I said

    42. When I reached there, the entire Dal Lake was flooded with colourful shikara boats and crowded with hundreds of tourists

    43. We found ourselves in the middle of the Dal Lake

    44. Mother was in the kitchen, cooking rice and dal at that time

    45. From the gate I smelt the wafted of frying dal with onion and marjoram and the whistling sound of pressure cooker

    46. In the hotel, we ordered rice, dal and some fish curry

    47. And you returned Joret Dal back to the planet before we had a chance to properly interrogate him

    48. One of those concerns was the nature of the Janata Dal (United)’s alliance government with the BJP

    49. His wife had to come to live in Delhi with him to ensure that the shudh vegetarian Shah remained well fed—he liked his dal, kadhi, khandwi and Gujarati snacks

    50. The Congress’s frontal organizations like the Seva Dal have an antique look about them

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