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    Usa "deep down" in una frase

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    deep down

    1. All Rose wants is to keep dancing, but deep down she realizes she will have succumb to her parents wishes and concentrate on her studies to become a doctor or a lawyer or something prestigious

    2. He could see deep down in where the Squidies now approached the drifting junk

    3. When our heart and soul isn’t in every part of our lives, it’s hard to be the person we are deep down and that’s where this motivation comes from

    4. and white injury, deep down in the torpor

    5. I usually listened to the nurses because some of them were friends of the family, and deep down knew they meant well

    6. continued the argument, but he knew, deep down,

    7. Deep down I still thought of him as a friend

    8. deep down he knew it wasn’t time

    9. 'She says that deep down he's very jealous

    10. college, then at least deep down I would know that I gave it my best shot

    11. Garonde) over, was there any need to? Deep down he had

    12. deep down they weren’t anxious to see an arm that still had not dropped in velocity

    13. that can’t be solved? Does he go into denial because deep down he thinks there is

    14. Deep down he should have known that it was too real to be a dream, but his sub-conscious had wanted it so desperately to be Xonia

    15. On the surface it all seemed bearable, but deep down they were dealing with raw emotion over the loss of their land and their people

    16. Deep down she actually envied Helez

    17. Deep down inside me, I did know

    18. “Kevin, are you hurt?” called Chris, knowing deep down that a reply was at best unlikely

    19. Ted looked at us and his eyes were haunted and I could see the hurt deep down inside the lad as he said

    20. The answer was more of an acknowledgement he always knew deep down to be the truth

    21. Deep down he knew these were unimportant questions; he tried to force himself not to think about them anymore

    22. They would stay in touch, of course, but what real comfort could an occasional letter give him? There was always the possibility that she would come home sooner than expected, but he knew deep down that was just optimism

    23. I knew deep down in my heart that in time the answers would be revealed to me, and that then I would understand

    24. Deep down Rachel knew her brother had strong feelings for Sarah, and she was sure Sarah felt the same for Thomas

    25. Beneath these colours, deep down in the water, a movement caught his eye, and he stared hard, trying to make it out

    26. when deep down in her she knew it very well that she really lied but

    27. But she knew deep down that that was the dream of the innocent and not the dream of a grown up

    28. He knew deep down that this would be too much

    29. His gut ached, deep down, a cold glass of neat whiskey kind of ache

    30. They were descending deep down in the lower levels of the Disciplinarium, places that Ursempyre had always been loathe to visit for he was aware of the acts usually being performed in those chambers

    31. She knew that answer deep down inside

    32. – Even though, deep down inside, I was really worried about the HHB’s – they looked tight and tough

    33. He had re-ocked out with his cee-ock out but deep down, I knew, I needed to execute Bobs head spins before it was all said and done

    34. I knew deep down that you

    35. However, deep down I felt terrible sadness that my parents had rejected me and I didn’t fully understand why

    36. I was eating a piece of birthday cake, enjoying the cousins fussing over Lucas, but deep down I worried

    37. I was tempted to reach out with my powers and force the situation to play out the way it needed to, but a voice deep down inside me that I had not heard in a very long time cried out against that

    38. The tunnels through which Maggie had run from the guards what seemed like an eternity ago were only one level of a great web of tunnels and caverns that led deep down into the rocky foundations of the city

    39. Deep down there is

    40. It was certainly a strange letter and, although it could have come from anyone, she somehow had a feeling, deep down, that she knew who had written it

    41. Upon more sober reflection, Roger realized that deep down he still doubted her sincerity

    42. A father had come in faith, seeking healing for his son, hoping that it could be done, but deep down within there was doubt, another voice telling him that it was impossible, fear that he would never see his son healed, but Jesus reminded him:

    43. The most special thing I know deep down

    44. Regarding the above, his daughter concluded the obvious: “Deep down, my father

    45. all have that stoicism deep down if we can draw upon it

    46. identities on that show made me realize that, deep down, I have

    47. but deep down it was affecting me

    48. actually believe I would go through with it? Was I still, deep down,

    49. half-broke, and I had almost lost my relationship with my wife, but deep down these are superficial, temporary residents of

    50. Deep down I am a

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