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    Usa "definitive" in una frase

    definitive frasi di esempio


    1. I avoided giving her a definitive answer, so she asked me to phone her before deciding

    2. Either the view that I had brought to them was entirely unreal, or it was definitive reality

    3. The view he had was not definitive, but there was someone a few doors down on the opposite side who could be the same guy

    4. the lack of definitive proof, Jean and Bernadette went to

    5. all the other fields, ventures to utter a definitive

    6. Ulfric Stormcloak himself had been definitive proof of that

    7. He wanted that again, it was his definitive human moment

    8. He did hang out with a group of four, thought of as the uncool geeks who were, if anything, proud to be such, to have their definitive place

    9. It wasn’t even that he had a definitive type in mind as an ideal

    10. She had suspected for a while something was wrong with him, if only she could make that definitive judgement – in the way that would be so easily done with anyone else; but with him there had always been that blind spot

    11. For the definitive piece of trash labeled history written in the twentieth century, check out Howard Zinn"s „A People"s History of the United States

    12. Orders to prevent their further approach had a broad enough meaning to fall short of definitive

    13. But that was only if you passed our Sergeant’s decency test for he had very definitive ideas regarding what “decent clothes” meant

    14. A determined action of this nature should not be considered apart from the purposeful action of having taken someone‘s life; that is to say, such potential no longer exists once it has been superseded by a definitive action

    15. Sexual Abstinence as a definitive means of avoiding teenage pregnancy is oftentimes treated as an afterthought in many of our schools Special Ed Programs

    16. The Motion Picture industry has enjoyed a long running fetish with strong, physically intimidating women routinely beating up on or otherwise skillfully out-maneuvering the obnoxious designs of pretentious, self-centered males filled with a heightened sense of their (own) self-importance; convenient foils portrayed as anachronistic, insensitive, chauvinistic types deserving an occasional thrashing every so often from women scorned or in response to inopportune or unsolicited (sexual) banterings or harmless wisecracks intended to make a definitive statement about strong women coming of age

    17. I am not attempting to strike definitive comparisons but state, rather, that the profit motive‘s natural course is oftentimes that of least resistance, unencumbered by matters of Conscience best left to moralists and serious thinkers to reason out

    18. For one thing, never at the voting booths of its history has the United States gotten rid of its president at the time of war, and for another, Kerry has not presented a coherent policy, guided by a definitive plan for the future: he seems to react to the news of the day like a weathervane reacts to the direction of the wind at any given time

    19. I took it as a definitive sign from God to hurry up and change my ways

    20. The state-owned grandiose and expensive infrastructures of the countries, international aid organizations and the organizations of the Third Sector of the civil society (non-profit) seek to solve serious social problems that last long per millenniums, however they don’t obtain the definitive solution to the human beings’ basic necessities that become excluded in its majority for imposition of the perverse existent socioeconomic model in the world that privileges minorities and it impedes that all the citizens live with dignity and well-being in any country

    21. This new socioeconomic paradigm as alternative model to the countries is the Systemic Theory of Usuarism, so that the countries act without the need of tributes, without needing of the expensive physical money with its coinage and immense operating expense for accumulation as wealth in definitive possession

    22. The important is that its autonomous entirety accomplishes the change of the current economic system with the utilization of the rules of the legal game to accumulate immense capital and to form the financial amount so that the Third Sector obtains the power to make political decisions to solve the serious socioeconomic problems in a definitive way

    23. This warranty happens because the systematics does with that every resource that enters in a process, stops being definitive possession of the organizations that incorporate goods, products and services in its process

    24. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries definitive way the problems because everything that they receive from resources spends to fulfill noble social role in eternal dependence of fundraisings and State’ actions

    25. Besides, the Country with its managers and sponsors will have world prestige, and its names will be registered in the evolution of the humanity’s history for they being the precursors of such expected change for the definitive solution of global social problems

    26. The idea of this proposal is to transform this fantastic wealth in autosustainable and self-sufficient with the certainty that the resources received in donation they become social investment with success, without deviation of the resources, wastes or applications in other finalities so that the solution of the problem is in a definitive way with world reaching

    27. This allows solving the question of the distributary justice of the income to the individuals and corporations, because the Project will generate sufficient income so that the beneficiary people make usufruct of this wealth, without there to be its definitive possession

    28. They are ineffective for definitive

    29. infrastructure, without solving in definitive the

    30. The general objective is to solve the problem of the people’s survival and of the planet in a definitive way, to generate the wealth and to maintain it without causing damage or loss to whom whether that is

    31. Finally, the Project does with that there are the involvement and the social agents’ compromising (individuals) and economic agents (corporations) so that in the future the beneficiary becomes beneficent person and the beneficent person becomes sponsor with the effective actuation of the Third Sector that truly solves the problems in a definitive way, without there is only removal of symptoms, besides accomplishing the social inclusion of billion of human beings, to propitiate the preservation of the species and to avoid the chaotic destruction of the elements of the planet for the unbridled consumerism

    32. The result of this actuation is to obtain the total circulation of the wealth in continuous flow to solve in definitive the great social problems and economic, without there are the need of the definitive possession of goods, products and services that don’t belong to the agents social or economic, because they are usufruct or wealth production

    33. monetary for definitive solution of the

    34. definitive possession so that there is its

    35. Finally, the global result of this methodology is definitive solution of the problems, creation of the full well-being, maintenance of the conquered wealth and salvation of the planet

    36. ) through programs and projects, without having the definitive possession of this immense wealth

    37. Also, the wealth appears with abundance and it supplies dynamicalally all needs of the involved population, without its transfer of one for another, without isolating any region and without its definitive possession

    38. With this, products and services have the warranty of the free circulation in the market, without anybody to have the definitive possession or to do stocks improperly

    39. See that in any situation, each involved country practices the values in its own coin to pay or to receive, without there to be any type of exchange of foreign coin and without anonymous possession of foreign coin; it also incorporates product or acquired service without the acquisition stays in the definitive possession of any organization

    40. We closed this step and we affirmed that the Virtual Coin has bigger utilization power than the physical coin, because any organization (creditor) utilizes the received monetary resources in its production in the services rendering way for the Coordenational Structure in any country, without there is conversion for physical money or acquisitions in definitive properties

    41. Know that the sponsors have the available resources, they already invest trillion dollars in donation or loan with social finality and they are opened to hear innovative proposals to apply in projects that show brilliant and equated ideas as solution to the social problems in a definitive way

    42. model for definitive solution of the problems

    43. Besides, the country that to adopt our Project will pass for the humanity’s history as universal model of the progress and development for the merit of ending in a definitive way with the misery, hunger and the social abandonment, without destroying the nature

    44. Below, the Figure-07 exhibits how the definitive solution of problems happens anywhere in the world with the integrated actuation of Bank3Sectors

    45. wealth instead of possessing it as definitive

    46. With this, we give opportunity the other partners so that they can participate from this great solution in a definitive way to the socioeconomic problems and of the environment, without being anything transitory or momentary

    47. For all, we give the certainty that the new systematics is definitive solution to the serious socioeconomic problems and of the lack of income that massacre the people and destroy the planet

    48. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries The new systematics guarantees that 100% of the investment in our Project will never be swindled, withdrawn in cash, wasted or deviated of the proposed ends, either it will let the resources to be totally consumed in infrastructure or in personal definitive possessions

    49. The maximum value depends on the quantity of people that the sponsor or the Country desires to benefit to solve socioeconomic problems in a definitive way

    50. See to follow the example of budget of Country Haiti to exhibit how the deposit of the investment in the XUSING Project occurs with intention of solving the socioeconomic problem of that country in a definitive way:

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    Sinonimi per "definitive"

    definitive determinate unequivocal authoritative conclusive ultimate absolute definite final explicit plain