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    Usa "dialog box" in una frase

    dialog box frasi di esempio

    dialog box

    1. In the Change Volume dialog box, modify the volume (Fig 75) according to your requirement and test the selection to see and hear the changes to the volume of the chosen song

    2. Capture, and then click Yes in the resulting dialog box to save the

    3. In the Advanced Filter dialog box, click Copy to another location

    4. In the dialog box that appears, click OK

    5. A dialog box popped up on one of my cockpit screens, providing me with a running list of the treatment and drugs that the pod was administering to its occupant

    6. exe file from the Run dialog box) and select Console | New, you get an empty Console Root window

    7. If you want, you can disable the default bridging by opening the Properties dialog box for the IP folder and clearing the Bridge All Site Links check box

    8. If the User Account Control dialog box opens, click Continue

    9. Clicking the Add button on the Security page in the Properties dialog box for a specific folder, for example (see Figure 23-2), displays a list of the users and groups in the SAM database or the objects in the Active Directory

    10. The Log On To Windows dialog box lets you select a domain or the local system for the current session

    11. Click the Advanced button to open the Advanced Settings dialog box, as shown in Figure 23-4

    12. The dialog box that opens allows you to enter the appropriate network address or browse the network

    13. If this type of duplication occurs, the policy closest to the bottom of the hierarchy in the object’s Properties dialog box takes precedence

    14. • Remove Run Command from Start menu Prevents users from launching programs or executing commands using the Run dialog box

    15. For example, when this policy is enabled, users can’t access network drives by opening a window with a UNC name in the Run dialog box

    16. This opens the Run dialog box

    17. When the analyzer is capable of using agents, you can use the same dialog box to specify the name or address of another computer on which the agent is running

    18. If there is a lock symbol for this network, indicating that a password is required, a Password dialog box will appear

    19. You may have noticed two icons in the lower-left corner of the New Tweet dialog box

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