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    Usa "drag out" in una frase

    drag out frasi di esempio

    drag out

    1. Until that set amount reach maturity, we continue to drag out the time

    2. It is a long drag out of the town and the gg pulling the wagon strains as it hauls us up the hill

    3. Should the war in America drag out through another campaign, the American militia may become, in every respect, a match for that standing army, of which the valour appeared, in the last war at least, not inferior to that of the hardiest veterans of France and Spain

    4. The most horrid screaming came over the radio, a high-pitched shriek that seemed impossible to drag out of a human throat

    5. The dinners had a tendency to drag out with all of their talk

    6. All she had to do was drag out time as best she could

    7. “This thing could drag out a few more days

    8. “I’m sure they’ll drag out the hostages sooner or later

    9. imagining how raiders would drag out the boy, how the girls would try to scream scared and helpless

    10. He was needed to drag out the dead

    11. involved in showing the home, but still don’t drag out the showing

    12. Dylan's usually the one we have to literally drag out of bed

    13. Oh God the pain! I hadn’t bothered to keep track of time, fearing that if I looked at my watch it would only make this torture drag out longer

    14. "But the most wretched thing, is it not—is to drag out, as I do, a useless existence

    15. get our meals over as soon as we can, so as to be ready for our work, while here are we trying to drag out our meal as long as possible, and with that object eating oysters

    16. life in which Charlie couldn’t participate, except to drag out of her on the phone the next day every ecstatic detail of whatever show she’d been to

    17. Kinsela let the moment drag out for a second or two, then said, “Who was the informant who referred Keith Herman to you, Lieutenant?”

    18. And laughing, he went to drag out a whole case of beer

    19. But all we said, not a word could we drag out of him; I almost felt like pushing him over, so as to change his position, for it was almost intolerable, it seemed so painfully and unnaturally constrained; especially, as in all probability he had been sitting so for upwards of eight or ten hours, going too without his regular meals

    20. They were dead, and I lived; their murderer also lived, and to destroy him I must drag out my weary existence

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