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    Usa "fractions" in una frase

    fractions frasi di esempio


    1. Usually it was in all thirty seven bands at once, and would sometimes last for significant fractions of a second, sometimes only a few tens of microseconds

    2. Our fear of darkness is the fear of fractions

    3. There are no fractions

    4. of darkness is the fear of fractions

    5. was on fractions and decimals

    6. Most were multilingual because the fractions total far more than one

    7. She was very beautiful; a more clever, or a more lovely countenance he could not fancy to himself; and she no longer appeared of ice as before, when she sat outside the window, and beckoned to him; in his eyes she was perfect, he did not fear her at all, and told her that he could calculate in his head and with fractions, even; that he knew the number of square miles there were in the different countries, and how many inhabitants they contained; and she smiled while he spoke

    8. shouldn't think out loud when reducing fractions or word

    9. two fractions by using his men there to

    10. One who could galvanize warring fractions into a formidable force through a soul stirring speech

    11. n) High competitiveness in the prices and quality of the products through the elimination of the fixed cost and power of valorization with countless decimal fractions

    12. Dead and Dying said was true, then at least three mob fractions were out to get her

    13. Siddhartha Gautama spoke about literally developing awareness in terms of fractions of a second, to awaken people to the fleeting glimpses of an open, precognitive spaciousness that keeps occurring before things get interpreted in a particular perspective

    14. So it would make sense that if you stimulate someone‘s little finger, it would take time (fractions of a second) for the nerves to move that sensation to the brain where it would be felt, since the physical body is limited by space and time and nothing in the physical universe (according to Einstein) can travel faster than the speed of light

    15. “Okay, let’s start with fractions

    16. Simon took in the many buildings along the way, some crumpled in fractions, others without a visible scratch to be seen

    17. We will very often use fractions in our programs

    18. senior leaders from all three religions and fractions

    19. I taught high school mathematics and for a normal class, would cover one or two topics, say adding and subtracting fractions

    20. You don’t need to assign ten problems that deal with adding fractions

    21. fractions of a Mobius loop that physics calls

    22. particles are those small fractions of a Mobius

    23. particles are those small fractions of a Mobius loop that physics cal s

    24. the mine for fractions of seconds

    25. He may understand fractions better by comparing them to

    26. With the laser beams moving over the surface of their targets, penetrating deeply within fractions of seconds, the Terran ships started suffering heavy damages before their bridge crews could even realize that they were being fired upon, unless of course the bridge itself had been hit by a laser beam

    27. As if by magic, three quite large rectangular shapes became visible for fractions of a second; then the surface settled again

    28. The whole base area and its immediate surroundings were awash in thermonuclear plasma within fractions of a second, with the air around also quickly heated to temperatures of thousands of degrees centigrade

    29. Fractions of a second before his fingers touched the UPS, it dawned on him that it was immensely hot

    30. matter has been produced to date, but for only fractions of a second before it annihilated

    31. This notion could be led to other fractions of the yard too

    32. Same with fractions, I think I enjoyed that part so much because fractions are my thing

    33. Some of the questions in Math and Quantitative Numerical Reasoning tests involve with fractions because they are also related to decimals, percent, mixed numbers and algebraic expressions

    34. Again, if you master solving fractions, it will be a great edge for you

    35. Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

    36. In this process, the easiest way is to always simplify the fractions by finding the LCD aka least common denominator, then apply the operation

    37. To divide fractions, inverse the second fraction then we follow the rules in multiplication

    38. You can also cross-multiply the given fractions

    39. (4) ¾ + 5/2 + 1/3 – simplify the fractions given and convert the mixed number into improper fraction

    40. more than tiny fractions

    41. Christina’s mind was far from learning about dividing fractions, the subject her teacher was discussing

    42. Mark did not understand why Jack had drawn some arrows in red pen and some in blue, was it significant, or did his pen just run out? Mark had asked the detective for a diagram to explain the situation, and Jack had obliged, going in to great detail about the various fractions as he saw them

    43. Any technique that will tighten those fractions has to be used

    44. The relative difference between an infinitely small remaining fraction of 3-dimensional Space that is unsplit… splitting into even infinitely smaller fractions of 3 dimensions so minute, so tiny, that it can only be noticed by comparing how much energy vibrated billions of years ago; to how much energy vibrates now

    45. The Splitness of Time-Depth is also a series of exponential smaller fractions which go like this

    46. And so on ad-infinitum; exponentially splitting into infinitesimally smaller fractions of Infinite Depth

    47. We cannot tell the relative difference between any two moments, or Fractions of Time

    48. For instance, the reason Radiation travels at a much higher speed than other forms of energy is because when it was created, the fractions of Time-Depth splitting were relatively much longer-larger than they are now

    49. They are merely relative relationships that can be expressed in relative proportions as comparative fractions that do not change proportionally between themselves

    50. Now the fractions are so tiny we cannot use finite numbers to measure them

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