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    Usa "gc" in una frase

    gc frasi di esempio


    1. The GC, Lew Spencer, hired me solely upon Wally Blum, my tax professor’s say so despite my C in corporate tax

    2. One month later, I was told by Motorola that I was being transferred to Phoenix two and one-half years earlier than we had mutually agreed upon because the assistant GC was deathly ill with Valley Fever (which nearly killed my late wife, Dixie, in fall 1974 while we were in Oakland

    3. Desperately, I called my boss, the GC, and told him that my car had been stolen during the riots, and that as soon as the police let me reclaim it, I would drive to work

    4. Pop quizzes were given by the GC and AGC so we all actually did it

    5. Prior to his conviction, I finally wrote Lew Spencer, the GC back in Chicago, a “Dear John” letter alerting him to the fact that Mack had earned an MBA at ASU on Motorola’s time and money, Neudelmann (real spelling) taught graduate school clear across the Valley, also on Motorola’s time and money

    6. Both Lew Spencer, the GC in Chicago who had hired me out of law school, and Jack Hickey, the VP Finance also in Chicago, for whom I had done tax projects, apologized to me when corporate management determined that it was necessary to layoff ten thousand of the company’s 30,000 Arizona employees in the summer of 1971

    7. Lew Spencer, the GC, knew Wally Blum very well from the Chicago Tax bar association

    8. The Deputy GC was a tall handsome fellow named John Wardell from Barrington

    9. After Wardell and Stone quit, before I was laid off, Motorola hired a new Deputy GC for the new office in Schaumburg, named Rich Weise

    10. In the winter of 1974, Frank Sagarino, Nelson’s Deputy GC, brokered a deal that I stupidly and pride fully rejected that would have kept us in Arizona

    11. Charlie Donovan, the GC, told me at the end of the day that the job was mine

    12. We were crushed, and I soon applied to Navy OGC in response to their ad in the WSJ and was hired after interviewing at GD’s Pomona Missile plant with Dave James, NavSea’s then GC

    13. Another interesting twist of fate, of which the Navy was ignorant when they recruited me, and for most of my tenure, was that I had been interviewed by telephone by Ingalls’ GC, George Washington Howell, before the Navy hired me—then on its third try, assigned me to Pascagoula

    14. I also was pained that because my patron, Ingalls’ VP, John Arledge, as well as the recently retired GC, Bill Powers, had initially sponsored me, their VP-HR then caved so easily when Pressly raised a ruckus

    15. Ben Mullins in HR implied that he had gotten slapped around really hard by the GC and HR-VP for not considering whether my being hired would provoke that kind of frenzied reaction inside SupShip Pascagoula

    16. ” I said to hell with blind ads, asked Ingalls’ GC with whom I had a good rapport because HE had tried to hire me before Navy did, but which job Litton HQ in California quashed, to give me Bill Gorvine’s name and address

    17. whose brother was GC at Monsanto

    18. the GC and CEO what a “good soldier” he had been by relocating to

    19. He said, “I promised CHQ and (GC) Savner that I could make

    20. as the recently retired GC, Bill Powers, had initially sponsored me, their

    21. the GC and HR-VP for not considering whether my being hired would

    22. Stan Wright, my guy who had let this matter fester into a boil, was a 45ish, incompetent CA 2 ((pay grades ranged from 1 – 4, so he was not the “sharpest knife in the drawer”) whom the youngish (38) GC, a recent ex-AF JAG, would have fired if I had not arrived to train him

    23. Almendral, the GC and my boss, had expressly directed me to stop these abuses as soon as possible

    24. I was terminated in retaliation for taking several investigative actions that my boss, the GC, J

    25. Needless to say, I was very angry because Dino, the still new (hired August 2001) GC had specifically instructed me, as the basis for my annual evaluation to determine whether I became a permanent employee, to investigate the overhead accounts where Hottman and Hansen were conducting business without approval of Legal, Contracts, and the Director

    26. GC with AT

    27. Harris GC, Aston-Jones G (2003a) Altered motivation and learning following opiate withdrawal:

    28. As a good approximation, corporates can be financed at deposit rates (such as LIBOR) while government bonds can be financed at repo rates, which are lower: either the general collateral (GC) rate or the even lower special repo rate

    29. Thus, a proper carry measure for levered credit investors also includes a financing spread; carry is positive only if the asset’s credit spread (corporate minus Treasury) exceeds the financing spread (LIBOR minus GC)

    30. For momentum moves, it’s better to look to GC (gold), EC (euros), and S (soybeans)

    31. gold (GC) and 5,000-oz silver (SI)

    32. This is a newer contract that is the size of the GC contract and answers the question, “What if I don’t really want to trade 100 ounces of gold at a time?” This contract represents 10 ounces of gold, so instead of a full $1

    33. This shows two identical hourly charts of GC, the gold futures contract

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