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    Usa "hebrew" in una frase

    hebrew frasi di esempio


    1. In the Old Testament the Hebrew word for covenant is

    2. The Hebrew expression haish asher al used to mean the man who is over is used in

    3. The Hebrew expression asher al bayith means who is over a house and is used in Genesis 44:4

    4. when he went out and saw the Egyptian smiting the Hebrew

    5. We know that in the next chapter of Isaiah that the same Hebrew word is used to call Israel a seed (or children/offspring) of snakes

    6. In Genesis 1:2, we have Hebrew parallelism

    7. Sheol is the Hebrew concept of the underworld

    8. The Hebrew phrase is tohu vav vohu

    9. ” That wording “in the midst” is the Hebrew phrase for “in the center” or “in the middle

    10. It goes back to the Hebrew phrase mentioned only one time in the Old Testament: Genesis 48:19 – Ephraim will be a multitude of nations (fullness of Gentiles)

    11. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and

    12. 16Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew

    13. the Bible; and you can research all of the Hebrew names

    14. (Chorus of the Hebrew Slave) from "Nabucco” by

    15. She was wearing a very conservative Hebrew garment that covered her body from neck to ankles, with sleeves to her wrists

    16. Their mother also spoke Hebrew and understood everything Helez related

    17. The Hebrew religion totally forbade intercourse outside of marriage and adultery was punishable by death through stoning

    18. From her explanation they learned that in the Hebrew culture it was also forbidden to look at a woman’s naked body unless you were her husband

    19. Helez shrieked, gathered her clothing to cover herself and shouted something in Hebrew

    20. In the end he decided to give Zarko the benefit of the doubt and they agreed to get together regularly so that Zarko could learn the Hebrew faith

    21. (Hebrew: pegerim = dead bodies)

    22. To the Hebrew mind, even if a man could live to be

    23. The Hebrew word here for

    24. It is very important to note that the only other time it is used in all of Tenach (The Hebrew Bible) is in Isaiah 66:24, which was discussed

    25. Daniel 12:2 are inextricably linked by the same Hebrew word and that Hebrew

    26. (Isaiah 66:24) are from the same Hebrew word

    27. Since he had become the guardian of the Hebrew exiles, she hadn’t seen much of him at the royal court

    28. The Hebrew woman was surely too much of a goody-goody girl to get involved in a scandal of that nature

    29. But he vaguely remembered a tale Helda’s father had once related about a prominent Hebrew king who had had a thousand wives

    30. Although the Hebrew men had worn loin cloths and she had worn a bathing shift during bathing, the rest hadn’t cared and had bathed in the nude

    31. The only thing that might have prevented her from marrying him was that he didn’t worship her God yet, though he had intimated that he would adopt the Hebrew law and religion and serve her God with her

    32. Helez then explained the way Hebrew weddings were done

    33. “The last time his dream was deciphered by the Hebrew, Darniil, who attributed the interpretation to his God

    34. ” Darniil was impressed at the king’s use of the Hebrew greeting

    35. “There is only one thing, though; the Hebrew exiles arrived this morning and someone will need to be at home to show Helez’s family to their living quarters

    36. She’s also Hebrew

    37. He arrived here 10 years ago along with me and the first group of Hebrew exiles

    38. After all, Helez was a Hebrew and this Zarko, a pagan

    39. “You may not have noticed, my dear sister – this is Babylon! Hebrew men are few and far between,” Rebekah chipped in

    40. It was rather unusual, he had explained, but it was according to the Hebrew culture

    41. This would be the first wedding where a Hebrew woman married a Babylonian man

    42. It was not so with that either of the Greek or of the Hebrew language

    43. The infallible decrees of the church had pronounced the Latin translation of the Bible, commonly called the Latin Vulgate, to have been equally dictated by divine inspiration, and therefore of equal authority with the Greek and Hebrew originals

    44. The first reformers found the Greek text of the New Testament, and even the Hebrew text of the Old, more favourable to their opinions than the vulgate translation, which, as might naturally be supposed, had been gradually accommodated to support the doctrines of the Catholic Church

    45. The Hebrew language having no connection with classical learning, and, except the Holy Scriptures, being the language of not a single book in any esteem the study of it did not commonly commence till after that of philosophy, and when the student had entered upon the study of theology

    46. The Christian Bible, as we know it today, was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek

    47. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and also contains some books that had sections written in Aramaic

    48. 2 When considering the structure of the Tanakh in its original Hebrew form, it is divided into three parts: It starts off with the “Pentateuch” or Torah

    49. These manuscripts, comprising around 900 Biblical and extra-Biblical documents, were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek and are estimated to have originated around the period of 150 BC to 70 AD

    50. Furthermore that the scriptures in the original Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek were truly supernaturally inspired, letter-for-letter, although penned by more than 40 different people

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