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    ideologic frasi di esempio


    1. He didn’t stand in the doorway as though he might catch some ideological disease from the infidel

    2. how?” These definitions are broadly figurative and ideological

    3. The most important reason she claimed, albeit quite cogently, was the concern for being targeted by rival businesses, or even terrorist organizations who were ideologically opposed (she had been to and witnessed numerous corporate establishments; her mandate was to be as secretive as possible, which – although not part of her actual contract – would include not revealing her own identity)

    4. An adversarial race, equal in technological terms to their own future selves, had appropriated an already prosperous (albeit troubled) planet to suit an ideological goal: a kind of utopia; the foundation for, perhaps, a colonisation

    5. Civil conflict ensued, considered to result from disputed rights over land ownership between ideologically opposed factions

    6. Both genders were fed the same incessant ideological garp

    7. This end-around round the State Department should come as no surprise considering the president‘s track record as a draft dodger and antiwar protester whose sympathies continue to lie with our nation‘s ideological opponents

    8. Fidel Castro is coming to town! This poorly stylized villain, who for years has fed off the (romanticized) illusions conjured up by left-leaning individuals, will undoubtedly receive a warm reception in some quarters by disaffected groups whose alienated affections for this great nation have grown naturally disposed toward honoring every ideological enemy of America as some visionary liberator in their incorrectly perceived fight for ―freedom

    9. I find it ironic, however, that while Americans have been brought closer together in time (and space), we appear more ideologically estranged in a manner unthought-of two centuries ago

    10. I wonder whether as a nation we aren‘t slowly gravitating toward an ideological federation of sorts, prompted by our increasingly diverse customs and beliefs

    11. during the early years (1949) of the Cold War to secure and defend, through a system of ―collective defense,‖ democratic nations against Soviet (Communist) expansion ideologically opposed to principled notions of Liberty and Freedom

    12. Without common cause united by common principles and where the organization‘s respective members remain ideologically polarized, such overtures should be reproved by sensible nations whose global mission should be promoting (world) peace and advancing the cause of Freedom

    13. Baby Boomers are caught in the middle of an ideological disconnect having categorically rejected their parent‘s customary values as well as the conventional values embraced by their (own) children

    14. A ―probable‖ law is probable inasmuch as it remains subject to ―proof;‖ that is to say, until it is validated by common practices and/or legal interpretations by legal authorities consisting of nonelected men and women appointed to our nation‘s highest courts who remain unaccountable to the American People; subject to contingent legalities that directly affect them and whose ―definitive‖ arguments are (oftentimes) subject to change as the ideological alignment of the courts may vary thereby overriding legislative authority vested by the people to sanction laws by rendering elastic, interpretations of (uncertain) legal propositions and subsequent laws of the land, thereby setting themselves up in a uncertain manner as supreme arbiters of the law

    15. These appeasing designs (cloaked as open-mindedness) are being advanced from a position of weakness that will (inevitably) strengthen the morale of our ideological enemies while proportionately weakening our nation‘s resolve to defend itself from further attacks

    16. The Vietnam War was a defining moment in American and European politics that produced ideological divisions at home and abroad, giving rise to moral equivocations and modernist geopolitical assumptions whose (dire) impact on critical political thinking continue to resonate through present times

    17. The Cultural Revolution and its liberating impact on society altered the social dynamics of our schools and universities in a manner that encouraged its more radical members to step out of the (ideological) closet and freely pursue its anti-Western/ traditional mainstream agenda

    18. The flaunting arrogance of today‘s teachers, themselves victims of social engineering a generation ago, is presently under siege by a new generation of (thoughtful) students who, armed with their own (ideological) arsenal of values, may not be such willing accomplices as their parents

    19. To this purpose, a number of terrorist organizations are being routinely supported by hostile (Arab) Nations sharing a common, distorted primitive worldview of Western Values encouraged, in part, by soft-headed internationalists, self-congratulatory appeasers, and useful idiots who continue to provide a moral and intellectual base of support to the ideological opponents of Freedom

    20. Addendum to the above: In this manner, we oftentimes find ourselves wandering about in an (ideological) wilderness without purpose or meaning trying to find ourselves while each passing moment further alienates us from ourselves until we‘ve forgotten who we are or once were or how we got to be who we are or got to where we are which, I suppose, amounts to the same thing

    21. ―goodwill‖ that encouraged every (implausible) excuse for the aggressive actions of its ideological enemies that, in the final analysis, (merely) served to strengthen their resolve

    22. An acquaintance of mine recently expressed some concern over the (potential) appointment of a practicing Baptist likely to influence the ideological composition of the Court, thereby overturning hard-fought legal battles like the (omnipresent) Roe v

    23. I could have correctly reminded this gentleman that former president James Earl Carter, who as president, influenced the ideological composition of our nation‘s federal courts, was a professed ―born-again Christian‖, a Baptist, but why trouble ourselves with such ―minor‖ details

    24. Americans not wanting to admit Truman's failure share his ideological blindness and in some cases his anti Asian racist views

    25. That is ideological blindness and moral callousness that cannot be defended

    26. But perhaps the longest example of ongoing presidential ideological blindness is the question of government regulation in daily economic life

    27. It is difficult to find a higher number of conservatives anywhere on the globe more ideologically blind than in the US

    28. Corporations pushing for deregulation for their own profit or from ideological blindness that imagine regulation costs profits

    29. In economics, both Communism and Libertarianism are equally wrong, callous, and dangerous examples of ideological blindness, a set of principles taken to an extreme that caused many people to die

    30. Delnagro‘s troubling column (―Anthem gets attention‖) questioning why players and fans attending professional sporting events should be required to stand during the playing of our National Anthem, despite conflicting ideological viewpoints, instead of being allowed to ―sit it out in peace‖, if that is their desire, underscores a disturbing tendency among a number of Americans who routinely take peace for granted

    31. Only the most incredibly blind or ideological could deny this

    32. But it just does not have even the most cursory bit of evidence to back it up, and only the most ideologically blind still believe in it

    33. Newsman John Chancellor described with fascination how Johnson press conferences became the president practically begging the country, “Why don't you like me?” His ideological blindness and stubbornness became fatal to tens of thousands of US troops and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese

    34. The US loss in Vietnam, due to both Johnson and Nixon's staggering incompetence and ideological blindness, was one of the most visible and traumatic failures of any presidents in US history

    35. GW Bush owed all he had in life to family connections, was one of the most ideologically blind and inflexible presidents, had been appointed to office by a partisan part of the Supreme Court after losing the election, and was in office less than eight months before the attacks

    36. As said before, Bush was simply uninterested in any information that contradicted his ideological blindness

    37. This includes battle deaths, disease, and famine caused as much by Confederate government incompetence and ideological blindness as the war

    38. Confederates’ ideological blindness and exaggerated image of their own military abilities made them miscalculate how the war would end

    39. In this manner our oligarchical courts have evolved into ideological breeding grounds for ―progressive‖ reforms and social engineering where voter expression(s) are routinely overturned

    40. In retrospect, the Vietnam Syndrome is no more or no less a symptom rooted in an ideological disease that has gradually blended into the American mindset

    41. As noted before, Reagan was perhaps the most ideologically blind of all presidents

    42. Compare the efforts to end their at times ludicrous attempts at terrorism to that of right wing terrorists, and it is clear much of the media has an ideological bias that is right wing, not leftist

    43. It is also clear law enforcement often has an enormous ideological bias

    44. No, the reason for ignoring these terrorist threats was either being busy with other matters, in the case of both Bushes, being incompetent in Clinton's case, or ideological blindness in Reagan's case

    45. There was the war itself, launched for reasons of ideological blindness and run with extreme incompetence

    46. While some nationalists made the pretense of being Marxists after the 1950s, there was no evidence of anything but vague ideological ties to Cuba

    47. This section is not a record of which president supported or carried out any ideological position

    48. Ideological Communists in China went into decline, replaced by more pragmatic ones favoring trade with the west

    49. Many tend to forget that, except for the most ideological conservatives, most of the anger or derision aimed at Carter came late in his presidency

    50. GW Bush was one of the blindest presidents, ideologically, and often an incredibly incompetent one

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