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    Usa "inevitability" in una frase

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    1. “It was really more of an inevitability; if one knows the proper angles of attack and thought processes of his opponent, there really is only one outcome to ultimately destroy them

    2. It spun at them, and as Tig watched the dying alien ship falling on them like a terrible illustration of inevitability, the fear left him like a rat jumping ship

    3. Their fall an inevitability

    4. the defeat of the elves an apparent inevitability

    5. Herold Seize an inevitability

    6. It seemed like she wanted to get it over with, get it out the way, as if she was merely resigned to the inevitability of his desire, and then going through the motions

    7. At the age of 55, I"ve felt the inevitability of my death

    8. Someone has tried to convince you otherwise, but she hasn’t appreciated the inevitability of this war

    9. All signs pointed to such inevitability – never the return to normalcy

    10. What held his mind now was not only the knowledge of there being no escape, but the sense of the shared inevitability

    11. Deterministic thinking is consistent, on some level, with Marxist theories advancing the Inevitability of History

    12. It attempts to mask its inevitability by hiding behind youthful façades that make it appear incongruous beside younger styles and fashions

    13. But some part of me still fought it, denying the inevitability, demanding that I keep this part of myself from him, the creature to whom I’d already given far too much

    14. We believe that, given the inevitability of further conflict in our city, it would be selfish of us to stay here while what remains of our faction is inside that fence

    15. M: Ignorance is the cause of inevitability

    16. I am progressively being confronted with the inevitability of my being attacked by my peers

    17. There was not even the consolation of inevitability to relieve the horror

    18. But the inevitability of what he had been called out to do weighed upon him

    19. Choices to fear and not to trust, choices to deny the inevitability of change and stand like the worst kind of fools against it, choices to kill and not to protect

    20. ” The brothers rejected the brand of socialistic philosophy of Engels and Marx regarding class struggle, revolution, and historical inevitability

    21. inevitability of the tragedy, which is the worst one of all

    22. seemed to be effective solutions in avoiding its inevitability, and in our times

    23. And then inevitability sank in

    24. They are long past facing the inevitability of her death

    25. inevitability, for this is what God will do if you continue to ignore what he tells you

    26. wanted the inevitability of conflict that would inflict massive losses of life, so we began to

    27. He after much self- deliberation and conversation with his Irish friends realised the inevitability of such changes

    28. How could I take the lonely inevitability of death? I tried to get up, but I was exhausted and couldn’t move

    29. ‘I’ve tried reasoning with him, but he’s not having any of it,’ said Terry Pugh, his voice sounding resigned to an inevitability about the situation that they were in

    30. He also realized he had accomplished his earthly mission, within which he saw the inevitability of the design of Intent at work

    31. Her destruction was thus piecemeal and her end has an air of tragic inevitability, for though she sank quickly enough when the Lancaster’s bombs ripped her apart; she had in reality been wasting away for months before that

    32. he resigned himself to the inevitability

    33. to see that getting sick isn’t an unfortunate situation, it’s an inevitability because of the

    34. And maybe it says something dark about me that I consider the fictional soldier’s death, and the sacrifice that came with it, no matter how meaningless, a thing of honor and inevitability

    35. There was a sense of complete inevitability about the two forces

    36. The inevitability of burnout occurs

    37. Somehow sensing the inevitability of its demise, Severus' father, Atticus, had championed his oldest son to lead a new Order on the day that he had reached his first decade

    38. The inevitability of the he was alive and you loved him

    39. its inevitability, the certain destruction of those who refuse to fight, the names of enemies who have to be killed, weighing of one’s strength, and

    40. This finalizes his belief in the inevitability of his doom

    41. When one meditates today, if they are communing with the Earth, there will not only be simple feelings of oceanic bliss and global peace, but also panic, confusion, and rage from the threat of catastrophes and the inevitability of emotional chaos

    42. I was still feeling the uncertainty about the inevitability of their connection

    43. But there is no proof for the efficacy, efficiency or inevitability of achieving its designed intention, solely because love can have none – other than the other reasoning their own way to an ethic of their own comformication

    44. Though Ralf paid no attention to any sect other than the very select Cult of Ralf, he could not help but marvel at the inane drivel---the melding of righteous urgency and moral rectitude and all based in the inevitability of The Prophecy

    45. Then I repeated the story about the expectant parson, adding to my guilt by laying stress on the inevitability of the expedition owing to its having been planned weeks before

    46. He was surprised how easy, once he recognised its inevitability, the readjustment of the relationship was, how easily and comfortably he forgot

    47. resigned himself to the inevitability of it

    48. easy to enjoy it when there’s an … inevitability to it;

    49. Unless you understand the inevitability of this historical payback: you will continue to think that most Empires blazed in Glory briefly for a short time… and then faded away

    50. He wasn’t quite as resigned to the inevitability of the

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