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    Usa "instructor" in una frase

    instructor frasi di esempio


    1. The instructor has given up on her, would rather she didn’t stay and wilt the beautiful bouquet he has arranged in his studio

    2. Back at Sagan, the exo-atmospheric infantry combat instructor had said (with a lunar drawl) ‘Successful infantry combat maneuvering does not allow the enemy to acquire your flank or the flank of adjoining units

    3. I also like another guy: It is Themis, the aerobics instructor

    4. New hopes: Themis, the aerobics instructor, has invited the whole class to a restaurant tomorrow night! Needless to say, I will join the party and I already wonder what I could do to catch his attention

    5. There was only one male and by the time he was done demonstrating those acts with their instructor, he had little left to use for personal instruction

    6. The instructors at the Kassikan can be just as mediocre as the lamest instructor at this Northie place

    7. They found only one instructor remaining who ever had Tdeshi in a class

    8. Hasting's chagrin he approached the one sportsman in his store, perhaps then present in the entire Tahoe lake region, who had for several years made his living as Wilderness Guide and Instructor, in short: a Professional Sportsman

    9. only force he felt was the bicep of the white-clad instructor on is shoulder

    10. “How’s he progressing?” Johnson asked the instructor

    11. This was supplied in part to dissuade any truly unqualified candidates from wasting the time and materials of the new instructor

    12. I used to have a British flight instructor who talked about his stay at Corunna Downs secret WWII airbase near Marble Bar during the war

    13. The instructor was trying to appeal to the man’s

    14. the instructor by shouting encouraging phrases, such as:

    15. Our chief instructor in all this is the Holy Spirit

    16. What about those of us who have never worked out before? In such cases you might need to start off under the personal supervision of an instructor and that may require that you go to a gym

    17. But what I would suggest is that there are two simple things that any one can do for which you do not need the help of any instructor

    18. It is when the instructor sits down at the piano, calls out the first name of one of the students, and pushes down on one of the piano’s eighty-eight keys

    19. Standing there surveying us was Tommy Macy Elijah’s mate who had been seconded to the Second Battalion as an instructor and who was now a skater* his face broke into a big smile on seeing us

    20. I got a job working with Mansfield Business School in Fort Worth as an instructor working part-time and doing my work with CHANGE on a part-time basis

    21. His instructor said the strength needed to even wound a Shadow Man would have to be immense

    22. " The instructor, also of the liberal persuasion, pounced

    23. When I challenged the instructor on this point, he had no rejoinder

    24. ‘I cannot guarantee this will be an easy or entirely safe journey,’ the instructor told the nervously waiting crowd in the departure lounge

    25. And could you believe it? No more polishing! One Instructor actually wept reminiscing about the good old days when he was still a god

    26. And they did…for the first few Wednesdays until a PT instructor took them of a 105km Tour de Pretoria West

    27. Unfortunately they had forgotten completely that during our formal PT swimming classes they had solemnly informed the swimming instructor that they could not swim

    28. " The Instructor was surely from the Transvaal, which is inland and accordingly they were relegated to the non-swimmers group with cadets from the Kalahari Desert, who really could not swim and probably had never seen even a river (with water in it—not sand)

    29. They splashed about in the beginner’s pool as an increasingly frustrated instructor tried to teach them the basic principles of swimming, all to no avail as they were “obviously f commies and longhaired liberals in disguise incapable of f learning to swim

    30. In all of his life as instructor, so he said, he had never failed before and therefore took an unusual interest in them

    31. If it was evident to them that you were not willing to hit a fellow cadet, the PT Instructor might enter the ring in order to make you understand the error of your communist and longhaired liberal thinking

    32. One cadet abused this rule by deliberately fooling around until the PT Instructor stepped in to sort him out

    33. I always thought they were called artillery, but was not about to correct the Instructor

    34. The Instructor looked long and hard at the cadet suspecting a silly joke, but patiently explained again that the gas siphons off from the explosion from the fired ammunition and it never has to be refilled

    35. * She had been one of the comforters at the pool when the Rooinekke met the disillusioned swimming Instructor, thus they had seen the enormous bruise

    36. I once asked an Instructor for advice regarding whether one should keep their service pistol loaded with the safety catch on, or rather load it right before shooting

    37. Thus we adapted a way of cocking the pistol against our belt or shoe-heel using only one hand, but that was not taught by any Instructor

    38. Years later when I did some SCUBA diving the Diving Instructor told us the same

    39. The instructor was a Master Sergeant Searcy, and he was using a rape case to show or demonstrate what kind of information we should be looking for

    40. Well, Sergeant Searcy kept talking about the pubic area and I didn‘t know what that was, so to try and gain a few brownies with the instructor and to let him know that I was paying close attention I held my hand up high and he says, ―Yes, Cunningham?‖ I proceeded to ask him if that pubic area was within the vicinity of the crime

    41. In later years, after my time, a rumour started that assault rifles can be hired with an instructor to provide training

    42. I remember having a few words with a young instructor once when he saw my shirt sleeves were cut off and wanted to make it an issue

    43. As the instructor said whilst giving them the evil eyes: "You will f thank us later" and they did when they appreciated what would happen if they did not leave their long haired liberal tendencies and become suitably grateful for our combined efforts

    44. " As far away as possible and way behind would be an angry instructor telling both: "They are f long haired liberals, but not to worry, blah blah blah" (as you know the form by now)

    45. It was the only course in the SAP which I attended where the instructor ratio to the trainees was less than one to ten

    46. I respectfully asked a SAP COIN instructor during a scramble up and down some mountain (Boleo probably) whether he believed in the Bible, particularly Proverbs 28:1, which reads: “Only the wicked shall flee without being chased

    47. Made me a much fitter policeman that comment did! The instructor took great delight in me running in front of his vehicle for what seemed like hours so that I could feel chased so to speak! I suppose I must have felt wicked for the entire six months during basics for we ran everywhere

    48. Instructor in such topics as Media and the Law; Writing for the News, and Political Science, Mr

    49. “I presume you’re here for the try-out” she said in a strong instructor

    50. Or Will Tucker, your grumpy old instructor

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