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    Usa "irrefutable" in una frase

    irrefutable frasi di esempio


    1. He never complained about my blatant usury, although he would, when the atmosphere became too dense to support life, make his inevitable and irrefutable point about my behaviour

    2. He gives cogent and convincing, and perhaps irrefutable reasons for his prediction

    3. All the pieces had to join in irrefutable perfection before he would dare another arrest

    4. He would bide his time, watching and one-by-one assemble irrefutable facts

    5. It was down to the wire: either he bring in Michael Henderson with irrefutable charges, or he was finished as a police officer

    6. The evidence had to be irrefutable

    7. Tobias’s testimony is irrefutable this way

    8. Does a victim need to have irrefutable evidence of not only the

    9. In other words, the formula took into account the value of the company to an outside buyer by positioning me as an outside buyer at the time, and the logic was irrefutable

    10. to make his point in the clearest, most concise, and irrefutable

    11. It should have remained the tennis courts revolving on matches, switching courts after points, bringing an irrefutable contest

    12. Nevertheless, the intelligence that was residing in our beings advised the silence and the submission, which allowed us to act with restraint when the irrefutable voice of our grand stepmother ordered us to imprison us again in the cave that was the basement

    13. If she only would have said “orphans” she had been excused, it was an irrefutable fact that we were lacking parents, which made us orphans in the most strict sense of the word, but beggars? Indeed, that I would not excuse! Especially when our patrimony was precisely the one that was supporting the family, precisely the one they were wasting and precisely the one they were stealing from us! Beggar herself!

    14. While being in this bizarre situation, Leonardo was observing them, between cautious and entertaining, confirming once again his irrefutable conviction that the human madness was evident in the most unusual situations

    15. They had been tasked to produce irrefutable evidence that would exonerate Gary David from the crime of causing the deaths at Wightport

    16. At least that’s what he told himself day after day, year after year, until surrendering to the irrefutable truth that the life he was meant to live had been stolen

    17. Additional (otherwise irrefutable) evidence came when Lia again began having teaching dreams—she is a vivid dreamer, typically experiencing full-color trilogy presentations, and we had talked often about dream interpretation

    18. This book presents irrefutable evidence as to the alteration of the Zapruder film, handled by both the Secret Service and the CIA on the night of the assassination

    19. If that was the case, he would need to seriously weigh everything she said before making any rash or unwise decisions that he could not substantiate in court with irrefutable, unprejudiced facts; otherwise, any such controversial case would be immediately dismissed on circumstantial evidence and would leave a scar on his reputation

    20. Which no front-line commander could compete, his arguments here were generally irrefutable

    21. Then today irrefutable evidence that I had been misguided and travelling down the wrong track

    22. “Logic like that is irrefutable, but does not invalidate the possibility of an alien influence on this planet,” Garcia said

    23. In any dispute the irrefutable fact is that if you need to preserve a relationship (in commercial dealings that is not always the case), unless both parties get something from the imminent dialogue, which is an improvement for both of you greater than the status quo, then some rather unhappy baggage is likely to accrue

    24. The fact is when one party unilaterally gives something without placing any condition upon the concession this creates greed in the receiving party, we have witnessed this many hundreds of times, irrefutable evidence, this is a basic human condition, we simply cannot stop ourselves

    25. A few HL’s later, and it was considered an irrefutable fact by many that not only was the new planet not new, but it had been there since the beginning of time, as could be proven by ancient textbooks that spoke of nine planets in the solar system

    26. The decisive utterance is the final judgment which is indisputable and irrefutable

    27. After the prefect had heard these irrefutable proofs and sound logic, he shook his head, filled with admiration and appreciation for the ingenuity of Aslan

    28. another's irrefutable intrinsic value, because value is always a choice, thus value differences are a conflict of wills

    29. You are seeking a logical and convincing answer that is irrefutable and about which there can be no element of doubt

    30. An irrefutable fact which couldn’t be easily ignored or dismissed by her much embarrassed aunt

    31. Months passed and the evidence was irrefutable

    32. One of the irrefutable laws of life is: “Everything is constantly changing

    33. If a man complains of the drift of his fortune he is just as unjust to himself as if he should deny rational truth, though it stand patent and irrefutable

    34. you’re telling them is the irrefutable truth

    35. Indeed, a photograph is admitted in court as irrefutable evidence

    36. "Where, then," asked Kennedy, "can photography be considered as irrefutable evidence?

    37. As time had gone by, it had become irrefutable that there were periods

    38. The parchment my predecessor found here apparently referred to that search and dismissed its findings a ‘crude rubbish’, making the observation that we should never give up a search for the crown until irrefutable evidence was found that showed its fate

    39. Notwithstanding this irrefutable findings, science still regards Newton as the only person that ever lived

    40. This may seem astounding to you, but the fact that the Earth is situated in the exact center of the Universe is irrefutable and incontrovertible

    41. � It sounds like it�s an incorrigible and irrefutable truth we have known all our lives

    42. Accordingly, they provide irrefutable proof that the Vatican and

    43. unable to resist using The Apocalypse, which was purposely designed to serve as irrefutable

    44. redundantly encoded throughout the symbology, thereby serving as irrefutable proof of the truth

    45. through time so we would have irrefutable proof that these ancient sage-scientists actually knew what

    46. symbols, Rome fears them because they know that irrefutable proof of their long-term lies exist

    47. as decisive and irrefutable proof that all three Faiths of Abraham and the concept of religion are

    48. the Hebrew calendar , and other Hebrew texts serve as irrefutable proof of the truth

    49. This first chapter delivers irrefutable proof that I am truly the promised Messiah and Teacher of

    50. and irrefutable proof that Christianity is a blatant lie and strong delusion, along with proof that the

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    Sinonimi per "irrefutable"

    incontrovertible irrefutable positive undeniable