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    Usa "lay-by" in una frase

    lay-by frasi di esempio


    1. on their radio, PNC, red jag in a lay-by,

    2. You see the game, as it is, without the play-by-play commentary, and without the constant stream of opinion and analysis

    3. Mai Cox pulled her rapid response vehicle into the lay-by and switched off the engine

    4. Pulling out of the lay-by and accelerating up the road, I wondered why I was going to all this trouble for an ungrateful old git

    5. They’d meet up in a lay-by on the A9 - him on his bike, she in her car

    6. There were many old rings of fires in the small lay-by

    7. Breathing a sigh of relief Lewis slows down until he reaches a small lay-by about two kilometres further on

    8. Further along he knew there were several lay-by's and a woodland car park

    9. Slowing down as he reaches the first lay-by Malcolm pretends to look up into the trees

    10. Glancing down at the road as he reaches the lay-by Malcolm can see wet tyre tracks where someone has turned around in the road recently

    11. Fifteen minutes later the van was back at the gorge and drew to a halt in the lay-by behind the SUV

    12. A late model sedan was parked in the lay-by waiting to cross, but a flash of headlights halted proceedings and Eileen Cauldron’s familiar figure emerged and crossed the road to them

    13. Eventually, they stopped in a lay-by

    14. With the exception of the ongoing play-by-play commentary coming from the TV, a couple moments of silence swiftly passed

    15. … with play-by-play tales of their savvy moves!

    16. Meanwhile a big white van with a black and sunset orange emblem on pulled into the lay-by outside

    17. Still at the window, Greg kept up his play-by-play narrative

    18. It was getting late and the station sedan, its bonnet raised, stood about fifty metres from where a dim orange lamp drooped from a pole set back into the tree line beside the lay-by

    19. It was dark, obviously late at night, some hours since he had pulled into the lay-by and seen the stricken station sedan, but his mind was clear enough to recognise his surroundings

    20. They were in a large unmetalled lay-by parked behind an unmarked saloon and another police car

    21. 'This way,' said Truscott, steering them towards a pathway into the wood at the end of the lay-by, 'Meadows is in there already – he's got it under surveillance

    22. A random circuit in the back part of Reacher’s brain sparked up with a play-by-play: He flew short-notice from LA, and can’t have taken a gun on the plane, so he has operational support in Chicago, at a fairly high level, given that suppressors are illegal in the state of Illinois

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